My conclusion on Proscar / Propecia splitting


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Hi I am a new user of Finasteride just bought a 30 pack of proscar today. I live in Canada. We can get both Propecia and Proscar here.

I called the top Hair Transplant Clinic in my city and talked with someone there. They actually recommended I get Proscar and split it.

I then went to my GP and he had no problem giving me a perscription for Proscar and he said it was easier to cut it into 1/4's. So the 2 qualified experts I talked to had no problem with splitting Proscar. My Perscription actually says 1 tablet / 4 daily.

It took me less then 45 minutes to do all this.

I asked my doctor about testosterone levels etc. and he just about laughed and said at this low dose forget about it.

You have to think about what the drug IS. A DHT blocker. The more you take the more DHT is blocked. At 5mg the entire Proscar pill is taken to reduce the size of the prostate. This is taken every day and is totally safe. At lower doses (.2 -1mg) it does not effect the size of the prostate but blocks DHT in hair follicles to some degree - thus the improved effects on balding.

So when we split we are getting from .8 - 1.25 approimately in each dose. This small amount of difference is insignifant. I was also told that it was OK if I missed a day it was not a big deal. Well thats going from a 1mg to 0 with no effect. The goal of the drug is to reduce the DHT and any amount will to some degree. 1mg is the "optimal" level to reduce balding yet have minimal effect anywhere else. 1.25 is not going to do anything different. The begin with everyone has differnt levels of Testosterone and DHT so everyone will have a different level of DHT blocking. Then consider that not every pill is absorbed by your bloodstream at 100%. So even if you ARE taking 1mg pills , 1mg is not necessarily hitting your blood. This can be effected by food intake, hydration levels etc.

Then we come to all the talk about it going bad in light, not working right, and all that crap. Well they said the same thing about v**** when it came out. You buy the 100mg and split into 4 25mg doses. The "a***" doctors were against it, so was Pfizer of course. Well I have been hacking up Vigra in ALL sorts of ways and it ALWAYS works just fine. I have even bitten a piece off v**** with my mouth and left the remaining moistened piece on a shelf in no container for 3 weeks - when I took it, it had just as much effect as the original piece. All the BS about the coating and it getting degraded was just that BS.

In Canada a box of Proscar is $60 for 30 - thats 120 - 150 days worth.
Or its $60 for 30 Propecia - 1 months worth.

Identical drugs, MERC can split it for you and sell you 1mg. Or you can do it yourself and save $40 a month.

At first reading all these posts I nearly panicked. But after study I realised there are a lot of balding guys that NOTHING will help that are posting useless panick posts and blaming the treatment they are using.

Finasteride is not a miracle drug, at best you can hope for it to slow down or halt the balding. If your already bald don't expect anything and you won't be dissapointed.

There is no point in UPPING your dose of Finasteride. If 1mg (+ or - .5 ) or so is not working for you then upping it will not help. The more you take the more it effects your prostate/side effects and we do not want that.

Side effects are always WAY over blown. The side effects for v**** include:

Headache 16% vs 4%
Flushing 10% vs 1%
Dyspepsia 7% vs 2%
Nasal Congestion 4% vs 2%
Urinary Tract Infection 3% vs 2%
Abnormal Vision* 3% vs 0%
Diarrhea 3% vs 1%
Dizziness 2% vs 1%
Rash 2% vs 1%

Well out of all of these the only one I have ever had is Nasal Congestionm and its minor. I get a lot more "side effects" from a McDonalds meal then most drugs.

I am typically an ANTI drug person. I plan on taking finasteride for a few years ( I am 32 now ) untill I get married, then its BUZZZZZZZZZ goodbye hair. I only see one good reason for hair - women. And once that is taken care of, I could care less. I feel I need hair to optimize my chances but all my GF's have said they would not care if I was bald or crippeld, they love me and would stay forever.

Anyways my 2 cents on taking a designer drug for Vanity's sake.

Will see how it goes.

Good luck fellas!


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Thanks for sharing!


great post and Amen to the sentiment, The only point I would take issue with is:

There is no point in UPPING your dose of Finasteride. If 1mg (+ or - .5 ) or so is not working for you then upping it will not help. The more you take the more it effects your prostate/side effects and we do not want that.

side effects and efficacy (for the purposes of hair retention) are one and the same thing, it may be of some use for those who find no benifit in a 1mg dose and have no side effects to experiment with an increased dose.

but none the less a great post, and it's your first! I have posted over 2000 pages of pure sh*t here so far and still haven't been banned!


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I also live in Canada and when I went to my (new) family doctor for a propecia refill (on it for 1 year) she recommended I take Proscar and split it into quarters to save $. I have a pill splitter so it's not too bad.

Last week one morning I took out a fresh 5mg pill to split it but without thinking I just walked into the kitchen, poured myself a glass of water and swallowed the entire pill! :shock:

I figured what the hell, decided to skip the next day and then went back on my regular schedule again.


