My conclusion on Proscar / Propecia splitting

Green Soap

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1, what is your opinion of NOT skipping the 5th day on quartered Proscar?

1.25 a day? Every day? instead of 1?


Guest said:
Lastly, as the owner of a site that now has over 2.4 million people browsing it per year, I have to be conservative in the published advice on the main part of the site., 1.7 million of those people are me. :)

I am finding it harder and harder to control my burgeoning alias roster.


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HairlossTalk said:
But there are a lot of guys I consider incredibly unintelligent who have published that they're taking 5mg every 5 days. Its like... Why??

I guess you see the world differently than some. The way I see it, Why Not? I mean, thats the recommended amount of drug they suggest you take into your body in a 5 day period.

Am I missing something?

And if that makes people "incredibly unintelligent" I suggest to you that you have no idea how to judge intelligence, because it seems like a fair method to estimate your intake.


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tynanW said: said:
Lastly, as the owner of a site that now has over 2.4 million people browsing it per year, I have to be conservative in the published advice on the main part of the site., 1.7 million of those people are me. :)

I am finding it harder and harder to control my burgeoning alias roster.

Are we still the same guy?


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brasileirao said:
What do you mean by severely dry and scaly skin on the side of your nose. Was it something that happened after you showered and went away or was it persistant.
I developed eczema for the first time. By the way - hard water doesn't help. finasteride can overtime dry your skin up. Thats what happened with me. I had very well balanced skin, and finasteride made me extra dry. Guys with oily skin go to "normal" sometimes. It was persistent.


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HairlossTalk said:
brasileirao said:
What do you mean by severely dry and scaly skin on the side of your nose. Was it something that happened after you showered and went away or was it persistant.
I developed eczema for the first time. By the way - hard water doesn't help. finasteride can overtime dry your skin up. Thats what happened with me. I had very well balanced skin, and finasteride made me extra dry. Guys with oily skin go to "normal" sometimes. It was persistent.

Thank you!



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Thinning said:
I guess you see the world differently than some. The way I see it, Why Not?
Because the data supports not doing that. Hundreds of doctors support not doing it. Hundreds of scientists support not doing it. Billions of dollars was spent on a study determining 1mg daily was the optimal dose and implies not doing it. I could go on for an hour listing reasons why not. My question of Why? change it, doesn't have a single answer. Except for maybe... "Cuz".

But hey. Its your life. Rock on. Rage against that machine. Fight the power or whatever it is you're doing. As far as we know its fairly harmless, but I sure would hate for some sensitive finasteride guy to hear that advice and end up with a terrible migraine once a week. Yet another reason "Why Not". So this takes us full circle to giving the most intelligent advice for the greatest number of people. Daily dosing. Consistent dosing. Consistent DHT inhibition. Consistent Hormone Levels. This will also result in fewer side effects, since we all know that they *decrease* with time. Why do they decrease with time? Because the hormones swing like a pendulum. You kick them off track by taking finasteride. They overcompensate and undercompensate. Side effects. Once equilibrium is reached, side effects abate. Its all about keeping things steady. One day off out of 5 probably wont hurt things. But 5mg once a week is just plain dumb.

Thinning said:
I mean, thats the recommended amount of drug they suggest you take into your body in a 5 day period.
Where does it say "This is how much finasteride you should take in a 5 day period" ? It doesnt. The recommendation is based on *one* day intervals. If you could point me to a single study that gives a "recommended amount of the drug in a 5 day period" I would like to see it. To imply that you can take 5mg once a week is the same as 1mg daily is just flat out wrong for the most obvious reason even you raised - half life.

You can't take 365mg once a year and get the same results either.

Again I say ... WHY? Whats the point? Just take it daily! Lord!

Thinning said:
Am I missing something?
Yes. That you have every right to do weird, peculiar things, but that some people are going to ask you why you're doing it.

Thinning said:
And if that makes people "incredibly unintelligent" I suggest to you that you have no idea how to judge intelligence, because it seems like a fair method to estimate your intake.
5mg once a week is not how you are supposed to take finasteride. If thats intelligent to you then great. Its not to me, and Ive got about 6,000 doctors and scientists agreeing with me. Find me even one pharmacist or chemist who agrees with you and I will be surprised.

And by the way, wasn't it you who first called everyone, and specifically me, stupid?
Thinning said:
Sure I guess if you have a small brain and cant figure out how long the half life of the drug is and how much the doseage will accumulate in your system, you could follow those instructions.


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HairlossTalk said:
Because the data supports not doing that. Hundreds of doctors support not doing it. Hundreds of scientists support not doing it. Billions of dollars was spent on a study determining 1mg daily was the optimal dose and implies not doing it. I could go on for an hour listing reasons why not. My question of Why? change it, doesn't have a single answer. Except for maybe... "Cuz".

So you say data supports taking 1.25 for 4/5 days will not work. Please post this evidence. My guess is, you wont be able to.

But hey. Its your life. Rock on. Rage against that machine. Fight the power or whatever it is you're doing. (snip) One day off out of 5 probably wont hurt things. But 5mg once a week is just plain dumb.

Wait, what? I thought you said just above that evidence suports the fact that it wont work. And where did I suggest taking 5mg once every 5 days. Lets see, nowhere. I find it typical that people who cannot discuss things like adults tend to put words in others mouths.

You can't take 365mg once a year and get the same results either.

Oh yeah, thats what I suggested, LOL. See above.

Its not to me, and Ive got about 6,000 doctors and scientists agreeing with me.

Ok, lets see the 6000 doctors and scientists that think that 1.25 x 4/5 will do NOTHING but 1.0x5 will work. Please reply to this thread with your credentials.

And by the way, wasn't it you who first called everyone, and specifically me, stupid?

No, I didnt call everyone stupid. That quote you put up didnt say "Hey everybody you are stupid!"

You however did say that I was "incredibly untelligent" because I suggested that 1.25 x 4/5 was a valid approach to dosing finasteride.

Listen, you can run this board, and probably ban me for doing nothing but discussing things like an adult. But please dont put words in my mouth.

Old Baldy

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1, try some folligen and emu oil for scalp dryness. The emu oil will especially reduce the dryness. It's good stuff IMHO. Pricey but a little goes a LONG way.