Plastic surgery don't work close to as well for men compared to women.
Leg lenghtening which gives you height (one of the most desirable traits in men) is an absolute joke.
Hair transplants also just kind of works (need to either have stable minor loss or crazy density in donor and even then the crown is a black hole for grafts).
Fillers in jaw are usually pretty bad, real jaw surgery might make you blind or kill you.
There's no surgery for a broader thicker frame. The traits that are the most desirable in men are difficult to impossible to change.
Women on the other hand got the easy surgeries that can make them alot more desirable, and aren't as dangerous. Combine that with make up and it's very rare for a woman to look undesirable if she has tried looksmaxing.
If a healthy girl is born by unrelated parents and she tries to look good following basic common sense she'll never be undesirable.