
my bro wants to take proscar ..


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Well, he definitely has the beginnings of temple recession/thinning in the front, probably a Norwood 2. You didn't metion how old he is, but if he's old enough and otherwise healthy, I see no reason he shouldn't take finasteride to try to stop this before it gets any worse, although I do recommend that he talk to his doctor before beggining the drug. You sound as if you are against him starting proscar. If you are worried about him getting side effects, chances are he will not. Do not take to heart, all the posts you may find about the side effects of finasteride.....98% of men will not get them.


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ok thanks u are advice i think he is right than is it better to start minoxdil 2%
or first to start proscar and nizoral and after few times he can add minoxidil .