My Challenge To Bryan

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I think it's a distinct possibility you've been doing this all these years for a reason. Dr. P has no evidence for the claims. Therefore it's more likely it is not true. Since it's been years since the proof was asked of him..the chances of it being true If one makes such a claim..they should be able to back it up. If they can't do that..they are lying. They are making things up to sell the product. Hmmm..what do we call anyone else who does that? The product(s) they sell?

Jacob said:
Are you working for him?

Bryan said:

Jacob said:
I'm supposed to remember exactly what he said after all these years?

Bryan said:
I was wanting you to copy the email reply you got from him and post it here.

Actually it may be out there in cyberland somewhere..from 5+ years ago. It's been even longer than that..the length of time he's had that made up claim on his website. But again...I'll tell you exactly what he didn't say- here's the proof, Jacob. I can back up those claims, Jacob. And thank you so much for asking, Jacob! :woot:


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Bryan said:
Jacob, you're just making this sh*t up. I don't think you actually believe it.

I don't believe the "sh*t" that you and Dr. P have made up, no.


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This thread is a joke, if Bryan feels Proctors products worked for well for him, then thats great. Get over it

I really dont think Bryan is like you said, wasting peoples money by speaking highly of SOD topical that worked for him.
All we can do as consumers is make our own calculated decision on whether or not we purchase these products by skimming through reviews of countless buyers.

Your wasting your own money if you go out and buy it based on one persons word.
Personally from what iv'e read it could be a nice addition to finasteride, and as i cant use minoxidil anymore due to sides i may add this in to my topicals along with spironolactone and spectral rs.

Hey if i gain any regrowth il be sure to let you know


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This thread doesn't make much sense to me.

I see the results of a product that worked pretty damn well and one that countless guys on here would kill for. Just dying for hair loss to stop let alone regrow a single hair.

If Bryan or anyone else see them as good results then great.


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Mind if I post a ton of before/after pictures other companies/products claim to show their product works? :)

But again..for me it's the claims. There is no reason for him to have 'em on the website. If he can't take 'em down, then he's no better than any of the other companies out there I'm referring to. Plenty of them also have patents..plenty also use/contain minoxidil..etc.


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Cassin said:
This thread doesn't make much sense to me.

I see the results of a product that worked pretty damn well and one that countless guys on here would kill for. Just dying for hair loss to stop let alone regrow a single hair.

Exactly! I can't help but wonder why the original poster in this thread has gone to so much trouble over this issue. I'm just a single individual, and while I didn't get anywhere nearly the astonishing results that the guy on Dr. Proctor's Web site did with Proxiphen, nevertheless I'm pleased that Prox-N did a little better than maintain what I had, and for the total time that I used it. I've seen lots of guys complain bitterly on hairloss forums that they were still losing hair, even though they were using Propecia and Rogaine. To maintain what one has (even it you don't regrow very much) is still a goal greatly to be desired.

So why has the original poster here been complaining so bitterly about my experience with Prox-N? To paraphrase the words of Shakespeare in Hamlet a bit: "The poster doth protest too much, methinks." :)


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Bryan said:
Dr. Proctor was comparing his product to PROPECIA, you moron, not "any other product out there". Are you freaking illiterate??

First, while name calling may make you feel like a tough guy it won't make that bald spot any smaller, lol

Ok so what product alone is MORE EFFECTIVE THAN PROPECIA ?'s not Proxiphen, :smack:

And I have seen threads where several people say they have had better results on finasteride than dutasteride

Regardless comparing Proxiphen to Propecia is COMICAL!


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Cassin said:
If Bryan or anyone else see them as good results then great.

As long as the photos are posted for everyone to make a decision based on them I am fine with it.

IMO all he did was waste his time and money as he's still VERY BALD and one might add if even Bryan himself was so happy with Prox N why did he stop using it ?


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Bryan said:
Exactly! I can't help but wonder why the original poster in this thread has gone to so much trouble over this issue. I'm just a single individual, and while I didn't get anywhere nearly the astonishing results that the guy on Dr. Proctor's Web site did with Proxiphen, nevertheless I'm pleased that Prox-N did a little better than maintain what I had, and for the total time that I used it.

You don't have one bit of proof that you would have balded further in those 2 years.

You also have no idea if you used Rogaine if it might have worked better

Yet you continue to say it's better than Rogaine which is ridiculus.

BTW You used PROXIPHEN also, since its so much better than Propecia why didn't you take any photos


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Defiance said:
This thread is a joke, if Bryan feels Proctors products worked for well for him, then thats great. Get over it

For the last 5 years Bryan would tell people Prox n worked great for him and is better than minoxidil but the photos of him had been taken down, now that a photo of Bryans results will be posted whenever he makes that claim I have no problem with it as people can actually see what it did for him and if they want to try it knock themselves out


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HT55 said:
follicle84 said:
I would happilly try it if i had the money. Can't even afford minoxidil at the moment. :(

if your using minoxidil and it' working I highly suggest you don't change even if you have the $$

Isn't generic liquid minoxidil like $7/month ?

