OK y'all - I had to do a search for this thread so I could do an update. DarkVctry is right in that when things are working, I don't come near these forums. I even had to reset my password because I couldn't remember it.
So, nearly 1.5-2 years went by and I got completely off of Revivogen. I keep getting convinced that it's not doing anything and taper off, and eventually quit using the stuff. Well, without being under a lot of stress and without any known environmental or nutritional issues, my hair started thinning like hell. I thought it was just the way I was washing my hair or the styling cream I was using so I didn't go back and order more of the stuff. And it got bad - some days being much worse than others because my hair is pretty long now and the frequency of washing and how it affects the oilyness/dryness is a big deal with curly hair. It got so bad that I could tell people were noticing and a dickhead at work actually commented on it. What an embarrassing thing it is for someone to comment on your thinness in front of others.
So I ordered more of the Revivogen. Apparently they have an upgraded or advanced formula but I went with the standard $99 version (I actually order it from this site - plug not intended). I'm using it 4 days a week or so - some days you don't want to put it on your head and then hop into bed with the lady. I **** you not guys, I was looking in the mirror last night and thinking, "This stuff is actually working?" I don't know why I'm so stubborn to actually believe this stuff works when I've gone through a few cycles of thinning and regrowth after starting Revivogen, but it seems like it does work for thickening things up. I'm only 4-6 weeks into using it, still on the first bottle (comes with 3), and I'm FAR less concerned with my current thickness.
Now, during this cycle of thinning, I think my forehead grew just slightly. I've had the temples/widows-peak since I was 19, but it seems my overall hairline went back a few millimeters. Not enough that you would immediately notice, but it doesn't bother me. My real concern is maintaining thickness so that it doesn't look awkward.
So, lesson learned I suppose. I can't attribute the recent recovery of thickness to anything else, so put me down as a lifelong user of this stuff. To all those who do start using Revivogen and notice some results - stay with it but reduce the frequency. It's easy to think it's not doing anything when you're happy with the thickness you see, but you have to maintain even if you lessen the frequency of use.