
Minoxidil side effect - collagen synthesis reduction?


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Hey man any news regarding ur skin ?? Am having the same problem did you recover ??Thanks for ur reply


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I went off minoxidil in the middle of June 2013, so all in all I'm off it for 3 months now. So far, some of the wrinkles around my eyes disappeared, but the dark circles around the eyes hardly recovered at all. Wrinkle state is still pretty bad, but at least some if it disappeared. I read reports by others that they mostly recovered after 6 months, which also makes sense given how long new collagen formation takes, so I still have hope. Someone else on hairloss though said that he only recovered after 3 years. Only time will tell. I will report back in 3 months, when the 6 month mark has been passed.


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I went off minoxidil in the middle of June 2013, so all in all I'm off it for 3 months now. So far, some of the wrinkles around my eyes disappeared, but the dark circles around the eyes hardly recovered at all. Wrinkle state is still pretty bad, but at least some if it disappeared. I read reports by others that they mostly recovered after 6 months, which also makes sense given how long new collagen formation takes, so I still have hope. Someone else on hairloss though said that he only recovered after 3 years. Only time will tell. I will report back in 3 months, when the 6 month mark has been passed.

I used minoxidil 5% for 2 months twice daily only and it gave me wrinkles and pores and especially on the side where i sleep on bed, it has been nearly 2 months 1 week i have been off it there is a slight recovery but the wrinkles are still there. I didnt have black eyes but instead my cheeks became full of pores and wrinkles and my under-eyes are wrinkled 2! i went to a dermatologist and am using a lot of creams and paid a lot of money till now :), but am recovering slowly but the wrinkles and the pores are still there i guess its a time issue ill revert back in 3 months. Btw the derm told me the minoxidil dosent inhibits collagen but am sure its minoxidil because i had always had this baby face and lately i was noticing my face very good and i saw a lot of changes!! hope things will get better stay in touch!


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Guys, buy a dermaroller and use a collagen cream like "masons" from amazon. Derma will accelerate skin healing,increase blood flow,stem cell and collagen. The cream will restore the youth look hopefully, i just ordered the cream and will try it out. Also apply black seed oil on dark eye circles, helped me alot.


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collagen creams dont work google that you should eat healthy, food that contains vitamin C like orange, avogado, use creams that boost collagen and anti wrinkeling creams, go run and go to the gym, i paid a lot of money till now to repair the damage hope it will work keep me updated


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if minoxidil makes u alter and reduces collagen production,then im wondering why minoxidil can bring your hair back on the front/temples as well as dermaroller too..and the combination of both gives u even greater results..
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yeah man it does it ****ed my face up literally, my face is full of wrinkles and pores am using tons of expensive french creams after consulting a very expensive derm, this should give me result with about 6 months so yeah this **** is poison!!! when i finish from this situation am gonna shave my head :) , stay away from it! its an advice man stay away


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Minoxidil brands which are greasy (not sure if its because of some specific ingredient), give me the least side effects, or so Ive noticed.


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Hello !! I´m writting from Spain I really hope you understand my English.
I´m a 41 old woman, who nobody never thought I was my age when I said it. ( Before using minoxidil).
I´ve been on minoxidil for 3 years. (I stopped 4 months ago) and switch to a natural remedy... My face definitely got an important Minoxidil damage..;
I always had a lot of fat face, nice cheeks, full face.... I have now a sunken face, with no cheeks, marked nasolabial wrinkles, shagging, puffed eyes, and I would say caursing features . I think I´ve lost more than a 50% fat from my face. I also have a completely spoiled skin, not alive , dry, but whith some milliums and black marks, big pores.... etc . Horrible. When I meet people who haven´t seen me in 2 or 3 years they look amazed and say " You´ve lost a lot of wheigth. But I´havent. I have 2 or 3 more kilograms than my ussual. I knew this was not a Normal proccesing aging.
Yesterday, after 9 months of research !!! ( when I firts realize the huge changes in my face) I magically found through internet " Than Minoxidil had the fault!. I´m completelly convinced now. YES,, MINOXIDIL INHIBIT FIBROBLASTOS AFECTING COLLAGEN PRODUCTION, and "I vitro showed to kill collagen existent cells". Some of us have seen the Studies. I Did
I have a lot of questions that I hope some of you can maybe answer, but mains are:

After quitting Minoxidil use, did your skin recovered? IF So..., How long did it take ? Basically, is it reversible or not.