Depends on were you buy it. I live in the uk so i would be looking at spending between 6 - 25 pound at a store. If you see my regimen you will see that i dont use generic minoxidil. This is because i suffered from scalp irritation and a flaky scalp. For this reason i started using spectral dnc which doesn't give me this problem and yeilds the same results. Its very expensive and ranges from 30- 35 pounds which is equivelant to 45-48 dollars roughly. Its much cheaper in bulk however. I ran out 3 months ago and wont have the funds to buy in bulk for a couple of months (dont see the point in buying it individually, i want it to last).


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idontwanttobebalding said:
This may help and hurt both your arguments: ... nswer.html


How can it help his argument when the only positive comments came from Bryan himself ? ( a few copy/pastes doesn't cut it as I could find 1000 succesfull rogaine stories if I wanted to) My problem with Bryan is he says it works better than minoxidil with ZERO proof to back it up. He says prox n will work longer than minoxidil, again show me ANY PROOF.

Notice how he will not post a recent photo so we can see what his hair looks like today, for all we know his bald spot is the same size today 14 years after stopping prox n, it's all spin with him.

I started this thread to see if he would put up his money and use Prox n for a year today and post high quality photos, he just spun that challenge into anything else he could muster up as there is no way he would do that.

No I have never used Proctors products, I reccomend Propecia , foam and nizoral 2% because I have had incredible regrowth with them ( and have photos to back it up, crazy huh) and if we are to describe Bryans prox n photos as "good results" then my results are from another Galaxy !


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Bryan said:
I'm just a single individual, and while I didn't get anywhere nearly the astonishing results that the guy on Dr. Proctor's Web site did with Proxiphen,

There are no astonishing results there. There are products that get **********'d out if you try to even just name them..that have pictures better than that. All these years and that's the best he can put on the website. But's because of his claims that he should be challenged on this.

idontwanttobebalding's Hairsite link just shows again someone else pointing out that Bryan is constantly running around saying how great this stuff is.


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Jacob said:
There are no astonishing results there.

I expected you at least to be an honest person, Jacob. I see I was wrong.


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Bryan said:
Jacob said:
There are no astonishing results there.

I expected you at least to be an honest person, Jacob. I see I was wrong.

That coming from you proves that I am honest.

Now tell Dr. Proctor to do the right thing.


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Jacob said:
Bryan said:
Jacob said:
There are no astonishing results there.

I expected you at least to be an honest person, Jacob. I see I was wrong.

Now tell Dr. Proctor to do the right thing.

Did you notice all those "rave reviews" are from the mid 90's. When Rogaine 2% was $60 a bottle maybe Proxiphen (which has minoxidil in it) was worth trying.

You would think a topical product without the sides of Propecia that works BETTER than Propecia would be flying off the shelves and thousands of guys would be using it and thus we would have a lot of reviews.


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It seems like the product did work for Bryan but not that well. The question is whether the product worked so well that if he had continued it to use it then the whole bald spot would have been covered with hair? I don't think so, or we may never know. One thing we want to know/see is that whether there has been any difference between the first photo , the second photo and present day photo of the bald spot. If the bald spot at present day is similar to that of first or second photo then we can assume that Bryan's hairloss stopped naturally.


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UunoTurhapuro said:
It seems like the product did work for Bryan but not that well. The question is whether the product worked so well that if he had continued it to use it then the whole bald spot would have been covered with hair? I don't think so, or we may never know.

I don't think so either, but we'll never know for sure. It upset me when even Dr. Proctor himself cautioned me at the time he took that first picture that "it's pretty slick back there". He was obviously warning me against expecting too much regrowth.

UunoTurhapuro said:
One thing we want to know/see is that whether there has been any difference between the first photo , the second photo and present day photo of the bald spot. If the bald spot at present day is similar to that of first or second photo then we can assume that Bryan's hairloss stopped naturally.

Oh, I can guarantee you that my hair is most definitely WORSE now than it was when I was treating it!! :sobbing:


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UunoTurhapuro said:
It seems like the product did work for Bryan but not that well. The question is whether the product worked so well that if he had continued it to use it then the whole bald spot would have been covered with hair? I don't think so.

He used it for 2 years, judging by his regrowth if he used for 300 years the bald spot would still be bald, lol

UunoTurhapuro said:
One thing we want to know/see is that whether there has been any difference between the first photo , the second photo and present day photo of the bald spot. If the bald spot at present day is similar to that of first or second photo then we can assume that Bryan's hairloss stopped naturally.

14 years have passed since the second photo, I would guess he would have balded some more by now but we will never know as he won't post a photo trust me


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Bryan said:
UunoTurhapuro said:
It seems like the product did work for Bryan but not that well. The question is whether the product worked so well that if he had continued it to use it then the whole bald spot would have been covered with hair? I don't think so, or we may never know.

I don't think so either, but we'll never know for sure. It upset me when even Dr. Proctor himself cautioned me at the time he took that first picture that "it's pretty slick back there". He was obviously warning me against expecting too much regrowth.

YES WE KNOW FOR SURE that your bald spot was NEVER going to be filled in, EVER !give me a FING Break !!! :jackit:
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