
My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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Imo he uses a superior vehicle (isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol) so much more zinc will penetrate and take effect + he needles every week (there's one guy with pictures who had great results form needling + zix only). I can definitely see why he has good results with this zinc only version.

Btw the original vehicle of zix was always weak imo, water + ethyl alcohol isn't good enough for penetrating the skin imo.

@Rasher90 Do you have any side effects? And did you experience side effects from your older treatments like fina?
Yeah the vehicle of the original zix is weak no question. Most topicals available for hairloss use strong alcohol concentrations so obviously it makes more sense sticking to what’s tried and true. And yeah side effects with all of them. Limp with finasteride, dutasteride, fluridil, and didn’t like feeling out of breathe with minoxidil. I didn’t use ru long enough to know truest if I was experiencing side effects or not but I decided to scrap it because it’s so unknown.


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Imo he uses a superior vehicle (isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol) so much more zinc will penetrate and take effect + he needles every week (there's one guy with pictures who had great results form needling + zix only). I can definitely see why he has good results with this zinc only version.

Btw the original vehicle of zix was always weak imo, water + ethyl alcohol isn't good enough for penetrating the skin imo.

@Rasher90 Do you have any side effects? And did you experience side effects from your older treatments like fina?
And no side effects from zinc. My libido has completely returned and performance is back to where it was pretreatments.


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Imo he uses a superior vehicle (isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol) so much more zinc will penetrate and take effect + he needles every week (there's one guy with pictures who had great results form needling + zix only). I can definitely see why he has good results with this zinc only version.

Btw the original vehicle of zix was always weak imo, water + ethyl alcohol isn't good enough for penetrating the skin imo.

@Rasher90 Do you have any side effects? And did you experience side effects from your older treatments like fina?
Also, what’s your experience with zinc?


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I used zix for 1 year, also added needling the last 6 months but didn't do enough to stop my hairloss, it slowed it down at best. But I think using your version with a better vehicle could really make a significant difference, I might try that version later. For now I'm on minoxidil + needling.

Btw, do you have any residue in your zix version? Or is it completely dissolved and transparent? Because that was one of the issues of zix, didn't seem to dissolve that well.
I think there’s rice flour or something in it that doesn’t dissolve but I’m not entirely sure. I just shake the bottle really well before applying.


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I see, I think there are some suppliers online that provide pure heptahydrate with no fillers.

Btw what do you use to apply your zix? A typical minoxidil doppler?
Yeah have that also just using the capsules that were originally recommended first before moving onto the pure heptahydrate. And yeah minoxidil dropper


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Hey, I am newish here. I got referred to Zix from someone on Reddit. Additionally, I am willing to try anything to save my hair apart from finasteride and Min (tried and got sides). A few questions straight off the bat. I live in the UK, this was not cheap to Buy, even distilled water, I just wanted your opinion on the following products that I bought.

(Where on gods green planet can I buy distilled water in the UK that is cheap and in small bottles)
- Vodka 40% - I need to buy vodka right? We don't get Ethyl alcohol in the UK? Can i do all this without vodka/ethyl alcohol. Saw worm said that was okay to do.

Anyways, when I mix this all together, what can I expect to happen, no hair loss or regrowth. How long does the solution last as well per bottle, shall I store it in the fridge, I read that I should put in fridge on Joes website but some guy on the forum was arguing with me saying I shouldn't have to put it in the fridge.

I also spoke to Ostrigrow and am going to test that, any thoughts on this product which apparently blocks DHT.

Are the above ingredients I bought okay? I really want to try this properly and will attach photos of progress.


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Additionally, what is the best shampoo to use alongside Zix - Regenepure or Nizoral?

Also bought a boat load of vitamins to help with hair loss. Spent a good GBP 200.00 last few days so really wanting all this to work. Are the above ingredients I bought all okay?

@worm - this shampoo also what you recommend?

Thank you for everything you do!


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1800mg per 60ml solution of 70/30, application 2ml twice a day all over scalp. I also dermaroll once a week at 1mm and apply zix directly after. Stings like a b**ch for 20 mins but honestly my scalp feels so healthy after.
So you are adding 1800mgs of zinc sulfate to a bottle of 70mls of isopropyl acohol , 30mls of propylene - glyeol and you are using the heptahydrate version of isopropylene alcohol . Is that correct ?


