my experience with propecia


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hey pharo, many mg's are you taking of finasteride?? and what is your opinion of your msm's??


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From ur hormone panel it really seems like something's a mess with ur pituitary. Ur prolactin is way off the charts....too much of it will cause ED and libido issues. Also it seems to indicate a pituitary problem because ur LH and FSH is extremely low which are both released in the pituitary. There might be some sort of enhancement in the pituitary blocking the release of these hormones. Definitely i think a MRI is important here. The good thing is that Prolactinmia (sp) can be treated with drugs although the case in itself is rare. But by the looks of it it seems like a pituitary issue..i think ur endo is correct here and unfortunately does not seem pyschological. Dont let them tell u that just because they dont know the answer.


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Hello again,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I thought it was important to get back to you. Unfortunately, I don't have good news to report regarding my continuing health problems since I've taken Propecia this past April.

I've tried my best to be diplomatic in my last posts, but I must state plainly here that Propecia has simply ruined my life. After nearly eight months, I feel it's my resposibility to tell anyone reading this to refrain from using this drug. It's dangerous -- no matter what you hear. If you still decided to take it, PLEASE get your blood levels checked before you do.

I've been to several doctors, had dozens of blood tests, even had an MRI. No one can explain why my testosterone suddenly dropped, or why my other serum levels became erratic, THE DAY I STARTED TAKING PROPECIA.

Unfortunately, doctors are hesitant to place the blame on Propecia. I believe there's two main reasons for the hesitation: First, I didn't have my blood levels checked before, so they honestly don't know what they were before hand. Second, they are afraid to get involved with patients that may decide to file law suites against drug companies.

This'll be my last post. I really hope you take this to heart and refrain from using this drug: a drug that doctors do not fully understand. It effects your hormonal system -- and it has effected mine in a very negative way, which no doctor has been able to reverse. It's effected my sexual health in a devastating way, it's made my moods unpredictable, and the depression its caused is indescribable.

By all means, good luck with your hair loss. But DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.


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tmartin92, i agree with you 100% i was only on the drug for 3weeks. i stopped due to HUGE sexual and mental side effects. ive been off it for a little over two weeks now and am still scared shitless that i wont return to normal, although i am feeling a little better. i think this drug can possibly have no side effects for 1 person and be ABSOLUTLY DEVISTATING to someone else. i also agree with you that this drug is not studied enough and probably should not be taken. that said, i am glad to see some people are ok with it and seeing results, but be carefull!