MSM best for making hair grow faster?


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Ok so I decided to buzz cut my hair to a number 3 yesterday and to be honest it looks horrid. Before it was quite tricky to see that I was thinning but now it's really obvious. I'm so embarrassed I've been wearing a hat all day.

I'd really like for it to grow back quite quickly so was thinking of adding a supplement to my regime (I'm currently on finasteride and nizoral). What would you guys recommend? MSM?

Also where in the UK can I get it from, Boots perhaps? I had a look in Superdrug earlier but didn't see any, maybe it's labelled something different though I'm not sure. Any help would be VERY much appreciate. Cheers


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its not like its gonna work right away and make yer hair grow faster..just like any other thing you put in yer body..has to get use to it and even that..i highly doubt youll see any hair growing faster for a month or so


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msm doesn't do sh*t

just wash your hair two times a day and try to stay active, before you know it, your hair will have grown long again


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My Regimen
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you can get msm from holland and barretts...

Everytime I take MSM, my hair and nails grow faster..........


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Ian Curtis said:
Its bad to wash your hair twice a day with shampoo.

It is?

If i don't wash twice a day my hair gets all oily, i hate going to bed smelly


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elvis123 said:
Ian Curtis said:
Its bad to wash your hair twice a day with shampoo.

It is?

If i don't wash twice a day my hair gets all oily, i hate going to bed smelly

There is nothing wrong with being a bit smelly and dirty. If anything, bad bacteria and viruses are essential to keep the immune system working and ready for serious illnesses.

I shower almost everyday but my showers aren't exactly for hygiene purposes, I shower to feel fresher.

There are also the pheromones, a suitable mate will find your smell as sexy while others will get repulsed by it.


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Dr.Pickart told me that can help if you have dry scalp problem, you should take it with vitamin C other wise is useless

Ian Curtis

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elvis123 said:
Ian Curtis said:
Its bad to wash your hair twice a day with shampoo.

It is?

If i don't wash twice a day my hair gets all oily, i hate going to bed smelly
You wash your hair twice a day and it gets oily? should see a dermatologist.
People generally shouldnt wash their hair more than once a day as it takes the oil protection of the scalp, I dunno about you.


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Your hair grows like crazy for a while after starting MSM but then something
happens and it slows to normal.


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Well i respect a lot , your self inducted experiences (no irony), but i disagree completly, to me the results are noticeble and much similar to the results of this study (yes, it seems that there's some study, contrary to what some people say)
This page can also share some light ... ulphur.htm
other ... 2650014154
May not have been many, but at least there's some evidence..and more important, i can really see my case in these results, with me, MSM does cause my nails and hair to grow faster, and the hair looks healthier...did it grew hair, where there was none? No, but the maximum periods i've taken daily MSM, never exceed 6 months, besides i'm not taking it for the hair to regrow, but to when "signaled" to do so with other substances, may be helped and boosted by MSM and likes

Try it yourselves, if there's many things people don't agree, one thing i think is established for's that it's relatvly inexpensive and safe to try/take..than let you be the judge


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toivonen said:
Well i respect a lot , your self inducted experiences (no irony), but i disagree completly, to me the results are noticeble and much similar to the results of this study (yes, it seems that there's some study, contrary to what some people say)
This page can also share some light ... ulphur.htm
other ... 2650014154
May not have been many, but at least there's some evidence..and more important, i can really see my case in these results, with me, MSM does cause my nails and hair to grow faster, and the hair looks healthier...did it grew hair, where there was none? No, but the maximum periods i've taken daily MSM, never exceed 6 months, besides i'm not taking it for the hair to regrow, but to when "signaled" to do so with other substances, may be helped and boosted by MSM and likes

Try it yourselves, if there's many things people don't agree, one thing i think is established for's that it's relatvly inexpensive and safe to try/take..than let you be the judge

I'm glad it's working for you. The study by Lawrence is the one I quoted on my blog post; I'm not too impressed by the study, since it was clearly not peer-reviewed and no one has been able to repeat the results. But as I've said, my experience is anecdotal too, so it doesn't necessarily mean MSM doesn't work in anybody (though that is my suspicion).

Have you measured your nail growth when you take MSM and when you don't?