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2 weeks

Well 2 weeks and no side effects of any kind from my split proscar, I guess I will keep on it for the year and see how it does, took my photo last week will take another every month or so


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Same here.. exactly 2 weeks and 1 day on 1.5 proscar.. well everything is going on as normal... hair keep getting worse... stress keep increasing :(


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In Canada a box of Proscar is $60 for 30 - thats 120 - 150 days worth.
Or its $60 for 30 Propecia - 1 months worth.

Wow.. 60$ for that much?? i paid 120$ for it and got it shipped from someone from US who took like 20$ for shipping, 10$ for pill cutter and sh*t...
dude where u getting ur stuff from? i live in Toronto too..


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For those worried about the 1.25mg vs the 1.0mg, just take every 5th day off. That way you get 5mg over 5 days just like the 1.0 doseage.


Thinning wrote:
For those worried about the 1.25mg vs the 1.0mg, just take every 5th day off. That way you get 5mg over 5 days just like the 1.0 doseage

How to use Propecia
Propecia should be administered at 1mg daily in pill form, with no exceptions. Many people talk about custom dosing, skipping days, doubling up, etc. This will not only do nothing to help your hair loss, but will also do your system more harm than good. Hormones are very delicate chemicals that operate in conjunction with each other Therefore a constant daily dose will ensure a stable hormonal environment, and keep your biology in harmony.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


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Ventje said:
How to use Propecia
Propecia should be administered at 1mg daily in pill form, with no exceptions. Many people talk about custom dosing, skipping days, doubling up, etc. This will not only do nothing to help your hair loss, but will also do your system more harm than good. Hormones are very delicate chemicals that operate in conjunction with each other Therefore a constant daily dose will ensure a stable hormonal environment, and keep your biology in harmony.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Sure I guess if you have a small brain and cant figure out how long the half life of the drug is and how much the doseage will accumulate in your system you could follow those instructions.

Thanks for posting that data for the simple minded folks Ventje!

Better not take the 1.25 for 4/5 days - Im sure it will do nothing for your hairloss. :roll:


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The logic behind this is that I eventually got sick of all the armchair chemists who graduated with a BS in communications instead of chemistry who kept posting on the forums that people could take 6mg every 14 days and skip a week if they felt like it. It was getting out of hand. None of you (nor myself) are qualified to make such an assessment nor an adjustment to the recommended method of daily dosing.

More importantly, is there a reason why you do it? Just to be "Different" ? To fight the power? To rage against the machine?

Since guys are custom dosing due to the cost issue (ie - taking proscar and splitting tabs) .... honestly .... skipping the 5th day ... i honestly just dont see the point. What's he going to save. One dollar? Why not just pass up on buying that Pepsi and keep peace of mind that your hormones are 100% consistent 100% of the time? I dont know. Just an opinion.

But there are a lot of guys I consider incredibly unintelligent who have published that they're taking 5mg every 5 days. Its like... Why??

Whether or not you know how to do simple math, or whether you think you know the effect of taking advantage of propecia's "half life" (has anyone done any test to verify that the half-life technique wont harm your regimen results? No) .... the reality is .... just take 1mg daily (or whatever your daily dose) and be done with it.

A weird phenomenon in human psychology is that for some reason, people sometimes think the status quo and the proven method is somehow not good enough. They've got to modify it. Change it. Instead of brushing their teeth every day, they wanna do it once every 2 days because Toothpaste halflife is 36 hours. Maybe its a control thing, or a power thing. Who knows.

In my opinion ... if you want to optimize your chances for getting the same 83% success rate seen in the trials --- you do what they did in the trials. To the "T".

Two major problems with the whole issue: Exactly when did someone establish that Mercks recommendation for daily dosing had *ZERO* logic behind it? You actually think its some money making technique or some evil sinister plan to defraud the public by suggesting that people keep a consistent dosing schedule of once a day? Or is it possible that they did some side testing and found that skipping days didn't return optimal results? Or maybe its just common knowledge that you take things once a day, and 1mg dose was the once a day optimum for hair loss? All these armchair chemists are literally telling a mult billion dollar pharmaceutical company that they don't know what they're doing. To me that's just silly.

Other major problem: Ask anyone who is a hypersensitive responder to finasteride (me) and you will know that skipping doses can and DOES have an effect on the body. I would be doubled down with a migraine the size of Texas if I missed a day on the stuff. Nobody on this planet is going to tell me that hormones don't fluctuate more when you skip a day. The only way I could maintain status quo side effects wise was to stay extremely consistent. Keep the levels extremely even. Keep everything on an even keel. After 3 years of experimenting with the stuff I got to the point that I had to take it at midday, every day, just to avoid the sensations of fluctuating hormones in my body. 99% of guys do not have this level of sensitivity to it. I did. So I consider myself an ultra sensitive finasteride meter. I can tell you from personal experience that hormones DO fluctuate a noticeable amount if you skip a day. In my opinion this whole half-life thing is hogwash, if we're talking about keeping DHT consistently inhibited. It may be true, but the feedback loops and the immense number of things affected by DHT inhibition do not remain exactly the same with a 24 hour absence of finasteride in the body. They just don't.

