Minoxidil side effects (wrinkles, dark circles) and alternative


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HI, i I would also love to have more info when it comes to minoxidil skin related side effects especially increase in forehead/under eyes wrinkles and other collagen related side effects ( water retention and puffyness of the upper eyelids too)

I know a while back a really knowledgable guy on tressless who had a background in chemistry try to shed some light on that matter and he was also comparing the absorption rate of oral minoxidil vs the topical form.

Here are some studies ive found about minoxidil and collagen inhibition (aka skin aging) : 1 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8844127 2: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7735678 3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2826267It could be really interesting if we could have a final answer about this issue that many ( including myself ) seem to have .Thanks


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HI, i I would also love to have more info when it comes to minoxidil skin related side effects especially increase in forehead/under eyes wrinkles and other collagen related side effects ( water retention and puffyness of the upper eyelids too)

I know a while back a really knowledgable guy on tressless who had a background in chemistry try to shed some light on that matter and he was also comparing the absorption rate of oral minoxidil vs the topical form.

Here are some studies ive found about minoxidil and collagen inhibition (aka skin aging) : 1 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8844127 2: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7735678 3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2826267It could be really interesting if we could have a final answer about this issue that many ( including myself ) seem to have .Thanks

Exactly. I’ve been myself on topical minoxidil for the last 1.5 year and my face has changed drastically. Wrinkles, darker and saggy face skin. I look much older.

I think it also effects the body in a way where it gets more difficult to gain muscles and the body easily stores fat. Effecting the libido as well.

This has been my experience the last 19 months on minoxidil which I am now quitting the use of because of side effects even though I went from bald to a head full of hair.
I hope others will contribute with their experiences as well.

Obs. You can’t say that this doesn’t happen with minoxidil cause nobody actually know how it works.


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Never had any skin aging problems on either topical or oral minoxidil, no dark eyes either, i have a good skin care regimen though, which is essential whether you are using minoxidil or not.


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Fuark. I've been on mino for 4.5 months now, and I got more wrinkles. And I also got quite a few small eyebrow-length hairs one inch distal to the eyes, and little below that. This has happened also the previous and only time I've taken minoxidil, and it came after months.

It's in the same area that the microhairs have appeared that I now get new small wrinkles. Not much but some.
Anyways. If wrinkles are caused by the body (temporary) producing less collagen, won't stopping minoxidil get the collagen production right back up?

Wish I remember more about the last time I was on mino. I think I not only got "eyebrow hairs" but also some wrinkles that vanished distal to the eyes and an inch below. But I can't recall exactly how it went.

HI, i I would also love to have more info when it comes to minoxidil skin related side effects especially increase in forehead/under eyes wrinkles and other collagen related side effects ( water retention and puffyness of the upper eyelids too)

I know a while back a really knowledgable guy on tressless who had a background in chemistry try to shed some light on that matter and he was also comparing the absorption rate of oral minoxidil vs the topical form.

Here are some studies ive found about minoxidil and collagen inhibition (aka skin aging) : 1 : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8844127 2: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7735678 3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2826267It could be really interesting if we could have a final answer about this issue that many ( including myself ) seem to have .Thanks

Have you read more about it since posting? Know I am kinda necroposting, but still find it better to bring this up than start a brand new thread on the same topic.
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Hi from Spain, I want to just comment my little experience with Minoixidil as it has been affected by what I read here and I'm grateful for it ;).
Last week it was my first month with Minoxidil and Finasteride, and I noticed something in my face but I didn't really knew what it was, but as I have a very youthful face and my skin is very sensitive I take a lot of care of it, so the first thing I did was to check on internet if minoxidil can make you look older, and I found this thread and some others.

At first I didn't want to believe that Minoxidil could afect the face with some wrinkles and make the skin look worse, but I checked my face and I noticed some subtles wrinkles under my eyes and the skin around my eyes also looked like a bit dehydrated than usual but I wasn't sure whether that was placebo or it was real.

I stopped using minoxidil just one week ago and now the wrinkles are gone and my skin looks normal. So it is real and it seems that after stopping using minoxidil it gets fixed hopefully.

In fact, in my case it is not so necessary to use Minoxifil as I will have a hair transplant in one year so I will stick with Finasteride which seems to have no side effects on me and is really key to maintain what we still have :).
This sounds good. My emphasis added. But in a week, that's quick. New collagen synthesis takes longer, I'd assume.


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I stopped using minoxidil today. Don't want to sacrifice skin to save hair. And the telogen effluvium that I might had has stopped. I no longer have plenty strands of hairs lying on my mattress. It's actually hard to find them, looking in my pillow area. So that's good, at least. Hopefully telogen effluvium won't start again later when I stop minoxidil today.

