My sex drive and performance is pathetic


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ever since i started taking Proscar/finasteride,..I've noticed a slight change in my being, which i first blamed on just catching a cold or being run down, but ...well....i feel sexually prude. I dont relaly care about sex, and its pretty noticeable, i also have trouble getting an erection.

Basically, i was sex god , and now i feel like i wanna lay there..and just cuddle.

Can this pill cause this? because it does play with hormones, and if so.... I think its horrible to play around with your hormones that make you a male, just because you want to retain some hair growth. In a way, its fantatic and sickening, only the most self conscious should do so.

And if thats not the problem.....then great, because i can keep taking proscar.

but i have a gut instinct that tells me, thats to blame.

And, would avodart cause the same symptoms?

If anyone knows, let me know, because this is an anti androgen,and be comforted if i knew more about it.


P.S ( TO BE FAIR,...I also work out regularly, and hook up every other week, and i DEFINITELY saw a decrease in my function. BUT, i also diet sometimes, to the extreme, and restrict my caloric intake, and someitmes play around with caffeine/supplements like trim spa, etc, all of that could be taken into effect too.)

But i'm VERY concerned, because quite honestly...I feel like an essential, go get them, impulsive,...fight or flight almost attack mode part of me is gone. I feel relaxed. but i dont want to .


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Ok well thanks for viewing guys really. its great...

but i was looking for a response :)


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How long you been on propecia??

Taking saw palmetto or a few other herbs helps while your having a too few cuddles and feel your turning in to a big girls blouse.

I had a few issues with propecia sex wise in the first few weeks, but these went way and in the mean time a took some saw.

P.S stop whacking off for a bit as well.


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I had simliar symptoms, it's really rare (only 2% of men?). It is finisteride. But once I skipped 2 days of the pill and I came back horny as hell...


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Nickie, I had a similar drop in sex drive after trying out propecia. I barely had an erection, and lost interest in sex so I stopped taking it and I was back to normal. I agree that it's horrible to mess with your hormones, especially the ones that regulate your sex drive. Screwing with my manhood is not worth potentially saving some hair. I think most people on this board will disagree with me, since it seems propecia is recommended here like it's candy.

My advice to you - trust your instincts. If you think propecia is affecting you negatively, think twice before committing yourself to a lifetime of using it.


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Nickie said:
Ok well thanks for viewing guys really. its great...

but i was looking for a response :) gotta give people more than 2 hours to reply before getting all arsey with everyone...that's not the way you're gonna make friends round here :roll:

But yeah, it certainly could be the long have you been taking it? Could just be a temporary thing while your body gets used to the change if you've not been on it so long. Also try a bit of supplementation, like Arginine as someone suggested, or, try taking only half a propecia pill everyday for a couple of weeks and see if you notice any difference.


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Well tell you what, honestly gonna just...give the propecia a lower dose...see how it goes...

but just stop worrying so much and if worse comes to worse always go for hair transplantation. f*** it.

iim sick of devoting my most precious years of life to wasting them away.

i may as well become a drug addict, because this is almost like it, except you also add worry to the routine. seriously. its not worth it if its gonna cause that much trouble.

its disappointing to say the least, how in 2005, this is all they came up with. its bs.

way to give our hopes up.

same for HIV and other diseases that they just cant get rid of yet, its annoying and making the public think if they should even bother anymore.

As far as the sex god thing....yeah...i was good in bed, but that immature, that really has nothing to do with it, i just had an easier time obtaining erections and felt that drive.

Now....not only am i having trouble, but my head feels all woozy and wobbly, i just feeel strange period. and im going to go off it for one week to see what happens.

I'm 23, and im sure my male hormones are in FULL this finasteride...which i looked up on other "TRANNY" sites is being regarded as a major anti androgen.

its potentially ...powerful stuff, that messes with what is essentially "MALE" id rather lose my hair than a female.

im going to cry. maybe thats the female in me lol.

but i cant believe i blew $90 on this bullshit.


Nikki i had the same problem after taking it for 2 months so i stopped using it.I think just go and get a tranplsnt done to fix the problem then if need be go back and get some more until your happy with it.Most people only have a couple of procedures and then its it for life.



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Try lowering your dosage, seriously. .5mg has reported to be more then enough to get effect with less side effect. I am taking proscar for a whole 4 days (lol) and split it 10-ways (surprised at how easy it is). I don't notice any difference in drive etc


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Give your body some time to feel out the finasteride and balance things before you start crying. If the side effects persist for a year while taking the drug, then you can drop it and hit the Midol.


Nixon's Head

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I know cuddling is a big turn off for most women, most just prefer to be used like a blow-up sex toy. I have to specifically look for "kinky" women who enjoy my cuddle perversion. Most women say "Nixon, Im sorry but you're just going to have to find another woman if you just want to sit there are cuddle for longer than is nessicary for me to "give it up". You're a pervert!"


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hahaha, good sh*t Nixon. I had a down period on the finasteride as well, but I agree that if you let your body ride it out, you usually come back fine. I'm totally 100% when it comes to sex and sexual function again, and I definitely went through a down period.


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but besdies sex, FINASTERIDE also made me a little bit more DEPRESSED, seriously.

should i be taking this crap?


Nickie if i was you i wouldnt take it as its a hormonal drug which can stuff your body around.For the sake of keeping abit of hair just go and get a transplant performed like i did.The go back if you need more done until your happy. I was on Proscar for awhile but my sex drvie dropped and i felt really weird.



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any post as egotistical as yours shouldnt really be answered by anyone, but ill shed some light

the first month i took propecia i saw a noticable difference with sex drive, it was much HIGHER than normal

after that month, the next 2-3 were very dismal being that my sex drive was non-existant

after those months i pretty much returned to normal

PS: things like trimspa are crap and have an EXTREMELY minimal effect, if you want good cutting supplements, go with a phentermine, clenbuterol, t3 cycle


Well i have just recently passed my one year mark on finasteride and just now i feel i am seriously having sexual side effects. I am going to lower my dosage to 0.5mg every OTHER day. Currently I am taking a few days off of my regimen because i want to bounce back. Soft erections suck man... worse than hairloss. I think its getting a little bit better already though since i have taken a 2 day break off my regimen.