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I'm a 34 years old male and starting about 4 years ago I began taking a daily 1mg Propecia tablet. During this 4 year period I haven't really noticed a difference for better or worse until about 3 months ago or so when I noticed that my hair was looking much thinner in the temple/front lobe area and noticed more hair falling while combing or simply running my hand through it. About two months ago I started using a LaserComb Hair Brush which seemed to make things worse so I stopped after a couple of weeks. I was also on a daily Vitamin D table which was suggested by my physician for reasons other than hair lose. I stopped that regimen as well recentely. At the present time I would say i'm a lll on the Norwood Hamilton clasification system.
Also, my hair is pretty oily and I have itchy scalp.
I am posting this in hopes that people who went through the same thing as I did (which I'm sure they are many) and found a solution would share their experience and help others before it's too late. We all know it's easier to prevent hair loss than regrow hair. I am not looking for anything drastic but I'm open to any sugestions.

Thank you a bunch!


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well you have a few options.

1. upping the propecia dose
2. switch to dutasteride
3. look into hair transplantation surgery

but id say for now get on minoxidil regardless of which androgen blocker you decide to take.


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Minoxidil is one of only two FDA-approved treatments for hair loss and is the only anti-baldness drug approved for women. Originally introduced as a medicine to treat high blood pressure, it was noticed that users began to grow extra hair. It is now available without prescription as a topically applied liquid in solutions like Rogaine, but cheaper generic versions are also available. A 2% solution is marketed as a treatment for both men and women, but a 5% version is approved only for men.
The main benefit of minoxidil is its ability to stimulate hair growth - it does not tackle the causes of hair loss, but simply overrides the symptoms. Some uncertainty surrounds the reasons why it works, but it has proven to be a very effective hair loss treatment with minimal risk of side effects.
It is particularly useful when used to reverse the effects of male pattern baldness but it has also shown positive results in the treatment of less severe forms of alopecia areata. Its usefulness in helping other forms of hair loss appears limited.
Minoxidil is better known as Rogaine but other generic products deliver the same results for much less cost. It can be safely used with other hair loss treatments and is especially effective when used in conjunction with Propecia to tackle male pattern baldness.


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i tried the Rogain Foam a while ago for a short time but stoped because i read here that many guys were experiencing faster hair loss than before they started taking it


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don't base your decisions off of other peoples rare misfortunes.

although i find it kinda funny that ud stop minoxidil and not propecia....