Both but that's irrelevant to this discussion. Topically is associated with 2.4-5.4 mg systemic absorption a day as already discussed.
Is this much or little, this «2.4-5.4 mg systemic absorption»?

I have only used minoxidil in my scalp, and never let it run down the skin of the face. But regardless of that, I got what looks like an ant line of hairs running from my beard and up past my eyebrows and half up my forehead to my temporal points. There shouldn't be hairs on my cheeks and below the eyes unless there was some degree of systemic absorption of minoxidil, or at least absorption throughout the skin and scalp of the face, somehow. The «unwanted hairs» (I don't really care much) that run from beard all the way to the temporal points look like small eye brows hair strands, and it's in the same area that my skin looks aged. My skin looks aged below the eyes especially and also somewhat on the sides there. So I am stopping and hoping for the best.

Like I wrote earlier, I think last when I took minoxidil years ago, I also got skin looking aged there, so hoping it'll change back.


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Those sides are bs, and was one of the main reason why I didn't start minoxidil after 10 years of battling hair loss..I wish I woulda man up and stop being a b**ch. I would still have a full head of hair right now. I'm on finasteride and minoxidil with zero sides. Most of the dark circle and wrinkles are people just staring in the mirror checking themselves out way too much.

To anyone that are on the fence and just started losing hair, man up and get on finasteride and minoxidil. I wish I did 10 years ago, smh....Stop reading all these horror stories, it will do you no good.


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Why would you get dark circles under eyes if you don't apply minoxidil to your eyes?

You could say the same about the ant line of fine hair from the beard (!) to the temple points. I am certainly not applying minoxidil to the beard or chin bones and up beside the eye. But all these areas have new hair, so minoxidil is doing something to the hair follicles there. Given minoxidil actually works there, it isn't far fetched it may have another effect on the skin as well. My guess is that it's dose related. I absorb minoxidil too well, is my guess, thus getting hair where I shouldn't and also getting wrinkles.

Are you sure its not placebo?
It likely isn't nocebo. Because I did not expect to see wrinkles, nor did I look for them. What happened was seeing them, going wtf and then googling my way here. That said, correlation may be confounded with causation: It happened simultaneously, wrinkles and using minoxidil. But I do hope and think they'll vanish again.

If I were to begin again, which I might at a later time, I'd use less minoxidil (now I've used 7 sprays of Recrea Forte, or Kirkland at a standard dose). If I'd use less minoxidil and either spread it thin over the scalp, or focus on my front area, I would like see little or no side effects. I think. So that's my plan were I to need it again.

Those sides are bs, and was one of the main reason why I didn't start minoxidil after 10 years of battling hair loss..I wish I woulda man up and stop being a b**ch. I would still have a full head of hair right now. I'm on finasteride and minoxidil with zero sides. Most of the dark circle and wrinkles are people just staring in the mirror checking themselves out way too much.

To anyone that are on the fence and just started losing hair, man up and get on finasteride and minoxidil. I wish I did 10 years ago, smh....Stop reading all these horror stories, it will do you no good.

Bully for you. Or, well, ain't good waiting ten years, but good for you you don't get sides.


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I stopped using minoxidil for 24 hours because I had increasingly saggy facial skin (when I was barely 19 lol) and I had perfect skin. I know I would probably go bald but at least I would have good skin.

Do you know how long and how long the telogen effluvium lasts due to the discontinuation of the minoxidil?


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Can the following counter the effect of minoxidil skin aging?

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ijd.15518 i'm absolutely retarded but do you know which brand of collagen peptide is hould buy that contains high concntrations of pro hyp and hyp gly dipeptides as quoted in Telogen Effluvium study? THANKS

Studies using supplements with higher
concentrations of Pro-Hyp and Hyp-Gly dipeptides showed visi-
ble improvements of the evaluated parameters after 4 weeks


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I stopped using minoxidil for 24 hours because I had increasingly saggy facial skin (when I was barely 19 lol) and I had perfect skin. I know I would probably go bald but at least I would have good skin.

Do you know how long and how long the telogen effluvium lasts due to the discontinuation of the minoxidil?

24 hr of use and get saggy facial skin? cmon dude, its all in your dam head... Gesus christ...


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Exactly. I’ve been myself on topical minoxidil for the last 1.5 year and my face has changed drastically. Wrinkles, darker and saggy face skin. I look much older.

I think it also effects the body in a way where it gets more difficult to gain muscles and the body easily stores fat. Effecting the libido as well.

This has been my experience the last 19 months on minoxidil which I am now quitting the use of because of side effects even though I went from bald to a head full of hair.
I hope others will contribute with their experiences as well.

Obs. You can’t say that this doesn’t happen with minoxidil cause nobody actually know how it works.
Did your face recover? Returned to normal color, saggy skin reversed?