Lastly, as the owner of a site that now has over 2.4 million people browsing it per year, I have to be conservative in the published advice on the main part of the site. It would be considered absolute insanity if a physician saw this site recommending that people take 1mg every 2 days. Not only would they consider it terrible logic in the medical world, but a very uninformed, ignorant suggestion to make. Propecia is dispensed with a 1mg daily dosage. No harm no foul.


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4, I too am an ultra-sensitive finasteride guy. Did you experience breast swelling and/or tenderness around month 3?


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HairlossTalk said:
The logic behind this is that I eventually got sick of all the armchair chemists who graduated with a BS in communications instead of chemistry who kept posting on the forums that people could take 6mg every 14 days and skip a week if they felt like it. It was getting out of hand. None of you (nor myself) are qualified to make such an assessment nor an adjustment to the recommended method of daily dosing.

More importantly, is there a reason why you do it? Just to be "Different" ? To fight the power? To rage against the machine?

Since guys are custom dosing due to the cost issue (ie - taking proscar and splitting tabs) .... honestly .... skipping the 5th day ... i honestly just dont see the point. What's he going to save. One dollar? Why not just pass up on buying that Pepsi and keep peace of mind that your hormones are 100% consistent 100% of the time? I dont know. Just an opinion.

But there are a lot of guys I consider incredibly unintelligent who have published that they're taking 5mg every 5 days. Its like... Why??

Whether or not you know how to do simple math, or whether you think you know the effect of taking advantage of propecia's "half life" (has anyone done any test to verify that the half-life technique wont harm your regimen results? No) .... the reality is .... just take 1mg daily (or whatever your daily dose) and be done with it.

A weird phenomenon in human psychology is that for some reason, people sometimes think the status quo and the proven method is somehow not good enough. They've got to modify it. Change it. Instead of brushing their teeth every day, they wanna do it once every 2 days because Toothpaste halflife is 36 hours. Maybe its a control thing, or a power thing. Who knows.

In my opinion ... if you want to optimize your chances for getting the same 83% success rate seen in the trials --- you do what they did in the trials. To the "T".

Two major problems with the whole issue: Exactly when did someone establish that Mercks recommendation for daily dosing had *ZERO* logic behind it? You actually think its some money making technique or some evil sinister plan to defraud the public by suggesting that people keep a consistent dosing schedule of once a day? Or is it possible that they did some side testing and found that skipping days didn't return optimal results? Or maybe its just common knowledge that you take things once a day, and 1mg dose was the once a day optimum for hair loss? All these armchair chemists are literally telling a mult billion dollar pharmaceutical company that they don't know what they're doing. To me that's just silly.

Other major problem: Ask anyone who is a hypersensitive responder to finasteride (me) and you will know that skipping doses can and DOES have an effect on the body. I would be doubled down with a migraine the size of Texas if I missed a day on the stuff. Nobody on this planet is going to tell me that hormones don't fluctuate more when you skip a day. The only way I could maintain status quo side effects wise was to stay extremely consistent. Keep the levels extremely even. Keep everything on an even keel. After 3 years of experimenting with the stuff I got to the point that I had to take it at midday, every day, just to avoid the sensations of fluctuating hormones in my body. 99% of guys do not have this level of sensitivity to it. I did. So I consider myself an ultra sensitive finasteride meter. I can tell you from personal experience that hormones DO fluctuate a noticeable amount if you skip a day. In my opinion this whole half-life thing is hogwash, if we're talking about keeping DHT consistently inhibited. It may be true, but the feedback loops and the immense number of things affected by DHT inhibition do not remain exactly the same with a 24 hour absence of finasteride in the body. They just don't.

Lastly, as the owner of a site that now has over 2.4 million people browsing it per year, I have to be conservative in the published advice on the main part of the site. It would be considered absolute insanity if a physician saw this site recommending that people take 1mg every 2 days. Not only would they consider it terrible logic in the medical world, but a very uninformed, ignorant suggestion to make. Propecia is dispensed with a 1mg daily dosage. No harm no foul.

Amen brother...


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Temples said:, I too am an ultra-sensitive finasteride guy. Did you experience breast swelling and/or tenderness around month 3?
I had everything in the book except breast swelling. My bottom lip swelled up. I did have nipple tenderness. I had chest pain. I had severe migraines anytime I would miss a day of the stuff and go back on it. I had testicle ache. I had stabbing prostate pain that would come and go. I had reduced urinary control (constant dribble). I developed severely dry and scaly irritated enflamed skin on the sides of my nose and in the T section of the face. Eyebrow shedding. Decreased body hair. Increased head hair (Yay!).

But the most sensitive was the migraines.

Honestly ... I dont think it will do any harm to skip day 5 if you're doing 1.25mg daily. The suggestion is probably totally harmless. If he's not supersensitive he wont get a migraine from it either.

The reason I put that stuff on the main part of the site is because of some other suggestions going around with some crazy dosing schedules.

So we agree 'Thinning' regarding the 1.25 suggestion you made. I mean I dont actively think its bad advice or anything.


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What do you mean by severely dry and scaly skin on the side of your nose. Was it something that happened after you showered and went away or was it persistant. I only ask this because after I shower, I notice that the side of my nose gets really dry. Hmmm, I wonder if I would get a migraine if I skipped a day.........
