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temples know's what i would do............


Established Member
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you're a complete idiot

and you are also a complete idiot every time you log on here with your 5 other names as well

grow up kid, your mom would be more disgraced with the way you act like a 15 year old as opposed to your shiny scalp


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umm pray for ur parents to quit beiing f*****g morons and insulting you like that... thats the most bullshit i have ever heard on this forum, my adivce to u is pray and ask for help... or if ur parents are understanding kind people try to let them know its f*****g with u, but i cant see kind people doing such a thing.


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Rawbbie said:
you're a complete idiot

and you are also a complete idiot every time you log on here with your 5 other names as well

grow up kid, your mom would be more disgraced with the way you act like a 15 year old as opposed to your shiny scalp

I want to talk to Hair Loss Talk ADMIN ,Please Warn "Rawbbie" to be Polite . Rawbbie ,as ADMIN knows i have a one stable ip number, i have one Name , im 23 years old. I can prove that to anyone here with Admin. My old nickname was Autumn Tears ,i had one nick name,i changed it into Pall. In this sitıation im not idiot, but you're offensive and rude and also silly. I sent a private message to HairLossTalk Admin.


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Friends, Thanks for your kind replies . I want to add something : One day i was going somewhere with my father , brother with car. I told my father about his work, "you should do this Father, thats better...etc i was talking about his job..." His reply was like this " Do not talk about my job , i know what to do ! LOOK AT YOURSELF , YOU ARE BALD, YOU talk about your problem do not talk about my work."

These words strike at my head....I will never forget these words till i die....Mother and Father were the last people to hear these words i was completely down. :cry:


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Pall that's shocking..... For your parents to attack you on such a personal level is disgraceful. I hope there's more good than bad in them otherwise I'd be entering the escape pod.

A good friend of mine Steve has greek parents who are the biggest arseholes I've ever met, they take great delight insulting Steve in front of his friends for no reason to the point of comments such as "you where a mistake we wish you where never concieved" - considering Steve's one of the most decent ppl I've ever met it's very upsetting.. Something I came to realise about his parents from an outside perspective is that they are very bitter people who live with materialistic regrets. In other words they vented their anguish on their son for no reason.

Steve now only sees his parents on holidays & has explained to them that he is very hurt & disappointed by their condust - they seem to be a little guilt ridden and more appreciative of Steve now.. Lesson learned..

Pall you don't deserve that crap & it's impossible when coming from your own parents but just try and rise above it. You shouldn't have to torture yourself over others poor behaviour - even if it is family....

Good luck....


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IwantMyhair said:
Well you could do like I do when people anger me.

Never bother with them again. Go live your own life and put those fools out of your mind for good.

In other words, the cold shoulder.

This has worked great for me too.

Everyone else has given good advice as well. Take your pick, Pall!


Rawbbie said:
you're a complete idiot

and you are also a complete idiot every time you log on here with your 5 other names as well

grow up kid, your mom would be more disgraced with the way you act like a 15 year old as opposed to your shiny scalp

Rawbbie why don't you f*** off this forum, nobody likes your shitty attacks on people, you don't have male pattern baldness so go find a p**rn site and take your anger out there.


Senior Member
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Rawbbie said:
every time you log on here with your 5 other names as well.
Pall only logs on under one name that we are aware of, under the IP he uses for the "Pall" username. No other names show up when cross referenced with this IP.


New Member
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I can't believe this.....

mrlestat said:
A good friend of mine Steve has greek parents who are the biggest arseholes I've ever met, they take great delight insulting Steve in front of his friends for no reason to the point of comments such as "you where a mistake we wish you where never concieved" - Good luck....

Unbelievable! Parents that say this kind of crap (above) DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE CHILDREN. These kind of people really need help because there are plenty of unresolved issues there.

Anyway, Pall I hope you will rise above this nonsense. I can't believe your own parents would say these very hurtful personal statements about being bald. These are the people that should be supporting you. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.

The other posters gave some great advice about either confronting them, ignoring them, or laughing(to deflect the pain).... but….I would seriously consider moving out and building your own life away from such a negative environment.
Best of luck to you!



Experienced Member
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I agree!!!

Its utter B.S.!!!

Bro, you need to set them straight and a good talking may do the trick. People are always urging parents to talk to their kids about sex, drugs....etc. Well, I think its time you sit them down and let them have it. Maybe it was the way they were brought up and they dont know better, but until you say something they will always be dicks to you.