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You can get 500 g - 1 kg of 99.9% pure Zinc Sulfate Heptahydrate on eBay for very cheap... why buy capsules with fillers?

Hey man, are you referring to my post. I live in UK, the above links are all I could find in the UK. If you have any other links for me for the next time I purchase, would greatly appreciate it. Looking for all ingredients. This is what I purchased so far:



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So you are adding 1800mgs of zinc sulfate to a bottle of 70mls of isopropyl acohol , 30mls of propylene - glyeol and you are using the heptahydrate version of isopropylene alcohol . Is that correct ?
Actually no, I made a mistake when I said that earlier on. 1800mg is an insane amount of zinc (heptahydrate version). I’m using 50mg capsules and adding them to my 70/30 mix of isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol. The reason I thought it was 1800mg because on the bottle the description says 50mg zinc (from 220mg zinc heptahydrate) which honestly I’m not fully clear on. If anyone knows what the exact quantity of zinc is with this description please elucidate. The reason I said 1800 was because 8 capsules of 220mg zinc heptahydrate would total just under 1800mg. But I’m looking at RDA’s for zinc and it’s like 15mg-30mg. So it couldn’t possibly be 1800mg… I’d be made of metal if that were the case.
On that note, I’d like to mention that just today I’ve been experiencing all the side effects of zinc overdosing. So I’ll be dropping the quantity of zinc I’m putting into the bottle probably by half. So 4 caps of zinc into 60ml mix and see where that takes me. Striking a balance is trickier than I originally thought..


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Actually no, I made a mistake when I said that earlier on. 1800mg is an insane amount of zinc (heptahydrate version). I’m using 50mg capsules and adding them to my 70/30 mix of isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol. The reason I thought it was 1800mg because on the bottle the description says 50mg zinc (from 220mg zinc heptahydrate) which honestly I’m not fully clear on. If anyone knows what the exact quantity of zinc is with this description please elucidate. The reason I said 1800 was because 8 capsules of 220mg zinc heptahydrate would total just under 1800mg. But I’m looking at RDA’s for zinc and it’s like 15mg-30mg. So it couldn’t possibly be 1800mg… I’d be made of metal if that were the case.
On that note, I’d like to mention that just today I’ve been experiencing all the side effects of zinc overdosing. So I’ll be dropping the quantity of zinc I’m putting into the bottle probably by half. So 4 caps of zinc into 60ml mix and see where that takes me. Striking a balance is trickier than I originally thought..
So you are going to add 4 - 220mg capsules of heptahydrate in 60 mls ? What is the percentage of isopropy alcohol you are using ? 70 or 90 % .


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All this is scaring me, reading this, are their side effects to Zix. If i follow the classic Zix formula, and do 3 tablets in stead of 2, am I okay?


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All this is scaring me, reading this, are their side effects to Zix. If i follow the classic Zix formula, and do 3 tablets in stead of
Nothing serious, just tingling hands and feet and a slightly upset stomach (for like 5 mins thought I was gunna get sick). Normal sides for excess zinc. If you research online you’ll find a lot of people have had these from just taking it as a supplement (nothing to do with hair). Zinc clears out from the body extremely quickly so it’s nothing to worry about if you drop the dosage. I’ve started taking copper as a supplement too as having high zinc for prolonged period depleted copper so I’d imagine mine is a little low now that I’ve experienced sides. I’ll keep updating.

What side effects do you experience?


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All this is scaring me, reading this, are their side effects to Zix. If i follow the classic Zix formula, and do 3 tablets in stead of 2, am I okay?
Don’t worry zinc is absolutely harmless. It takes an extremely long time of exposure to high zinc to be in danger. It’s literally a trace mineral.
So you are going to add 4 - 220mg capsules of heptahydrate in 60 mls ? What is the percentage of isopropy alcohol you are using ? 70 or 90 % .
Yeah 50mg zinc (from zinc 220mg hepatahydrate) whatever that means. Literally using ‘PlusPharma’ capsules and on the back of the bottle it says that. Genuinely don’t understand it.