Apart from the questions, I want to tell you that I found , in a Spanish forum, a guy recommended the treatment PLASMA RICH IN PLATELET ( and Grown Factors from the platelet)
He said , he did it , and he`s got quite good results. I tried to contac he.
I give importance to this information (prp) becose I continued researching and I´ve read something REALLY interesting that makes me think this treatment can work, that I will explain next time if you like .
Now you have to excuse me but it´s hard for me to think, and write in your language, And I`m really tired from reading...and reading... for the weekend. But I´m really happy AT the End I discovered the origin of my problem! And I never thougt it was the MINOXIDIL .

Regards, and I hope you answer



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Why is that there's never any photos? Dark circles would be easy to show without compromising your anonymity.


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Because this wrinkles side-effect is most likely all in their minds, and they always admit they saw these wrinkles after reading about minoxidil causing wrinkles of course.

Posting a picture would prove that they're seeing things and that there's nothing wrong with the state of their skin for their age.

I have one pronounced wrinkle blow one of my eyes. I'll be 25 tomorrow and have been using minoxidil consistently since my 20th birthday.

And I still have way less wrinkles than the people of my age I meet everyday.

We're all going to get some wrinkles, it's part of ageing (unlike male pattern baldness which is a genetic defect).

At first, I myself didn't believe that minoxidil would cause wrinkles, I imagined the companies producing them would warn against that, Doctors mentioning something about that, or at least someone throwing a bone letting us know that it may damage skin. Until it happened to me. So nope, not in our minds, at least not in mine. I'm 21, and have a baby face. Always have had that, just suddenly after using minoxidil for one month or so, I develop wrinkles and my expression lines have slightly increased. Yeah, we must be like those finasteride users who make false accusations that finasteride causes impotence and erectile dysfunction. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen, are you that thick-skulled that it must happen to you so you'd believe that some are facing those issues? Everyone has different reactions and results from minoxidil, for example you've been using minoxidil for 4 years, yet it doesn't seem to be working for you quite well.

I simply don't understand the logic behind your actions against those who report those side effects, that you would have to go out of your way to discredit them. Thanks to them (especially benjt), I was able to observe it, and minimize the damage that is caused by minoxidil, by reducing the dose, which greatly reduced the side-effects.

You've been using minoxidil for 4 years, ha, it doesn't seem to be actually working for you, where you had to get a transplant. Seriously, I think you're in denial thinking that minoxidil is actually helping you, when it is clear from your story that it haven't. See for example those who used minoxidil for a couple of months, and the results they gained:

After and this guy only applied it twice a week for a year!

Hell, I use minoxidil myself, not planning to stop it as I'm reaping benefits from it, but seriously, don't discredit what we report thinking that we're on some sort of rampage against minoxidil, spreading propaganda and lies about it. Just as you post your stories and what you go through trying to recover your hair, we're doing the exact same thing. Maybe there are some who exaggerate their stories a bit, or whine and complain in general, that doesn't mean all of us are doing the same.


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You read about these sides online and now you're looking for things you weren't looking before so of course you're going to see things you never gave much thought and now think are getting worse.

Not saying you can't get sides from minoxidil but if you look at the official data the sides people report online either weren't mentioned or were very rare like facial bloating, the most common ones were skin irritation (redness), flaking, excess body hair and other sides.


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You read about these sides online and now you're looking for things you weren't looking before so of course you're going to see things you didn't notice before and think are getting worse.

Not saying you can't get sides from minoxidil but if you look at the official data the sides people report online either weren't mentioned or were very rare like facial bloating, the most common ones were skin irritation (redness), flaking, excess body hair and other sides.

No not really. Are you saying because I read about them, now I'm imagining that it's happening? lol, not how it works. There was a guy who blamed minoxidil for erectile dysfunction, if so, according to your logic, I should as well report erectile dysfunction as well? Again, not how it works. I take good care of myself, and do observe well enough to figure that out, it's obvious, prior to August I didn't have even one wrinkle, bam, none, not even expression lines that last. Three weeks later after using minoxidil, I suddenly have a tired face, slightly visible dark circles, general discomfort from bloating, and a wrinkle in my forehead, and expression lines that seem more wrinkly. And I do know that, because I paid extra attention to my face, hair, and receding hair line, like crazy, because I was noticing excessive hair loss in May. So that's three months of viewing myself everyday and examining my face and hair.

Nothing changed in my lifestyle, except minoxidil. I also disbelieved it myself because there was no official data. However research is proving that it influences collagen production, and inhibits that process, I believe that was posted multiple times so I don't really have to post it again. I know what the sides are, I've read them over, and over, and over again, none mention wrinkles. I made a calculated, well-studied decision before using it as chemicals cause systemic changes onto your body. I did get skin rash, flaking (which is basically the dried minoxidil on the hair), accelerated heart beat, weight gain (3-4 kilograms in one day, which went away the other day) extreme itchiness at first. Prior to minoxidil, I didn't get any acne and pimples, for about 3-4 months, so yep, I had smooth skin mostly. I am recovering from the side-effects on a rapid rate, so I'm not really complaining about that, instead I'm trying to balance.

