My Experimental Treatments Story (Bimatoprost+RU)


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Hey, So I created a new "story" thread to document my experiments with Bima+RU+ eventually CB once it gets ordered.

I originally started off with the classic Big3 (hence my name) and have since stopped taking finasteride (I haven't ingested a finasteride pill in over 7 months). I have been completely consistent with my minoxidil for the last ~17 months, rarely missing a day. You can view my old story and progress here: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=57613

My current regimen is as follows:


I apply 2ml of my minoxidil+bim solution. I create this by adding ~30mg of Bim to a 60ml bottle of 5% Kirkland minoxidil. This means I am applying roughly 1mg of Bim to my scalp per day. I try to cover the entire scalp (not the sides obviously) with the 2ml.


I apply about 100mg of RU dissolved in 1ml of ethanol and then mixed with 2ml of minoxidil to my entire scalp.

I have been using 100mg of RU daily for ~3 months now.
I have been using 1mg of Bim daily for just over 1 month now.

Here is a baseline picture from 3 months ago when I started RU.

Here are 3 shots I took last night to try to match against the baseline picture. This is taken in the same bathroom with same lighting.

It appears I am improving.. though it's obviously no miracle. It is still early on and I hope another 3 months will show better results.. I can only hope.

What do you guys think? I understand the pictures aren't as clear for some reason but it's what I have. I could try taking more after pictures tonight I suppose.


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Would you say there's been an acceleration of regrowth over the past month (3 month improvement seems obvious to me by the pics), after things with minoxidil had plateaued? I think timing all of a sudden would be too coincidental not to be directly due to starting Bim, and this is a very significant jump in one month after 17 previous of minoxidil. This will be very interesting to watch over the next few months, as you're well on your way to becoming the first documented Bim success story.


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Or it chould be the RU...

You say you have kept the minoxidil use consistant, but was it always this much or did you add a little more to give room for the other drugs to dissolve?


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If you could lay out similar pics every month or few over your entire time on treatment, we could tell more.


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Ok let me clarify a little more.

I have always used this much minoxidil, sometime's a bit more throughout my 17 months. My progress on minoxidil has without a doubt halted before starting any of these treatments. I don't know exactly when but I say it plateaued around months 8-10 and didn't really change after that.

I also agree it is going to be almost impossible to tell if my results come from Bima or RU and for that I am sorry but I am not willing to forgo one of them for the sake of an experiment.

I will say I did not really notice an acceleration in the last month since adding Bimatoprost. I still am under the impression any improvement I have had in the last 3 months is due to RU.. I feel 4.5 weeks on bim is just too little to really see any improvement. However, we will never really know.

If you visit the first page of my older story, you will see progress pictures I took almost every month. My hair was a lot shorter back then, I used to buzz it myself with a 2-guard. The last 6 months or so I keep it a little longer and get real haircuts as embarrassing as the are every few weeks.


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Yeah, impossible to know, especially so early on. How common is it for someone to switch to RU after finasteride and start regrowing? Are there many cases like that? The two are generally expected to give similar results, largely maintenance. But it's all just speculation anyways. Thanks for documenting.


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Again no on really knows but common sense would lead you to say since finasteride + RU essentially work by the same mechanism... yeah one lowers total DHT while the other blocks DHT from reaching follicle they both result in less DHT attacking follicles.. So depending on how well finasteride was doing that you probably wouldn't see much improvement.. though the combination would be ideal. I just don't want to mess with finasteride anymore. Im hoping CB+RU or simply CB will be enough to not have to worry about DHT anymore.

I also want to clarify, I just noticed it might be confusing, ALL three of those after pictures are the same day, just different snaps // dryness of my hair.. I wanted to try to get one close as possible to the original but Im not sure I did.

I could see how one might think they are after 1 month, after 2 months, etc.. thats just what I named the files.. they are ALL AFTER THREE MONTHS RU / 1 month BIM. =)


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First of all, congrats your hair is looking great. Id say its the RU or bimatoprost making the difference and in all likelyhood, they're both having a positive effect. I would say that you could probably drop minoxidil as you said it wasn't making much difference. You could stop using either RU or bimato on a small area and see what happens to judge which one is having more of an impact.


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Ive been on propecia since 2004 and i can tell my hairline is statrting to go. These new experiments ru, cb, bimm have me excited! A little hope!


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congrats so far and remember Bim studies say that it take 14-16 weeks to really see results . So the the best is yet to come.


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Yeah can we get a new picture? It's been another month, I'm anxious to see your results as I'm considering RU right now.


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hey congrats...that is real progress....
I've been trying to locate cb but no luck everywhere is claiming that it is not pure enough and no luck finding real stuff yet, there is a whole other thread on it..


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Thanks guys.

I will have time to post a new picture tonight after my RU application. I went through a pretty big shed because of the Bimatoprost I think, I guess we'll see how the pictures look but the shed seems to be slowing maybe that's good or I'm just running out of hairs to shed :p

My CB should be here sometime next week but I wont have a real vehicle to use for it.. I think I'll just try using eth/pg/water like I do with RU/Bim and see how it goes.

