My social problems


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someone just told me my hairloss does not have to hold me back. i'm not so sure. this is what I wrote back to him. and even if i can get dates now, i'm sure my hair before my grafts would have held me back.

i'm interested in your story. i also responded to your post. i agree i'm on here too much. partially it is too help other, but i must say i feel unloved when i look on the board and don't see any new posts for me to respond to.

you're info may benifit me. I know my hair loss does not have to stop me from getting good grades or a job, but it is hard to focus when i can never have the joy of having sex or kissing a pretty woman.

i'm sure you will also say hairloss should not stop me from dating. but while that may be true for me or may not be, you can't know that. Hair is 20% of the picture. i can compensate with other stuff, but I still have a handicap, and depending on how fit I am and finances and other qualities, it is possible the hairloss can be the last straw that keeps me from getting a pretty girlfriend, or I may be able to get one now and just not know it.

of course i can get one just by settling for some less attractive, but if she is not at least average looking, then there is no joy in it.

Also, i don't have many friends in college. too many people like to drink and smoke all the time. It must be 90% of students. And as an out of state student trying to mingle with senior who already have friends (i'm 26 and trying to hange out with the older students), have have problems when the seniors keep graduating and leaving town. Also, I'm not in any of there classes because I'm just a sophomore who started late for financial reasons. I'm trying to get to know the sophomores in my chemE classes, but there are the Honors students and the drinkers and few in between.


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college- you have to understand that hairloss isnt that big of an issue, people may see you hair and think ohh 'his going bald'. Big deal, you have to be confident, DRESS WELL, work on your other facial features, go to the gym. Building a good body is a huge benefit! Im at uni also, you just have to be confident and approach people and socialise. A simple hello how are you goes a long way! Give these pointers a go, and see how things will only get better. Goodluck man! By the way its good to have someone like you helping everyone out, keep at it, but also focus on other things! Cheers


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If i can only spend money on one thing, should it be on RU to try to regrow my hairline, or should it be on a new wardrobe? I think I'll go for the RU, as long as my clothes fit and don't have holes or stains and I have a little variety.

thanks goingat20. it is believable that a very fit body will do wonders. I really hope you are right, since that is something i know I can do. i used to think my hunch back would mean that no amount of muscle would make a difference, but it seems to be straightening out now.


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I would strongly even a slight change in your wardrobe, people will notice the change and respond in a positive manner. RU is just a strong anti-androgen, give flutamide a go (cost efficient). Keep at the gym, also if your back is hunched it would be good if you went to a chiropractor to help you out. Goodluck


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Seriously, get over it, hair isnt anything at all if your mindset is right.

Do yourself a favor, read up on a man named Neil Strauss, he just published a book called the Game. Its about how he transformed himself from a skinny, pale, 5'6, horribly balding (it looked terrible) man into one of the greatest pick up artists of all time.


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Hit the gym, shave the hair down, f*** friends and focus on work; get into a PhD program for the gods. Game, College Chem Student.


ryand2 said:
Seriously, get over it, hair isnt anything at all if your mindset is right.

Do yourself a favor, read up on a man named Neil Strauss, he just published a book called the Game. Its about how he transformed himself from a skinny, pale, 5'6, horribly balding (it looked terrible) man into one of the greatest pick up artists of all time.

That's funny because I was just going to mention that. I have a copy of that book in my bookcase and it's a great read. Yes, definitely pick up this book college. it will change your whole mindset regarding women.


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I look forward to your posts everytime I log in. The are earnest and intelligent.

In your state, drinking and smoking are the ONLY things people do... Trust me, I live in Las Vegas, and that's the only thing people do here.

This is your hair:


That hairline is similar to Dr. Armani's hairline... Even if it is a little thin, it's alright man.... you can still style it... At least, you're never going bald.

What's all this nonsense about not being able to get a girl?

That is complete BS. It's not your hair, man. Your hair looks fine to me.

Sure, you've been dealt the male pattern baldness hand, but it's not so bad... you got a great transplant, you've got your youth, and you've got your health.

START going to the gym... Start exercising the crap out of your body. I guarantee you that you'll feel like a new man in a few month's time.

And to find new friends, and possibly a girlfriend, start going to some clubs... No, not DANCE/DRINKING clubs... Go to a social outfit that participates in activities... I mean, there are tons of them out there... Chess Club, Movie-Hopper clubs, cooking clubs, food clubs, computer clubs, exercise clubs...

