Morning wood


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What up Fellas,

Been on Propecia for 4 months and a week now and for the first time since the first weeks of taking the drug I got morning wood!!!!!The sexual side effects seem to be going away slowly, my libido is coming back up. Anyways, for those of you with the side effects, hang in there!!!



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Hey Mate, Good thing to know. Just hit my 4 month mark yesterday and my libido is still very low - but nowhere near non-exising though.

Since we're so similar in our propecia treatment let me ask you, did you shed alot? Has your hairloss stopped> Is your hair better/worse/same as 4 months ago? Cheers.


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Well, to be honest with you I shed like crazy. There were days that were better then others and my hair is thin at the fron, it wasnt bad before. But this week things have started to get better, the shedding has slowed down a lot and my side effects have almost dimished. Im hoping that regrowth is just around the corner and that this positive effect is here to stay. I have read alot that people shed through months 3-4 and from there things do get better. One of the timeline shows an increase in libio in the first weeks, a decrease in the following weeks and shedding through months 3-4. I have fallen exaclty into that timeline. Now its all about keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

Hope this helps,


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Thanks, Same situation here - have been leaving a trail of hair behind my for the last 4 months :lol: Like you, some days more and some days less.

Now hitting my 4 month mark I'm just getting worried (read: freaking out!) that I'm not responing to treatment but I do have tons of vellus hair everywhere. Have you got these?

Does anybody have any experience with regrowing their Propecia shed? Does the regrowth start with vellus hair that then turn into terminal hairs?


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Also, This week had pain in my right nut! Has this got to do with production of testerone or something??


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Hey Mate,

I do have vellus hairs along my hairline which I hope will shed over and over until they become terminal hairs. Another thing you have to remember is that once a hair is shed it takes a few months before it grows again because it has entered the resting phase. No matter what, the hairs lost with Propecia should grow back because the process of minituarization takes time. But if the drug is working that process will be reversed so everytime you lose a hair it should, in theory, grow back thicker and thicker. I also take into consideration that the hairs that I lost a few months ago should be sprouting now. Once the shedding slows down the large amounts of hair that I lost will hopefully grow thicker helping restore some of the hair I have lost in areas. This is, of course, if the drug is working for me. I do, strongly believe that it is, but I guess only time will tell.

On a side note, I have just started Tricomin as a growth and scalp therapy. In studies it has show great promise in the aleviation of inflamation and speeding up the growth process. I figure that having Propecia, Tricomin, and Nizoral would be a good mix.



PartTimeNinja said:
Also, This week had pain in my right nut! Has this got to do with production of testerone or something??

Yeah I got mild 'nut acheâ„¢' just in 'the left speaker' when I started lasted for a few days.

I have read that this has been heard of as a side, but keep an eye on it just in case it is something else like nut rot :freaked:


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Thanks - seems like you have been reading up on things.

Except from the massive shedding which shows that you (we) are responding to something in propecia what else do you base this on?:

"This is, of course, if the drug is working for me. I do, strongly believe that it is".

When you are shedding on propecia does this show that the drug is working or just that it's affecting the system?


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I believe that a shed is a good indicator that the drug is working. Means that the follicles that have been affected by the DHT are being ejected and going into a resting phase. Also, the fact that people get mild side effects from the drug means that its running its course through your system. Eventually your body is suppossed to normalize and the side effects, although may still be minor, wont be as bad as they were in the beginning.

Read the following:




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My derm told me that finasteride does not cause excessive shedding. Topical treatments are more likely to do so.


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You derm is wrong man. You will find out from this forum that there are much more educated people in hairloss on this board then your average derm. I found out the same thing. Read the article on shedding from the main page of


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I am starting to believe that a lot of Derms really dont know much about Propecia. I remember when I went my Doctor told me that in 2 to 3 months I should regrow some hair. i was all excited until i did my own homework. I believe that a lot of Docs simply get a call from Propecia and with a brief overview of the drug they start prescribing it. But that is just what I think....



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its all guess work in a white coat.......that or putting women to sleep then "depositing a check into her bank"


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shocking really that people are paying money for their advice and most of them know jack ***! When you think about it's a scam really since you do not get what you pay for!

On the other hand my doctor did not know anything either but I guess you can't really expect that since general doctors have to know something about a lot of topics and can therefore not be experts in everything.....

......derms and Procerin....


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Pica Pau.....wood pecker.....where you from Chujgcha?


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Cool sh*t man, Im from Brasil! One of my best friends is from Santa Cruz, Boliva.