
My penis is not working right?


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I have been taking finasteride for a few months and it takes forever to get an erection. I don' thave a GF right now but may in the future and really need to get this working. Right now I split a 5mg into 4ths and am thinking of going to 8ths. THink this may help. Its bad enough losing hair. Now my penis. :freaked2:


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I went through this around month 2 on finasteride but it subsided and I've been back to normal ever since, if it's the same in another few months then start thinking about it.


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go out and buy yourself one of these vibrating elastic cockrings of durex.
(you can find them at pharmacies and drugstores here)
wear it, lay down and put the vibration on. for even faster erection watch a porno.


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Get off finasteride. These guys are crazy. the problem with getting accurate info on finasteride is......

Merck is making a killing off of finasteride.

Most guys wont report erection/sex drive problems.

Side effects set in slowly so you dont notice until your sex drive/erection are dead.

Most guys are so freaked out by hairloss that they will do anything hoping to grow a few crappy hairs.

After your drive is gone, you quit caring about much of anything so you just stay on the drug, but you are dead inside.


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depress said:
Get off finasteride. These guys are crazy. the problem with getting accurate info on finasteride is......

Merck is making a killing off of finasteride.

Most guys wont report erection/sex drive problems.

Side effects set in slowly so you dont notice until your sex drive/erection are dead.

Most guys are so freaked out by hairloss that they will do anything hoping to grow a few crappy hairs.

After your drive is gone, you quit caring about much of anything so you just stay on the drug, but you are dead inside.

Sounds like youve had some pretty bad experiences?

Alot of people seem to do fine on finasteride though..


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depress said:
Get off finasteride. These guys are crazy. the problem with getting accurate info on finasteride is......

Merck is making a killing off of finasteride.

Most guys wont report erection/sex drive problems.

Side effects set in slowly so you dont notice until your sex drive/erection are dead.

Most guys are so freaked out by hairloss that they will do anything hoping to grow a few crappy hairs.

After your drive is gone, you quit caring about much of anything so you just stay on the drug, but you are dead inside.

I agree. I've been off of finasteride for a year now and still have the sexual side effects. Mainly NO sex drive and difficulty achieving an erection. Worst decision of my life.


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how long have you had sides before you stopped?


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ok yep im pretty sure im not taking finasteride....ive heard WAY to many people talking about this....

why is merck even making this product? besides the fact that they are making money!?


will spironolactone/revivogen combo be good?


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Propecia is poison...and alos if you dont suffer from side effects...the long term effects are mostly unknown...

We are Merck´s guinea pig.

I suffered from multiple sides...testicle pain, prostatitis (yeah finasteride can enlarge your prostate also)...

I tried again 5 weeks ago and stopped for 3 weeks now and I have still testicle pain all the time...

Well done Merck...well done...

The price for vanaty is to high with this stuff...

I really think about to sue Merck...


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HairLessGR said:
go out and buy yourself one of these vibrating elastic cockrings of durex.
(you can find them at pharmacies and drugstores here)
wear it, lay down and put the vibration on. for even faster erection watch a porno.

Great post, no side effects from propecia, but by the way you may want to pick up a vibrating elastic c*** ring. are you kidding me, if propecia is screwing you up that badly get off it.


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I am giving finasteride a chance for about 10 months and if everything isn't good I am off it. Maybe not all women but some will still find me attractive without all of my hair. Guys for the most part are the super shallow ones. How many fat *** guys do you see make comments about women that are overweight? Women can be shallow as well but you don't want one of those high maintenance b****s anyway.


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gsxr60097 said:
I am giving finasteride a chance for about 10 months and if everything isn't good I am off it. Maybe not all women but some will still find me attractive without all of my hair. Guys for the most part are the super shallow ones. How many fat *** guys do you see make comments about women that are overweight? Women can be shallow as well but you don't want one of those high maintenance b****s anyway.

Don't stay on it if its giving your sides early into the treatment. If you stay on it your body will start to adjust your hormones in the long term to adjust to low DHT.


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Make sure you only take 1mg and not 1.25 by scratching a tiny bit of. Maybe that will give you the slight edge you need.

Good luck.


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That's madness. I would keep my hair. First I would find out if I am one of the unlucky minority 2% maybe at tops 5% who get sides.

To me finasteride makes me a better human. I like myself more on it. I still look forward to taking it every morning.


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baldingman said:
Here's a question, is it worth it to accept these side effects to keep your hair or would you rather not have the side effects and be bald? I ask because I'm starting to lose my hair and haven't yet committed to taking any meds yet. I'm leaning towards enjoying the next couple of years with my current hairline to avoid what seem like, from what others have described here, terrible side effects. Answer me this if you still had my hair would you keep it for the next 2 years knowing its going to go fast or would you start finasteride knowing you might have erectile problems for the long term. As for me, I suppose I'm not going to make any decisions right away, maybe I'll give it another few months and see how I feel.
I opted out of propecia because of the side effects.


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I cut my dose in half and seem to be doing much better. It has only been a week but i can atleast think of something hot and start to get a rise. Still want it to get better but I think I will stay at 1/8th of a finasteride tablet for a month or two and let you know how it goes. I want full attention with a small breeze...