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I just don't understand why Fluridil/RU questions are moved to the experimental section and spironolactone related questions are allowed to stay here. Thats not logical!




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My reason

spironolactone has more history and studies behind it.

While it is not FDA proven it is on the top of the "Unproven & experimental " list

We have a better idea of how spironolactone works and again, we have many more studies on it.

We also have a better idea what the long term results are like.

We also have a better idea what the drug interactions are.

Fluridil/RU doesn't have those major factors supporting it..... yet.

Besides, that section is a ghost town and it needs more traffic.

As I type this reply, the first post is recent, and the last post on the page is from September. That area could be informative and busy, but rarely anything new or any good topics are put in there .No one ever gets used to looking there. I bet allot of people don't even know that it is there.

EDIT: On a personal note, I am extremely interested in he product! :)


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I get your point cassin. But I've never seen a convincing in vivo study of spironolactone. Do you mean "Antiandrogenic Effects of Topically Applied Spironolactone on the Hamster Flank Organ" ?

I agree that that section needs more traffic ! :)



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Studies posted by Bryan and others (mainly Bryan of course.)

One of the most obvious things I failed to mention was safety. While more than likely Fluridil/RU is ok. We just don't know for sure like we do with spironolactone. If your on drug (whatever) and you apply Fluridil/RU could it possibly hurt you? We just don't know yet.

For sure that area will get better if more stuff is moved there and people learn to look there. It will piss people off at times but in the long run it is better for the posters. Besides if a "shadow" of the post is left, it can ALWAYS be found buy people who saw it in the general section and they will be able to track it. The post is simply being moved, not deleted.

There is some seriously cool stuff in there.When I see that a new post is there I always look there first since more than likely I am about to read something new. Granted allot of it is off the wall, but it is more entertaining than "a place to buy finasteride cheap" topic.

It is nothing personal against the poster.


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Cassin said:
One of the most obvious things I failed to mention was safety. While more than likely Fluridil/RU is ok. We just don't know for sure like we do with spironolactone. If your on drug (whatever) and you apply Fluridil/RU could it possibly hurt you? We just don't know yet.
I don't know about RU, but there have been safety studies done on Fluridil, which prove that it is not absorbed into tbe bloodstream at all. Even if it was, it breaks down in the presence of water, making it impossible to exist in the bloodstream. If anything is safe, Fluridil is.


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mvpsoft said:
I don't know about RU, but there have been safety studies done on Fluridil, which prove that it is not absorbed into tbe bloodstream at all. Even if it was, it breaks down in the presence of water, making it impossible to exist in the bloodstream. If anything is safe, Fluridil is.

Please hop in there and post them when you get a chance. I have always wanted that area to have more activity. I was dead serious when I said I check that area first if I see a post there.


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mvpsoft said:
Cassin said:
One of the most obvious things I failed to mention was safety. While more than likely Fluridil/RU is ok. We just don't know for sure like we do with spironolactone. If your on drug (whatever) and you apply Fluridil/RU could it possibly hurt you? We just don't know yet.
I don't know about RU, but there have been safety studies done on Fluridil, which prove that it is not absorbed into tbe bloodstream at all. Even if it was, it breaks down in the presence of water, making it impossible to exist in the bloodstream. If anything is safe, Fluridil is.

Yes! The most recent study on fluridil does show that it is safe. Actually I believe the fluridil breaks up into 2 other molecules that are safe even if it is absorbed systematically. I don't remember exactly, but I know the study did show its safety. I'll have to read it again.


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A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of botanically derived inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

Prager N, Bickett K, French N, Marcovici G.

Clinical Research and Development Network, Aurora, CO, USA.

BACKGROUND: Androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia) is characterized by the structural miniaturization of androgen-sensitive hair follicles in susceptible individuals and is anatomically defined within a given pattern of the scalp. Biochemically, one contributing factor of this disorder is the conversion of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) via the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5AR). This metabolism is also key to the onset and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Furthermore, Androgenetic Alopecia has also been shown to be responsive to drugs and agents used to treat BPH. Of note, certain botanical compounds have previously demonstrated efficacy against BPH. Here, we report the first example of a placebo-controlled, double-blind study undertaken in order to examine the benefit of these botanical substances in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to test botanically derived 5AR inhibitors, specifically the liposterolic extract of Serenoa repens (LSESr) and beta-sitosterol, in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. Subjects: Included in this study were males between the ages of 23 and 64 years of age, in good health, with mild to moderate Androgenetic Alopecia. RESULTS: The results of this pilot study showed a highly positive response to treatment. The blinded investigative staff assessment report showed that 60% of (6/10) study subjects dosed with the active study formulation were rated as improved at the final visit. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes the effectiveness of naturally occurring 5AR inhibitors against Androgenetic Alopecia for the first time, and justifies the expansion to larger trials.


