

Senior Member
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Axon, you have to agree that it is quite disappointing to find a posting about Fluridil (which has a safety profile and a clinical trial has been done) between "urine therapy" and the "BX-3 helmet".



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There's a huge grey area here guys. We can't just draw a line because everyone here would draw a line in a differnet place.
General hairloss discussions can include silly posts like "I wish I had so and so's hair"...It still kind of relates to hairloss so it may or may not be off topic...Even Bryan's 2% milk thread as silly as it was had some interesting info in there regarding abbreviations for minoxidil and the correct way to type "minoxidil %5" :p so it will probably stay.
However I have to agree with Axon those celebrity hair posts annoy the sh&% out of me. But Axon can have those :p
Xandrox can probably go in three forums.

You guys got to remember something, we don't read EVERY single post.

We're just doing what we were doing before we became moderators, which is reading threads that interest us and try to help out the new guys. If we see something that can be better served somewhere else then we move it. In just about every case we leave a shadow of the post in the original forum. It can still be accessed in the forum it was moved from but it just won't go up to the top anymore.
Basically, We're just using our best judgement which you may or may not agree with.



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Meh. The point is we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. If I don't move thread I'll get sh*t on; if I move some threads there will be whining about incosistency; if I move a lot of threads, there will be nazi accusations.

There might be silly posts in that section, but that's true universally on this board. Relax, and hopefully we'll get people using all the sections.


Experienced Member
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I think more people should atleast look at the other forums...i myself dont usually post in the other ones but i do look at and read the posts and issues..i think more people should atleast give the other forums that right


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There is no need for anyone to take it personal. It's just simply moving a thread. Like has been stated on this thread by BHD,AXON and I, people are gonna get pissed but it will make the ENTIRE forum better in the long run. Were all prepared to get flamed.

As I have now said on these forums 10 times this past week.......The unproven area could be a cool offerred up the MOD job for that area and nobody took him up. It is the single most underused area and it doesn't have to be. It won't get better unless stuff gets moved there.


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Bismarck said:
Odelay, I think the problem is that nobody reads the other sections. If somebody starts a topic about "celebreties and hairloss" it has 5 pages after 2 days but hot stuff in todays hair loss research seems to be completely ignored.
Maybe moving all threads where they really belong to would make the other sections more frequently visted and posters would choose the appropriate section.
And yes when moving certain posts to the unproven section, then please also all Xandrox posts.


I agree that very few people read posts in the other forums, I know I have been visiting this site for a while now and have yet to venture into any forum but the General topic one. And like you said the posts that have nothing to do with hair loss end up getting the most posts and end up with 50-100+ pages of off topic stuff. And I haven't looked yet, but the last time I did there was yet another way off topic thread in the General Forum rounding the 7 page mark, which had yet to be moved.


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Axon said:
Meh. The point is we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. If I don't move thread I'll get sh*t on; if I move some threads there will be whining about incosistency; if I move a lot of threads, there will be nazi accusations.

There might be silly posts in that section, but that's true universally on this board. Relax, and hopefully we'll get people using all the sections.

Please, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill on how easy it is to decide which posts should be moved. People going on about trivial things like minoxidil abbreviations and sentence phrasing have no place GHL Forum, and whomever wanted to keep it in the forum needs to narrow their "grey areas."

The best way to solve the problem is turn the Men's General Hair Loss Discussions forum into what its description says it is, a place for people to ask questions about hair loss and get answers. If there is not a question about hair loss then the thread gets moved to a new forum that would appropriately be labled "Hairloss Misc," which would not be confused with the "Off Topic / Anything & Everything" forum because it would be hair loss related. Of course you could just do what has been working so far which is to do nothing, don't move any post, keep Ken at bay and leave the forum alone.


there is a small crack on the left hand side of my BX-3 helmet, it where I dropped it (it hit the edge of my piss bucket, where I collect my 'lotion') should I be concerned?




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Odelay said:
Axon said:
Meh. The point is we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. If I don't move thread I'll get sh*t on; if I move some threads there will be whining about incosistency; if I move a lot of threads, there will be nazi accusations.

There might be silly posts in that section, but that's true universally on this board. Relax, and hopefully we'll get people using all the sections.

Please, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill on how easy it is to decide which posts should be moved. People going on about trivial things like minoxidil abbreviations and sentence phrasing have no place GHL Forum, and whomever wanted to keep it in the forum needs to narrow their "grey areas."

The best way to solve the problem is turn the Men's General Hair Loss Discussions forum into what its description says it is, a place for people to ask questions about hair loss and get answers. If there is not a question about hair loss then the thread gets moved to a new forum that would appropriately be labled "Hairloss Misc," which would not be confused with the "Off Topic / Anything & Everything" forum because it would be hair loss related. Of course you could just do what has been working so far which is to do nothing, don't move any post, keep Ken at bay and leave the forum alone.

Not really. You're misinterpreting me. I moved the Bryan 2% thread because it was an easy one, unfortunately, not all threads are.

We just got a three page thread thrashing us. I've been a mod on a number of sites and what was said here is always an issue. Move this, don't move that. There's lots of monday morning mods out there. Frankly, it seem like people just don't like it when other users become mods. I don't know if that's the case here, and I'm not suggesting that applies to you in particular, but it will come up. It always does.

In the end, I'll mod my way, (and keep in mind I'm not Cassin or BHD, they're going to do their own thing) and if you become a mod, you can do it your way. My way is to let things lie unless it's blatant, in the manner you suggested. Ken shows up it gets deleted, if a flame war occurs, it gets locked.

For the users, the best thing is to just relax and not worry about what gets moved.

As for changing the forums around, you're gonna have to talk to about that.


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Odelay said:
Of course you could just do what has been working so far which is to do nothing, don't move any post, keep Ken at bay and leave the forum alone.

Huh???Posts have always been moved. I've seen it many times.


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BadHairDecade said:
Odelay said:
Of course you could just do what has been working so far which is to do nothing, don't move any post, keep Ken at bay and leave the forum alone.

Huh???Posts have always been moved. I've seen it many times.

Yup. You just rarely see the "Moved:" part as much as we obviously like to leave. I would rather leave that visible so people can find the topic. It doesn't look as clean but the topic is much easier to find.

I do find it ironic people are mad because topics are moved to a section with little activity when the main purpose of moving it is to liven up the area and to get the site more organized. A concerted effort is being made to get more traffic to the entire site. How about at least giving us time to get it sorted out? Yeah were going to make a few mistakes in the process but how about a chance?

Anyway.......this topic has now gone full circle twice. Personally I have nothing left to say as I have repeated myself twice now. There is no way to make everyone happy. People will get mad no matter what is done. People got mad the old way, people are mad the new way.