Yeah the vehicle of the original zix is weak no question. Most topicals available for hairloss use strong alcohol concentrations so obviously it makes more sense sticking to what’s tried and true. And yeah side effects with all of them. Limp with finasteride, dutasteride, fluridil, and didn’t like feeling out of breathe with minoxidil. I didn’t use ru long enough to know truest if I was experiencing side effects or not but I decided to scrap it because it’s so unknown.Imo he uses a superior vehicle (isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol) so much more zinc will penetrate and take effect + he needles every week (there's one guy with pictures who had great results form needling + zix only). I can definitely see why he has good results with this zinc only version.
Btw the original vehicle of zix was always weak imo, water + ethyl alcohol isn't good enough for penetrating the skin imo.
@Rasher90 Do you have any side effects? And did you experience side effects from your older treatments like fina?