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Bismarck said:
The blinded investigative staff assessment report showed that 60% of (6/10) study subjects dosed with the active study

10 subjects? 10 is barely even a suggestion not even a hint....not even a remote fact.

Still though. I look forward to further proof of this product.

I have hopes for this one!


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Cassin said:
Bismarck said:
The blinded investigative staff assessment report showed that 60% of (6/10) study subjects dosed with the active study

10 subjects? 10 is barely even a suggestion not even a hint....not even a remote fact.

How many subjects were in the spironolactone-study ?


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Bismarck said:
How many subjects were in the spironolactone-study ?

But even if there were only 10 in the spironolactone study(s), we still have time of use and the safety profile of the drug itself to refer to.

It would be nice if they did a double blind with at least 100 patients for around a year.

EDIT :Here you go Biz...Published by legit journals....(Not good for dial up users)

There are mroe out there, I will try to find them for you.


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Are you mad cause a thread of yours got moved? :)

Look, brought us on to reduce clutter in the general forum as well as overall assistance. It'll be a little while, but people will adjust and hopefully use all the forums eventually.


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Axon said:
Are you mad cause a thread of yours got moved? :)

Look, brought us on to reduce clutter in the general forum as well as overall assistance. It'll be a little while, but people will adjust and hopefully use all the forums eventually.

Axon, if you'd move all the threads where they belong to, the "Off-topic" -section would contain more posts than "Mens General".


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Well to be fair..i think all topics almost are serious topics just they kinda drift off topic a couple pages in......but if that didnt happen this site would be a bunch of boring info


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Bismarck said:
Axon said:
Are you mad cause a thread of yours got moved? :)

Look, brought us on to reduce clutter in the general forum as well as overall assistance. It'll be a little while, but people will adjust and hopefully use all the forums eventually.

Axon, if you'd move all the threads where they belong to, the "Off-topic" -section would contain more posts than "Mens General".

I disagree, but thanks for the input! :)

Seriously, yeah, we get off topic WITHIN the thread, but usually there is some good discussion. Again, part of the gig is bringing threads back on track, and you'll see an active effort on our part to do so in the future. However, I'm not going to disaude users from showing the personality that makes this forum so great.


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You are not alone Bis. I started a post on Nu Hair, which I know is most likely a bogus treatment, saying how a family member ordered it and gave it to me for some reason. I can see why my post might of been moved for not being considered a "general hair loss" topic, but then I look in the GHLD forum and see recent threads that have nothing to do with hair loss at all and yet don't get moved. I know you guys are new and all, but if you are going to do your job as a moderator then don't do it half-assed and be selective on what you want to move.


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Odelay said:
You are not alone Bis. I started a post on Nu Hair, which I know is most likely a bogus treatment, saying how a family member ordered it and gave it to me for some reason. I can see why my post might of been moved for not being considered a "general hair loss" topic, but then I look in the GHLD forum and see recent threads that have nothing to do with hair loss at all and yet don't get moved. I know you guys are new and all, but if you are going to do your job as a moderator then don't do it half-assed and be selective on what you want to move.

Odelay, I think the problem is that nobody reads the other sections. If somebody starts a topic about "celebreties and hairloss" it has 5 pages after 2 days but hot stuff in todays hair loss research seems to be completely ignored.
Maybe moving all threads where they really belong to would make the other sections more frequently visted and posters would choose the appropriate section.
And yes when moving certain posts to the unproven section, then please also all Xandrox posts.



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See, that's the thing - it's subjective. I'd leave Xandrox here or in treatments before moving it to unproven - unless the topic was strictly on AA. If you asked 10 users, you'd get different answers.

Also, personally, I don't want to come across as a nazi, so I err more towards leaving things where they lie. Celebrity threads will be moved to off-topic, so be warned if I see 'em.

It's a fine line here and not everyone is going to be happy. I know you guys threw your stuff into Gen. Disc. because it's the catch-all forum with the most replies. Hopefully people will start to frequent the other forums as often as they do this one.