There was also a recent study found showing that eth/pg/water is not ideal vehicle for RU so I will hopefully be switching to what was discovered soon as I can..

Picture coming later.


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big3nme said:
There was also a recent study found showing that eth/pg/water is not ideal vehicle for RU so I will hopefully be switching to what was discovered soon as I can..

can you elaborate this?


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temp28 said:
can you elaborate this?

Sure there are 4 new vehicles:

0094]The composition according to the invention has, for example, the following composition:


TABLE-US-00001 [0095] 4-[3-(4-Hydroxybutyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2,5-dioxo-1-imidazolidinyl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile 5.0% Vinylimidazolium methochloride/vinylpyrrolidone 2.5% copolymer (Luviquart ® FC 550) Polyethoxylated hydrogenated castor oil 2.5% (Cremophor ® RH 410) Ethanol 96% 63.0% Demineralized water 27.0%

[0096]The percentage amounts stated are based on the weight. The composition is prepared by dissolving the various components in water.


TABLE-US-00002 [0097] 4-[3-(4-Hydroxybutyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2,5-dioxo-1-imidazolidinyl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile 1.0% Ethoxylated cholesterol 1.0% (Solulan ® C-24) Polyvinylpyrrolidone K 30 2.0% Partly hydrolyzed collagen 1.5% (Lanasan CL ®) Ethyl alcohol 96% 20.0% Preservative Demineralized water 74.5%


TABLE-US-00003 [0098]4-[3-(4-Hydroxybutyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2,5-dioxo-1-imidazolidinyl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile 0.5% Ethyl alcohol 25.0% Methyl vinyl ether/maleic acid butyl ester copolymer 1.5% (Gantrez ® ES-425) Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane 0.03% Panthenol 0.5% Demineralized water 72.47%


TABLE-US-00004 [0099] 4-[3-(4-Hydroxybutyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2,5-dioxo-1-imidazolidinyl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile 2.0% Vinylimidazolium methochloride/vinylpyrrolidone 2.0% copolymer (Luviquart ® FC 550) Polyethoxylated hydrogenated castor oil 2.0% (Cremophor ® RH 410) Ethanol 96% 40.0% Demineralized water 54.0%

Here are some statements from the report about RU using these vehicles:

][0007]Antiandrogens having a topical action are known from French Patent 2,693,461 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,411,981 (4-[3-(4-hydroxybutyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2,5-dioxo-1-imidazolidinyl]-2-(triflu- oromethyl)benzonitriles) and from PCT Application WO 98/05654 (3-aryl-2,4-dioxo-oxazolidines), but are currently not yet generally commercially available for treatment purposes.

[0008]Both classes of substance show a high bonding affinity for the androgen receptor at the hair root after topical application, with virtually no systemic activity.

[0009]Due to the teratogenicity of antiandrogens, intrinsic to the substances, with an influence on sex differentiation in the late stage of pregnancy, the substances mentioned cannot be used in the form of conventional aqueous/alcoholic hair lotions because of the occurrence of precipitates of the substances at the application site after evaporation of the solvent and the associated toxicological risk of transfer of the substance to pregnant women. Furthermore, delayed release of the active compounds over a relatively long period of time, in order to avoid high systemic concentrations of the active substance and the associated occurrence of systemic antiandrogenic effects, is not guaranteed by conventional formulation for application to the scalp.

[0010]In order to make the antiandrogenic active compounds in the above-mentioned references available for a reliable and effective treatment, it was therefore necessary to discover compositions which do not have the disadvantages described for conventional scalp treatment compositions.

[0088]The treatment of androgenic alopecia can be carried out reliably and effectively with the compositions according to the invention. This is an extremely important finding, in view of the poor treatment results to date.

[0090]The compositions according to the invention in general comprise the active compound in an amount of 0.01 percent by weight to 10 percent by weight, preferably 0.1 to 5 percent by weight.


RU Works. Our vehicle isn't perfect. need to use between 1% and 5% RU in solution. Those listed vehicles are more effective and cause less side effects. Don't let pregnant women near RU.


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As promised, here are some pictures taken tonight.

This would be about 4 months on RU, 2 months on BIM. I had a huge shed about two weeks ago. I am still shedding a bunch of hairs but it's definitely calmed down a little bit.

CB should be here soon. I am also involved in a group order for AHK-cu (copper peptide) that I can't wait to add as well.

I feel like if I can get proper vehicles for CB+RU+BIM+AHK-cu I'll have too much hair! :p

I'll repost old pictures for comparison.

Baseline - Mid February 2011


3 Months RU, 1 Month Bim - May 18


4 Months RU, 2 Month Bim - Jun 29



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My Regimen
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Wow, that's crazy good improvement. what's bimatoprost?

The ru is working for sure, you got it from oc, correct ?

Keep up the good work, i think you'll have a good success