But let me put you in my perspective, do you think Big Phrama would actually mention that side-effect to the users, if it's proven in their labs? Again, this product is a cosmetic product so you know the FDA regulations are minor, no one in their right mind would use it knowing it may cause excessive aging, they aren't exactly your most ethical organization. However, except one report mentions that some users did get wrinkles, albeit a small amount, nonetheless it was reported, source:

And to the guy who -repped my post, have the balls to sign your name, or refute my argument.


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Your mind is very powerful. What if I told you that minoxidil makes the veins on your hands more prominent?

You would look at your hand very carefully and... "Oh my god, it's true! my veins were never that visible before!"

See where I'm getting? The bottom line is that there is no proof that minoxidil causes wrinkles. It's just pure speculation.

Don't discourage new members that could benefit tremendously from minoxidil.

And remember that once you part ways with minoxidil and you don't take finasteride, it's completely over.

There is no alternative to FDA treatments if you want results. You'll just have to watch yourself go bald, only because you're a hypochondriac.

BAHAHAHAHAH! You ignoramus. You think I'm discouraging members to not use minoxidil? I judge your comprehension ability, as you clearly don't understand and haven't understood what I posted earlier. I'm encouraging everyone to use minoxidil, as I use it myself, and will not stop using it, however I'm also trying to learn from others on how to get over the side-effects and wrinklings from minoxidil, yet your lack of intelligence assumed that I'm discouraging them, where you felt the need to defend the product? How pathetic and foolish is that? If anything, I'm contributing to them in terms of information and my own experience with it.

And no, I don't need finasteride, minoxidil alone is working, even after I decreased the dose, I am gaining benefit from it alone. I'm hypochondriac? LOL, Now you're just spewing bullsh*t. I mentioned earlier that I had excessive heart beat, did you see anywhere that I said I stopped because of it? If I was, I would've stopped and threw a rampage against minoxidil letting users not to use it. But no, you're clearly stupid, thinking that I am doing that, instead of posting my own experiences and being sick of shallow f**ks like you, who think everything revolves around them because of how self-centered they are, discrediting those who mentioned they had side-effects that you don't have, I'm not saying all who reported it, are honestly referring to their experience, but a lot of the bunch are. I don't care if there are no alternatives, did I ask you for one? emmm yeah No I didn't, so just shut it.


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minoxidill side effects

just read this man this made me not want to start minoxidill...but im not sure yet.. most of them complain about sexuall side effects from minoxidill....even a guy on Youtube that talked about rogaine and showed Before and after Pictures and stuff he told me the reason he quit rogaine was because he got sexuall side effects...his libido Went down... I dont know what to Believe but many report this it seems


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Hey y’all just want to share my story:

I support the thesis that minoxidil ages your face. I started minoxidil at the age of 22 for beard growth. I was on it for 5 months, stopped for 2 months because I’m bad at keeping regiments, and started up again. After about 2 months into my second dose, I read some of these forums and asked my dermatologist about these side effects. He laughed and said the people lie on the internet, and this is the general consensus among dermatologists, as I have asked 3 different dermatologists in total and they all had the same reaction.

The reason I had asked in the first place was because I was noticing increased dark circles on minoxidil. It should be noted that I’m genetically predisposed to dark circles to begin with. After 4 months into my second dose, I noticed forehead wrinkles and freaked out and stopped. These wrinkles were minor, but nonetheless premature, and not there before minoxidil

I made the mistake of hesitating about three weeks before starting minoxidil a third time. Minoxidil has truly helped hair growth on my face, but it is definitely true, regardless of what doctors or others say, that it can age your face. Part of the reason I was experiencing side effects is because I was (stupidly) using twice the regular dosage. I have now started a third term on minoxidil, using the regular half cap dosage only in the mornings. I’m being very careful to take days off when I notice dark circles start to form under my eyes, but not more than 1-2 days off so that my progress is in vein. I will keep y’all updated

Take aways so far-
-minoxidil is effective for hair growth, I no longe have facial patch spots and I look like a man
- It will age your face if you use too much
- it will not be as effective if you start and stop
- it remains to be seen if I can see the same positive effects with a much lower dosage of the drug, and if this lower dose can mitigate the side effects. After a week on this low dose, I noticed dark circles this morning. I’m taking today off and playing it from there

Hope this helps, I will post again