More hair = more confidence = bigger jerk


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There's a difference between being a jerk, and looking back on yourself and admiring that quality. I am a jerk sometimes, out of my control, when I feel very confident, but in no way am I proud of it.


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Deaner said:
You guys all got beat up in high school didn't you?

Not me, never lost a fight back then. But I liked to fight, thats why I boxed and wrestled and studied Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Got my *** kicked doin that stuff quite a few times though.

BTW, what does that matter? Whats the correlation to hair loss?


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I definitely appreciate all the feedback, some interesting points to say the least. Melbs and social_drinker hit it dead on. I'm not going to the point of finding random people at parties to start trash-talking and being a total a**h** to. It's hard to explain, but it's that extra cocky "edge", the tendency to act a little self-centered and a little boistrous at times. Trust me, we all hate the COMPLETE assholes who get the most out of life when they're tearing someone down entirely.


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Im the same way. Its like you know what its like to look bad so when you look good or back to your average you apreciate it more.


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Its great to feel confident... i seem to have less and less days i do these days... so if im a bit boisterous at times on those good days... so be it. Id still kill for another 2000 hairs up front!


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Anyway, I didn't mean to come off like a c***. I'm glad you're feeling more confident. Just remember that looks are fleeting and that you WILL get old. I recall you being very young so you're at that invincible stage. male pattern baldness can take sudden and drastic turns for the worse, so be humble.

Use it to get laid, but not for braggadocio.


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Deaner said:
I find as my hair improves, I gain confidence, and as a byproduct become slightly more cocky, resulting in being a bigger jackass. When my hair was at its worst, I was the nicest I'd ever been. I've always had a reputation for being a slightly obnoxious jackass (hey, it's never hurt my popularity, do what works I say!), but there was a time when people didn't even recognize my personality any longer, because after a year or two of not seeing each other since highschool, they met the nicer (albeit balder) me.

In the last 6 months, my hair has improved at a breakneck pace. My transition from nice guy to confident jackass has moved at an exponentially faster pace.

The worst part is I'm entirely alright with all this. After all, I'm getting my hair

(back ;)

well c'mon, this is overgeneralizing. Plenty of good-looking guys with plenty of hair are nice and meek as well. lessee, Johnny Depp is a good example. Im a good example. Dickheads are just dickheads, regardless of hair. When I look at some guy with full spikey hair just trying his best to be cool adn attractive, I think 'shallow' which translates to 'fake' then trans-translates to 'jerk' in my eyes. Self-important shallowness is a much bigger indicator of being a jerk that some guy spouting off an insult or two. Hell, I dont know.. I try not to get involved with with worrying about other people I'd just avoid in the first place.