Whatever it is you like to do, there is a club for it. Just make the effort to get involved, make an investment into yourself to become apart of something you truly enjoy... Once you get your feet wet, you'll be much happier.

Now, explain to me why you can't get a girl. Give us am explanation about your past girls, and what kind of girl your looking at getting now.


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Oh yeah, and here's what I would do if I were in your position, having a bit more money.

Go to a good hairstylist, get your hair styled.

Go to Nordstrom, or a nice clothing store, and buy yourself a new wardrobe, cologne, shoes, etc.

Start hitting the gym everyday.

Go to the grocery store and buy all healthy stuff... cottage cheese, fruits, veggies, sandwiches, deli meat, healthy choice, whatever.

These things give you a better feel about the ONLY thing you really have in this world: your body.

It makes such a difference. I really suggest you try it.


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THAT'S his hairline?! Mine's about 300 times worse, yet the way he posts about how he can't get women cause of his hairloss makes it sound like he's a NW7. I definitely have gotten attractive women while having a much worse hairline than that. Now I'm angry.


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it looks a LOT thicker in the dark on camera. I can see scalp going way back. at 5 feet away people can see a lot of scalp covered by thin hair.

And i need to clear up a little myth. Good looks (and also height, if you look decent) makes women think of you in a sexual way.

A bad personality can make a woman not want to be around you despite her thinking of you in a sexual way.

If a woman like's your personality enough, and is not repulsed by your appearance, it is possible she will give you some action. and you don't have to beg. but it is very rare and only temporary.

now if you are just a bit less physically attractive than what she is used to, you personality can get you the rest of the way. if a woman likes to wait for guys to ask her out, her adventurous counter parts will get better looking guys than she does if they look as good as she does. Same with guys. the ones who approach many women will do better than the ones who wait for someone to approach them. It is like a job search. but if you don't have nearly even half the qualifications, and still want the same pay, you are not going to get the job.


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man your hair is good, i'm 20 and my hairline is much much worse but i still get glances from pretty ladies.... and not in a bad way.

i think that you worry about your hair too much

your prob the only one that notices if its thinning or not


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that may be the truth after my most recent grafts grow out. still no one will say it is thick. since i know of attractive guys who never had a girlfriend because they are too shy, and it seems that most women don't approach men, it could be i just need to be more assertive. well, i do need to look better, but i'm thinking I might be able to get an average looking women right now. i mean an average looking 20 year old college student, not average looking out of all ages or backgrounds.


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i dont think you can get an average one, I know you can get at least an average one, probably better than average if you try. I don't know what you look like, but unless your butt ugly, you can get good chicks because you make your hair out to be way way worse than it is. Like I said, your probably the only one that notices its thin.

When I tell people i'm losing my hair they are surprised even though my hairline is getting back there. Unless you bring attention to your hair issue, nobody is going to look twice.

Now when you go out with good looking chicks, don't talk about your hair.
Why point out your shortfalls? Just focus on what you have going, and you'll be fine!


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i dont think you can get an average one, I know you can get at least an average one, probably better than average if you try. I don't know what you look like, but unless your butt ugly, you can get good chicks because you make your hair out to be way way worse than it is. Like I said, your probably the only one that notices its thin.

When I tell people i'm losing my hair they are surprised even though my hairline is getting back there. Unless you bring attention to your hair issue, nobody is going to look twice.

Now when you go out with good looking chicks, don't talk about your hair.
Why point out your shortfalls? Just focus on what you have going, and you'll be fine!

If you put your effort into meeting women instead of these hair chats, you'd prob be a big pimp


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collegechemistrystudent said:
Also, i don't have many friends in college. too many people like to drink and smoke all the time. It must be 90% of students. And as an out of state student trying to mingle with senior who already have friends (i'm 26 and trying to hange out with the older students), have have problems when the seniors keep graduating and leaving town. Also, I'm not in any of there classes because I'm just a sophomore who started late for financial reasons. I'm trying to get to know the sophomores in my chemE classes, but there are the Honors students and the drinkers and few in between.
Man, I can totally relate to you. I too started college late (decided to go back at 24) and it's definitely hard making friends when most ppl are over 5 years younger than you. The fact that I'm probably the baldest one out of everyone in all my classes doesn't help things either. But the way I look at it is that I'm there not to make friends, but get a degree and that's about it. If I make a bunch of friends then that's cool, if not, then that's also fine with me.


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that picture is very deciving. I my hair looks nothing like that. it is just the only picture I have, unless I pay for a disposable camera and development just to put a few pics on the web.