my nizoral 'test' results........michael barry


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holly said:

Really cheap white tetrahydrocurcuminoid powder. No yellow staining. I just don't know what to mix it with. Any ideas?

Yes. With Nano conditioner leave in. If you buy it with Nano shampoo, works for 20$ 120ml. I will use it as my night topical. In the scalp. It has got Aloe vera and Nano (minoxidil like thingy), you can soak your scalp, and if some gets in you hair, even is a hair conditioner. And if the curcumin doesn't work at all, the nano will do something for sure. I guess 2 or 3 % should be enough curcumin. We need Old Baldy here.

Thanks for the find, I was looking exactly for that product some time ago, and I couldn't find anywhere shipping overseas.

Edited: Bryan posted a study which measured a 87% decrease in testosterone stimulated growth on hamster flank organs. In the study they used curcumin disolved in ethanol, 1mg curcumin on 5 microliters alcohol (20% concentration then, if my maths are right)...No idea if hamsters flank organs have similarities with human scalp, I hope Bryan can help with this

BH 90 NWtwo 10

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i remember a month or 2 ago somebody found an indepentdent researcher who was selling a topcial curcumin spray that was designed for skin.. if i remember corectly. if u search the fourms u can find the link to the site which has research behind it. Some people here thought it could do something with the TGF beta?? and help our hairloss


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Have you heard about Ketomousse?

Its a topical Ketoconozale and Zinc that uses the same technology as the Rogaine Foam. It is 2% Keto and 1% Zinc Pyrithine.


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michael barry said:
Now, my nosy *** is testing apple juice on the other wrist, mixed with a little alchohol. I know that the proanthocyandin oligomers that were tested in the Japanese studies were extracted from commercially available apple juice, so I reason I can use quantity over quality and just generously apply it to see if it has a hypertrichotic effect. Im hoping that as an inhibitor of PKC, TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2, it will be.

I think that they claimed in that site that apples contain only tiny amount of that stuff, and they extract it from very large quantity of apples, so you can't replace their stuff with eating a lot of apples and drinking a lot of apple juice or simply applying apple juice topically. On the other hand their site is total brainwash so I don't know if I believe them :)