My 5300 Fue (turkey) - 7 Months Since Op!!


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omg,they were covered huge area :)..Yeah,as you get older hair will thinning out a bit anyway,its more important that you enjoy in your 20s and 30s :)..How were people reacted,when u get from nw5 to full head? :)

Exactly mate. I don't care about how it may look in my 40s/50s. Its all about when you're young IMO. And who's to say there won't be better treatments available in 20 years that we could take advantage of? No point putting it off now, because you're worried about how it may look in a couple of decades.

I got a positive reaction. I was upfront and honest about it with my work colleagues and friends (had to be because it was pretty obvious). People always compliment it and it's funny to see the reaction of people now who didn't know me back then and they have no idea I've had any work done. In terms of picking up females... well obviously I've seen a big improvement on that front :D

Oh Yea?

Established Member
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I think it's awesome..I'm going to Dr Voires at the end of July for 5000 grafts. And will be documenting as well. I hope mine turns out as good as yours.


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I think it's awesome..I'm going to Dr Voires at the end of July for 5000 grafts. And will be documenting as well. I hope mine turns out as good as yours.

Is this the guy in Carolina? 20k for 5k grafts is a big outlay. I'd have went to Turkey and spent a 10th of that if I were you :D


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Yes.. He is in Carolina..I wanted to stay state side

Quite common of Americans to avoid leaving their own country. I live in the UK, obviously Turkey is a completely different culture but I enjoy going out there. Why is it Americans, as you put it, prefer to always "stay states side"?


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comb over

Oh look, it's the guy who's obsessed with David Beckham and jealous of people who have hair because he has none. How does it feel knowing that literally no one agrees or cares about your opinion on this thread? You've repeatedly been belittled. I think you must get an element of enjoyment from it - each to their own. I will be ignoring you from here on out, irrespective of what you say or what buttons you try and press. It's pathetic that people have to put up with this kind of crap when they are just trying to share their experiences to help others going or thinking of going through the same journey. I guess that's just the reality of the internet though - no matter what you say or post, there will always be at least one c*** pursuing self-gratification by trying to bring down others.

You're a complete shambles.

Oh Yea?

Established Member
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Quite common of Americans to avoid leaving their own country. I live in the UK, obviously Turkey is a completely different culture but I enjoy going out there. Why is it Americans, as you put it, prefer to always "stay states side"?
I lived in Germany for 3 years I've been all over Europe..going to different countries doesn't bother me. Just a preference I guess..


My Regimen
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comb over
Come off it
This is a wonderful result
It is so good that I think the pictures must be very flattering
@pete_love can you post the crown? I can’t believe 5300 grafts gave you that density everywhere


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Come off it
This is a wonderful result
It is so good that I think the pictures must be very flattering
@pete_love can you post the crown? I can’t believe 5300 grafts gave you that density everywhere

He's delusional and, I hate this word because it's overused, but he's just trying to troll me. I enjoy the fact that I've upset him enough to keep pursuing me though.

As for the crown, its thin mate. They stopped just at the crown and offered me to come back right about now to get it done if I wanted to. I'm not that fussed about the crown though, so I'll hold off for now. I'm using minoxidil (generic topical) 5% every night and take biotin, thats it.

I can't take pictures right now but I'll update later with one. BTW the reason I haven't taken pictures of the crown before is because they didn't do any work there, so I've just been trying to show the fruits of the procedure rather than anything else.


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all it took was 2 words and you lose your sh*t :D

and lol at pursuing you. i literally just saw your name come up in the latest posts section and thought id wind you up after our previous exchanges

im honestly not jealous mate. im just disappointed in the technology we have today is all.

you obviously look a lot better than before but your clearly operating a comb over game. but i dont blame you, what else can you do?

on a serious note, if you want to help people here you should post better pictures from all angles (including the crown) with better lighting so newbies here can really understand what 5k grafts can get you. and not with your combover style. show us clearly what your density is. thats what would really help

your pics appear to show you as a fullhead, but this obviously isnt the case.


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That’s an awesome result, don’t listen to the haters. Did you fall within the 2200-2400 euro price range as well, considering the extent of your hair loss?

How long did it take you to get an appointment?


New Member
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Those are some really amazing results, I'm hoping mine turns out good, just as yours.

Gearoid McGinley

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Hi mate hope you get this post, First of all let me just say your results are basically everything I want to achieve. I'm thinking of making the move and getting a transplant. My hair loss is similar to yours pre-op and I don't feel confident at all anymore. My limited research was pointing me towards Turkey too, and I'm undecided which clinic to attend. Not sure if I'm allowed to mention other doctors, but I read some great reviews of Dr. Erdogan. I was wondering what you thought of him in comparison to your own Dr? Thanks very much and hope to hear back from you!


My Regimen
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Wow awesome results bro gives me heaps of hope, im in a similar situation though not quite as progessed thining all over heavily but(just on finasteride and vitamins currently, 30yo).
Got a few quick questions. You said it was 2grand is that in uk pound or usd? When did you start minoxdl?


Established Member
My Regimen
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Amazing results man:) How's the look now? You see some new thinning over time or is it still very nice?