minoxidil side effects firstly appearing after 2 months?


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Hi Guys
i am confused and a bit worried , maybe you could help me out

i am using minoxidil for 2 and half months now
i had been using minoxidil 5% for 1 month and then switched to the 15% formula for the last 1 month and a half.

i did that since my issue is receding hairline and i had understand the 15% is more efficient in that area.

in the last few days i had started to have an issue with my breathing , its like i am having trouble taking a deep breath into my lungs , i never had this before.

now , do you think this is connected to the minoxidil ?

i mean , if it does - why it took 2 months for this side effect to take place ? is it possible this kind of side effect will only be started after that long? should'nt it started straight away when i started using it 2 and half months ago ?

i guess the best way to check it will be to stop the treatment for some time and see what happen but i am afraid to lose the benefits i got so far.

Thanks in advance!


back to 5% minoxidil

under 5% you have no problem or??

take You Finasterid?

i have the same Problem with minoxidil 5%
few Months goes good than Heartracing-become no air in my Lungs
swelling Face-swelling arround my eyes and so on

slowly i think all Drugs in the Dustpin



what makes your Bloodpressure after minoxidil?
higher oder lower?



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HI Timi , thanks for your reply

there is not really any change in my heart rate , i am not sure the breathing issue is due to the minoxdil , i guess i just don't know , i never had it before - it might be connected , might not


i had this with minoxidil beginning not so bad

but Month for Month worser
than Asthma-my Lungs burning as fire



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i had the exact same thing. started about 2 months after i started using 4-5ml of 5% at a time. i went off for a while and things did go back to normal but hair gains were vanishing too. i went back on and use a little less and still sometimes notice the difficulty in taking in a full deep breath into my lungs but its been months now and it really doesn't matter so much. i think it gets better with time even while staying on the minoxidil. id say to be safe go back to 5% as i really dont think 15% is that much more effective. i really started believe it was all in my head because youre the first person ive seen post about this.


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@magid , thanks for that

i guess i will go back to 5% as well ...

what a crazy side effect , i will see if it will go away with the 5% or not

i mean , hair is important and all but does not worth this kind of side effect