My answer to this hairloss BS.


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It appears to me that most of the hair loss problems on here boil down to one problem... Females.

Im actually tired of the subject, i have been through the comments, p*ss taking, insults and the 'not pulling women whilst out clubbing'. I mean im 19 years old i shouldnt be having this sh*t at such a young age! Just recently after a argument with my Ex i got a lovely text message, it said: dont shave your head, your actually frightening to look at, c*nt! And even when you have hair you like et! Well in actual fact, i shouldnt of slept with two of her 'mates'. Anyway that comment actually made me crack up with laughter, i suppose im not the best looking chap in the world but hey, if hair loss is the only insult that can be thrown at me then i suppose im doing alright.

After spending numerous hours on this forum reading, ive finally thrown the towel in. Now im single i notice i dont get as much females attention as i did when i was in a relationship, but in all fairness i have turned alot of girls down. I went through the clubbing phase and not pulling, but just recently ive had alot of luck.

Ive decided the best way to put a stop to this sh*t is dont care what others think, if they have a problem with your hairloss, thats their problem. F*ck what women think, do you in all honestly want a female that judges you by your hair? I look down on all these fools now, im doing them a favour if i decide to pull them. Its hair and to be honest most of us need to man up.

Like i said, dont give a sh*t what people think.


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Seems like a reasonable strategy for that sort of Norwood.

I have argued for sweeping societal changes, but in the short-run these are not possible. It makes sense to still go for it so that you get the girls who would still be keen with that level of Norwood.


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Its a catch 22 with most on here. What is right wont be accepted as right and only the negatives will be looked upon.


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Boondock said:
Seems like a reasonable strategy for that sort of Norwood.

I have argued for sweeping societal changes, but in the short-run these are not possible. It makes sense to still go for it so that you get the girls who would still be keen with that level of Norwood.

Thats ridiculous to even assume that, women wont look at norwood level.. its simple, balding or bald wont be judged differently from majority of females. Its how you carry yourself.


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misterdh said:
Boondock said:
Seems like a reasonable strategy for that sort of Norwood.

I have argued for sweeping societal changes, but in the short-run these are not possible. It makes sense to still go for it so that you get the girls who would still be keen with that level of Norwood.

Thats ridiculous to even assume that, women wont look at norwood level.. its simple, balding or bald wont be judged differently from majority of females. Its how you carry yourself.

I was like you once.

After a year on the boards, I've got my Norwood Scale sticky-taped to my ceiling, so that when I lie awake at night I can look up and see the progression along the Norwood-Hamilton spectrum.

I now realize that women have a subconscious understanding of the Norwood Scale.

uncomfortable man

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NW3 @ 19? No offense but do you have any pics? Some people are not as familiar with the Norwood scale as our friend Boondock and claim to be a higher Norwood than they actually are. I like your f*** it attitude and it's the appropriate stance to take against these young stupid b****s that make fun.


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Bottom line: it's the best response to take. You gotta fight this thing and keep your chin up.

I agree with UCMan viz-a-viz your Norwood.

People often look at the scale and think they're further ahead than they are. It's an easy scale to misinterpret. It took me a long time to understand its true meaning.

Basically, though, people often think they're NW3 when it's not that bad. I've seen heavy Norwoods at your age, so I know it can happen. All I'm saying is, though, there's a chance you're not as far ahead as you think you are.

Have you looked at finasteride?


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I disagree that simply saying 'f*** it' is the right attitude, it isnt.

Women know all about balding, much in the same way they instinctivly know the size of a guys dick by looking at a bloke down the street, why we bother with them I'll never understand!


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BrightonBaldy said:
I disagree that simply saying 'f*ck it' is the right attitude, it isnt.

Women know all about balding, much in the same way they instinctivly know the size of a guys dick by looking at a bloke down the street, why we bother with them I'll never understand!

Theres definatley no hope for you, sorry. Man up.


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Yeah, it's true girls don't look at each Norwood. They don't say "He'd be a lot hotter as a NW3 rather than the diffuse NW4a he is now".
They do however look at the whole of a man's face. And there is a drastic difference between a 20 year old NW1 and the same 20 year old as a NW6.
Girls can see "Balding" and "Bald" easily - and once you're NW3+ you're seen as "Balding, almost bald".

