Mom freaked out


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so my mom found my fincar in the mail and is flipping out. shes like your not balding, etc. thinks I'm crazy for risking fertililty etc. (i'm 20, a definite norwood 2 possible 3 and she just says our family has high foreheads). I tried to explain to her how i'm definititly losing hair if not balding. i used the analogy of a volcano. it could be a mauna loa and be a constant slow flow, it could be a vesuvius and level a pompeii instantly... things like that. She didnt go for it and thinks im crazy. Now I have to go to a derm and actually hear about it first hand which is gonna suck. I wish she could have been sympathetic. She wants me to wait and talked about transplants and I tried to tell her im way to young for that and she freaked out and didnt understand. I hate having to talk about this...


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hey man
Just stick with the treatments your using now. See a derm as soon as you can and then you could use the finasteride and your mum will be ok with it. I dont think a few weeks will make a difference. Goodluck, you have to understand all parents freak out when they hear we are using drugs to stop hair loss


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OMG, this has to be the funniest post I have ever read.. :lol: :D :lol:

Not to make fun of your problem but dude this is funny sh*t. I am picturing this in my head and cant stop laughing... :D



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classic :lol: my parents was kinda like that when i was NW1....


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Dont listen to your mom, its your body! Of course our mothers will never see the problem they dont and cant understand. In her eyes you will always be a lovely handsome young man. All mine ever said was "don't be stupid it does'nt matter". ? to her maybe!
So I went and got my clippers and said "if it does'nt matter then why don't you shave off your own hair right now"?
If I'd listened to her I'd still be a nw6.
If your male relatives are all bald/balding she can't dispute that you have a problem.


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ang_99 wow... your just quite the satirist thanks for noticing my predicament and all the hidden humor I used.


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s.a.f said:
All mine ever said was "don't be stupid it does'nt matter". ? to her maybe!
So I went and got my clippers and said "if it does'nt matter then why don't you shave off your own hair right now"?

Good response. If anyone ever says that crap to me I'll tell them that too. They'll say, "I could, but I just don't feel like it right now." Yeah, well maybe I don't feel like going bald, so that is why I'm taking meds.


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In the case of balding, mother most definitely does not know best!

I always turn to my mum when I'm having any kind of troubles and I was no different when I started to go thin on top - her advice was to eat more fish and stop rubbing my hair so vigorously when I dry it. Hmm....

Even to this day she says if you keep putting all that sh*t in your hair (ie my topicals) you'll only make it worse!


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Yes thats why we're all going bald, because we dont eat enough fish! Could'nt possibly have anything to do with the crap genes that they gave us? :lol:


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Barry_Blue said:
In the case of balding, mother most definitely does not know best!

I always turn to my mum when I'm having any kind of troubles and I was no different when I started to go thin on top - her advice was to eat more fish and stop rubbing my hair so vigorously when I dry it. Hmm....

Even to this day she says if you keep putting all that $#iT in your hair (ie my topicals) you'll only make it worse!

Is this a joke?
Why aren't all the vegetarians going bald? or the guys who bush their pretty hair a lot, or vigerously towel their hair?


When I was crying to my mother about my hair loss she said: "Oh, don´t worry your relatives will love you even with hair loss!" :roll:

Old Baldy

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s.a.f said:
Yes thats why we're all going bald, because we dont eat enough fish! Could'nt possibly have anything to do with the crap genes that they gave us? :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Also,your comment on getting the shears out and having her hair shaved off had me on the floor!! :D :D :shock:


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s.a.f said:
Yes thats why we're all going bald, because we dont eat enough fish! Could'nt possibly have anything to do with the crap genes that they gave us? :lol:

interesting point, saf.

thought about this one myself and in view of the misery of going bald which we all know first hand, i have a question for you all.

are you going to abstain from passing your genes on and not have kids?

save any future generation the abject misery of balding.

don't you think this is a sacrifice worth making?


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Ginald : Any kid of mine if they follow me will have much more than just hairloss to worry about (seriously).
Also still waiting for a woman who wants to have my kids. :cry:
Its a serious point though in the animal kingdom its known as natural selection.


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s.a.f said:
Ginald : Any kid of mine if they follow me will have much more than just hairloss to worry about (seriously).
Also still waiting for a woman who wants to have my kids. :cry:
Its a serious point though in the animal kingdom its known as natural selection.

sorry, saf....had to laugh at your comment on any kids of yours.

havent had any myself so am going to give myself 5 gold stars for such a selfless sacrifice.

regards escaping a wipeout by natural selection:

do you think we would be at a serious disadvantage as bald cavemen or is head hair merely cosmetic only?

what purpose does hair serve other than cosmetic?
if the bald caveman's head got cold he could always stick a dead rabbit on it


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What about insulation of the head to help maintain blood temperature brain function. Not needed now?


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The practical purpose of hair is to insulate our heads from the cold. (much of our body heat is lost from our heads) Sheild our scalps from the sun (since the suns rays shine directly down our head is most exposed) and protect our delicate heads from minor cuts and bumps. Obviously cavemen needed hair more than we do in todays modern society. But today all hair is used for is an expression of personality. Seriously! any phychiatrist will tell you this. People use their hair to project an image of themselves to others. Along with the clothes that they choose to wear. Ie a bank manager will not have a mohican because it does not project a sensible image. they would instead choose a short neat style. But someone wanting to project a trendy/fun/youthfull image would often dye their hair or style it in an extravagant manner :hairy: . This is just another of the distressing factors about losing your hair, especialy for younger sufferers.
Getting back to your other topic Kids:
Obviously any parent would do all they can to protect their child from any suffering or distress, but if you and your male relatives have all succumed to high levels of hairloss then its an almost certainty that your offspring would follow in your footsteps.
Sometimes I see my next door neighbour and his kid the guy is a nw6/7 in his late 30's and when you look at his 4yr old you can see the genetic pattern, the kid is a nw2 with a prodominant curve in his temples and even signs of a thin crown. I can see this poor kid will be losing it at 18 and probably bald by 30.
Myself I am single anyway (32yrs old) but although its only natural to desire to have offspring its not a strong urge in my case. I dont think of myself as having good genetics to pass onto the world and I doubt that I'd make a good father anyway as I'm much too used to living an independant lifestyle. (I dont think I could cope with it) So I very much doubt if I will ever have kids.


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actually, saf, from your clearly well thought out and considered reply i suspect you would make a rather good father if a little baby saf were to suddenly appear.

also i just realised that far from patting myself and every other non-reproductive baldy on the back for remaining childless, i should be shouting it out....get breeding.

after all the more us baldies can sow our bald genetics into the next generation then the more baldies there'll be......eventually there will be 100% baldness within the male population and it then becomes totally normal to be a shine domer!!!!!

brilliant.....get fornicating everyone.


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ginald said:
are you going to abstain from passing your genes on and not have kids?

save any future generation the abject misery of balding.

don't you think this is a sacrifice worth making?

Ginald, ever since I have started losing my hair, I have always thought about this.

s.a.f said it best, having hair is a way to express yourself and it can be devastating for anyone. Would never want my kids to suffer like this.