My hair loss regimen turning into a success story?


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Thanks man, I take it anywhere from the morning to mid day. I don't think it matters though! Plus I take it EOD now but at the same dose which makes it even more irrelevant lol but I don't think that any of my results are from finasteride at all because the quality of the hair is still poor even though my coverage is good. I can't grow it out yet.
Hey Kenny when did you notice your hair thickening ? I been on mino for a month and 20 days and still no change in thickness


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Well, to be fair I am only 23. And to be even more fair, my hair is longer. As I keep saying, the quality of most of the hair on the top of my head is garbage. Each grows differently, and in different directions.


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Nothing worth posting pics wise. But I'm going through a shed again, nothing ridiculous like before but definitely a shed. Also, about 2 weeks after going 1.25mg every other day from every day my libido is almost back to normal I think(knock on wood(...ha). I think it will keep getting better. But yeah i keep getting compliments even from my hair dresser who almost didn't recognize me since last time I went in feb(I've been shaving it myself since). I'll post a pic this month. (Temples are still thin)


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Kenny-K - I would focus on the fact of how great the improvement has been and enjoy the success (instead of calling the hair 'garbage'). Your appearance has improved dramatically and you look much better. Awhile back you mentioned watery semen. Do you think this is correlated to Propecia (finasteride) and has that changed back? I have had the same experience (volume is still a lot and trajectory is out of control (because it's less viscous), but it is watery. Since Propecia affects the prostate, which contributes the lipids (white) to the semen, am thinking this must be the cause.


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I think my loads are back to normal(lmao). Wasn't a huge concern for me as much as the weaker erections were and decreased sensitivity. Which are actually back(ish) and I know I should be grateful but honestly my hair is pretty much just back to where it was when I was on minoxidil alone last year. My hair quality is very bad for a 23 year old heathy man. Can't grow it out, can't style it. But hopefully the finasteride kicks back in full force soon, I'm approaching 6 months soon. But all in all I think EOD is the best for sides.


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Hey guys, I know you probably want an update if you've been following this. So here it is! I know some of you will consider this success but I honestly think the temples and my right hairline corner look like ****. Does anyone think it will continue to fill out? This is about 5.5 months of the big 3. Let me know what you guys think.


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Asian Lad

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That's freaking fantastic and dude, yeh the temples ain't perfect, but guess what, most ppl in society don't give a **** and can't tell. You look fantastic! Give us an update on your sides though. That would help.

g.i joey

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U have to assess at the 2 year mark to see ur full results you're most likely gonna notice some regrowth but don't expect anything huge anymore. Tbh you're at a good spot now, we're always our worst critic


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Hey guys, just a little hair has pretty much not gotten better or worse I don't think. Still can't grow it out, but the coverage is ok. Can I expect anything else? Should I move to once a day?