I can't say I've ever really met a girl in her early 20's who didn't mind wether a guy had hair or not. (I tell a lie, there are those girls who go for the shaved head "thug" look - and every girl I've ever met who is into that look has been 300lbs+.)

Most girls of this age are still into the Robert Pattinson look. Even the ones who are "educated" - in university, like reading, not the most good looking girls - still keep their distance from us NW4+'s at this age. (I have found that girls like this are even more shallow than the bimbo-type girls...) They just can't see themselves with a NW4+ - they will still want a guy they are attracted to, after all.

The best thing to do is to go for the athletic, healthy look, and buzz to a #1 or even slick it. Avoid the bulked up meathead look. I find it best to avoid over the top tattoos/piercings too - the "meathead" look again, only seems to attract the council estate girls.


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^I agree. Meathead's give of the impression of an uneducated, brutish, and primative character. Most women with class would steer clear of these types.

Bottom line, dont worry about hairloss too much. In the UK at least, its not always a problem. A lot can get by fine providing they are in good shape and look healthy.

I stopped caring about my receeding hairline a while ago. I imagine the thinning process wont be a lot of fun, but ill apply the same methods to get by, just plain and simple acceptance.

In my expeirence, Ive realised that hairloss/baldness is not a deal breaker for women, even the best looking ones. And usually, the more intelligent and interesting women arent going to care as much as the more superficial types.

There are basically two types of people on this site. Young insecure types who are whining about nothing - minor recession that most people barely take into account, and then you have your older - my whole life sucks because of hairloss - type. I feel more sorry for the latter as its harder for them to see any sense.

I cant argue for everyone. Some will be unlucky. For some, they may be adversely effected by hairloss. But for most, its a pretty minor thing. And for a few, it barely changes anything.

Then again, I do admit that I still have a long way to go. Full on baldness is another thing. But so far, so good.

I think Im going to plan to get a lot of sex in now so when im older and balder I can say at least I took my chances.


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idontwanttobebalding said:
I think some women look to their relationships with their own father for instinctual feelings. Your hair may help or hurt you depending on her old man's dome and how she got along with him!
That Norwood thing is confusing. I wish there was a scale with actual photos showing the different stages and their dif. degrees instead of the drawings they show! :puke:

Amen to this. I thot I was a NW3 until my derm told me Im a NW2. Besides, It is really confusing. Where does thinning hair fit into the Norwood scale anyway. I suspect I am thinning in the NW3 region.

In any case, regarding the girl perception on balding. My gf apparently thinks that all men will bald, because she told me I will go bald earlier if I were to think too much..... The word earlier in this case led me to think that she thinks its a given that I will bald sooner or later...


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misterdh said:
Its a catch 22 with most on here. What is right wont be accepted as right and only the negatives will be looked upon.

All things are not created equal here though.

Different Norwood levels make a huge difference. People at the Norwood 3 stage sit and spend tons of money, ingest tons of chemicals, put stuff all over their head to just stop the hairloss and not get "worse".

Some of us have gotten to "worse" and far beyond. To say we are in the same boat is ludicrous Someone saying "shave it off" and live with it when a guy is a NW2 and still has something where he can get it buzzed down is not the same when there is nothing to shave at all.


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idontwanttobebalding said:
That Norwood thing is confusing. I wish there was a scale with actual photos showing the different stages and their dif. degrees instead of the drawings they show! :puke:

Someone actually made one on here a few years ago. It might of been Cassin?


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misterdh said:
Theres definatley no hope for you, sorry. Man up.

no need to be such a snidey cu nt mate, you dont know the first thing about me.

if youve ever read any of my posts on here you'd no fine im not one of these flowery talking dellusional types who think being respectful and confident around women is all we need.

to me, saying 'F*CK IT' to all women is the exact polar opposite of the 'be bubbly and confident' types, yet somehow they both sound the same to me, theres no need to get over emotional about any of this BS.


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First things first, I'm not your mate. Yes I dont know you, visa versa. Wernt saying your the flowery dillusional type but to be fair, your original post seemed as if there's no hope.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you.