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Ok JLL.. I am taking MSM every morning and night 3000 mg + 1000mg vitamin C for every intake. Half-life of MSM is 12 hours in the body and toxic like water.My nails and my hair never grow that fast since. I added Silica and my nails just go crazy and my hair look healthier and very very dark.. At first, it wasn't working so I changed brand and after a couple weeks I started to see results... I am taking a powder form that taste like sh*t but worked at the end for me... For the first like 3 weeks, I was double-dosing (load phase) and reduced it as soon I started to see results. I have no problems with new guys coming here and sharing their experiences.. bad or goods , I am fine with that.. but to start thread and insulting others members on the forum because it works for us and not for them is just totally redundant. Do you know how many MSM threads start every week here??? People don't even use the damn search engine for sh*t...and it is a good one also. Fast and don't have to wait 20 seconds for every search you do... BTW JLL Welcome! and wasn't talking directly to you at all.


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Yeah I'm not too keen on the whole insults approach either. I do think it's good that people report their experiences with something, whether they're positive or negative, because for a lot of this stuff actual scientific evidence is very limited. At least one can try to gather some statistics from anecdotal evidence.

I have read quite a few reports on MSM from different forums that say "my hair and nails are growing like crazy", but I admit I view these with scepticism. Hair growth is really difficult to measure objectively just by looking in the mirror, and while nail growth is much easier to measure, one would still need to actually compare their nail growth rate between MSM periods and non-MSM periods; I don't see a lot of folks doing that. I think a lot of the effects are psychological.

You mention you're taking silica as well; that's a substance I have much more confidence in than MSM (if it's in the bioavailable form). Did you start silica at the same time as MSM? If so, how do you know which one to attribute the positive effects to?

Many times people take all this stuff at once, and if/when it works, they deduct from that that ALL of them must be working, when in reality it may just be one thing in the regimen. I'm not talking about you spesifically, but in general.

And yeah, I know the powder tastes like sh*t!


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Jll, i'm always sceptical, so in that respect, i'm not that diferent than you..that's why i try to inform myself the best way possible about EVERYTHING, and even after that i still remain sceptical...i've never mesured the growth rate, but i can tell you for sure that for me, it works! I can tell you that at least my nails, that i use to cut every 3 weeks, with 2000Mg MSM intake, it's down to 2weeks..for sure, not me wanting to think so. Hair, it's more dificult to notice, but also reduces the gap between my hair cuts, i can tell by the lenght of hair covering my ears and my hairline, when i combe it down..not dramatic, but definitly visible..another thing is the healthier look.
I'm not saying a miracle, but definitly a very helpfull add on...maybe, one of teh reasons that it may not work as good for some people (besides the fact, each individual reacts diferently to every diferent element, natural or not), is the bioavailbility of certain suplements, to my experience that is one of the factors that makes the diference in the world of suplements, some not only are carefull of the quality of the elements, but also if they reach the right spot in our bodys, so they can be of any help..just an hipoteses, that's all...


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I posted in the side effects section but no one has replied there....

I've been taking MSM for close to two months now. I remember reading that MSM may cause kidney pain, and surprise surprise I had some mild kidney pain. The dose I was taking was about 2000mg a day.

I have a family history of kidney stones, at first I got scared that I might be having kidney stones as well, but kidney stones pain is supposed to be very severe. So, I concluded that my pain must be from MSM.

After stopping taking MSM the pain went away in a few days. I took 750mg yesterday and today, and everything seems to be OK...

About the nail and hair growth. I agree that nail growth is easier to observe, and I haven't observed any changes in the thickness or in the growth speed of my nails. I think my hair has been growing slightly quicker but I can't be sure...

One thing I'm sure of is that after I started taking MSM my eyebrows started thickening. It must be either MSM or minoxidil contamination. I don't have bushy eyebrows, so I don't mind the extra thickness, it highlights my eyes :) :gay:


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Thanks for all the comments (I know not all are directed at me personally but the thread makes for an interesting read). It seems the jury is still out on MSM. For the record I did use the search function first but it yielded no results which I found strange given I'd seen several posts about it previously.

It's been a week since I shaved my head and I actually quite like the look now, it was just that bit too short when I shaved my head initially.

I've ordered some MSM just to see what it does for me but if it has no effect I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. :sleep: