nice result man, are you still on propecia? Did you experienced sides because of minoxiil such as unwanted body hair on the body face or hands? did you got aging of the skin because of minoxidil ?
And did it worsen your hairline in the beginning? did you massageyour minoxidil or just let it soak
Sorry for all the question , but my case is similar to yours because my hairline is my main concern, i'm now 6 month on minoxidil and 22 month and propecia and i'm worse than baseline.
Thanks. I don't have my ideal hairline or anything, but given that I started up with treatments more than six years ago, I guess I should be grateful that things seem to be at least maintained.
I'm still on Propecia. I'll admit that I've had moments of questioning if it was worth it, but I know that once I go off of it, it would probably be game over for my hair.
I don't feel like I suffered any cosmetic side effects from any treatments. My hands are and have always been pretty much free of hair. Aside from some stray hairs here and there, I only grow hair on my chest (not a ton, either) and a bit on my abdomen. I have an oval face that seems to be greatly affected any time I put on scale weight, so I would say I don't look much different in the face. I'm in my early thirties now, but still usually get carded and it's not rare to have someone be taken aback that I'm not only of legal drinking age; I'm more than 10 years past it.
If you look at my first pictures in the thread, you see that my hairline was already pretty crappy before starting meds. So I don't think it got any worse. In fact, even now when I see my hair (especially my forelock) and think it's getting worse, I'm surprised to see that my hairline in the photos from 2009 look weaker than now.
I kinda do both massage and soak. I use the liquid, so it can get runny on the hairline (since I don't have a ton of density and that's where I put probably at least half of the dropper's worth of liquid), which leads to me just rubbing it into the area. But for the top of my head, I just let it soak.
I feel your pain, man. There's a reason I've reappeared in this thread every couple of years: I still periodically worry about my hair and hairloss, which gets me reading these forums.
I've accepted I'm never going to have the hair I want, short of getting a hair transplant. But I've also accepted that there's only so much you can do. I admire the persistence of people who spends hours and hours searching for the perfect regimen, but honestly, it seems so exhausting. So while I'd love to just maintain what I have, I understand that I'm basically doing all I can right now within reason: Propecia, Rogaine, and Nizoral. I take care of my body, try to eat well, get rest, etc. If that ends up not being enough to keep me from thinning out, then I have to accept that I at least went down with a fight.