My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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Im basing this on my own experience, having used finasteride for 7 years, which was more effective than zix but had sides. I dont see that zix reduces my dht by 90%, at least in the form im using. Maybe the Azelaic brings it there, which I believe that study suggests.

My experience with Azelaic may have resulted in my shedding, but that may be due to me using nizoral at the same time, which I know makes me shed.

Have the same problem with nizoral, makes me shed. Lost hair that never regrew.


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I have been using zix for nearly a year now, I have no sides. If anything my sex drive is really high.

I have never used finasteride either. Find it hard to believe vitamins can give ED.

How's it been working for you?


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Back on it here for a month. Have also done microneedling twice in that time period. Amount of hair I shed in the shower has gone done quite significant. Not sure yet if I can attribute this solely to zix. Will update in another month.


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Hi, i finally have all the ingredients, so, i have made Zix like this.
1 - 14.5 ml alcohol 96% ~ 20 ml at 70%
2 - 3x zinc sulphate 50 mg = 150 mg
3 - 6x B6 25 mg = 150 mg
4 - distiled water ~ 40 ml (i filled the rest of the container 60ml ~ 2oz)
What do you think, it is ok, too much alcohol?
I have used minoxdilil for the past 2 years with no success but i am afraid to stop it. I put only 1 ml in the morning, if i use it in the evening i will not sleep well...
So , yesterday i applied in the evening Zix. No sides at all until later in the night when i got a terrible ED.
In the morning i have tried again...same result!!! :-/
Could it be related to Zix? Should i continue to apply and hope for the best?
Did anyone else experienced ED when on Zix? Please note that i am not talking about low libido (the desire is there).
i am scared like sh*t in this moment! :)))

I would use 10mls of alcohol.

Look it's not impossible that you're getting ed, but i have to say the mind has a strong ability to affect your ability to get it up. Arrade more recently spoke about sides, which I find unlikely. I have a strong libido using zix, granted I take a zinc picolinate supplement which I find helps - I in my 40s and I have the same drive as in did in my late teen years. While on finasteride I definitely had difficulty with my libido and I didnt get as hard.

That said I recommend just considering for a moment that this doesnt give sides. I have very rarely heard over the years people claiming sides.

Have the same problem with nizoral, makes me shed. Lost hair that never regrew.

Mine regrew after a few months, it made my hair limp and thin.


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How's it been working for you?

Hard to tell, but I think that I am maintaining, where the thin areas are still thin.

My shedding is about 10 hairs in the shower. I do find less hair generally on my laptop, on my desk etc


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Hi there Worm, question for you....

I'm not sure if it's just me but I am struggling to find the ingredients easily, more specifically the ethyl alcohol and the distilled water. I can find de-ionised water (for car batteries etc) quite easy (no distilled water in boots or wilko), and the ethyl alcohol is not too easy to find either. I am located in London, UK btw. Do you think using methylated spirit and de-ionised water is ok, or would you advise against it? I was even tempted to use the ice that has condensed in my freezer as a substitute for distilled water.

Would appreciate a little feedback.

Many thanks.


p.s. would you advise against putting the mixture into a spray bottle and then spraying it onto your head/hair?


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I have bought the stuff and am going to try this. I know it's not very likely to get sides, but if it really does reduce dht there could be a small chance you get some kind of side effect. Like for example, how do you know if you are/or about to get gyno? So I can stop using it.


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I have bought the stuff and am going to try this. I know it's not very likely to get sides, but if it really does reduce dht there could be a small chance you get some kind of side effect. Like for example, how do you know if you are/or about to get gyno? So I can stop using it.
You wont get gyno from this type of low potential dht reducer unlike finasteride.


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I have bought the stuff and am going to try this. I know it's not very likely to get sides, but if it really does reduce dht there could be a small chance you get some kind of side effect. Like for example, how do you know if you are/or about to get gyno? So I can stop using it.

It is more likely you'll get gyno from eating a block of tofu than using this - also sides seems very unlikely to me.


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Do you think i can use ZIX and a topical finasteride 0.25 mg with 3 % minoxidil at the same time?

I wouldnt mix the two. But topical finasteride is known to cause sides. Otherwise, if you would want to use finasteride, minoxidil and zix, I can see it as being pretty effective.


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Would it be effective to use this every other day? At the moment I apply like 5 types of oils on my scalp before I go to bed, but it would suck to drop them completely.

During the day I apply minoxidil, so I am not sure how I am going to fit everything into my regimen.


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Would it be effective to use this every other day? At the moment I apply like 5 types of oils on my scalp before I go to bed, but it would suck to drop them completely.

During the day I apply minoxidil, so I am not sure how I am going to fit everything into my regimen.

I have rarely seen ANYONE have results with oils. Zix however... Your pick.


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Obviously oils alone won't do sh*t, but it's still a useful addition I would think?

No the evidence of most oils to contribute anything is close to being non-existant. Sorry.

Focus on what has been proven to work in your protocol if you want your protocol to work.


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Yeah well pretty much everything has been found to have 'some' effect on hair. I have never seen one trustworthy user here or on other forums claiming succes in any way, shape, or form.


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A quick question since I can't be bothered to read 93 pages, will this not work orally? I mean if you take Zix ingredients orally why shouldn't it have the same effect?


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Hi worm,

Did you see my post? Would you mind giving me some guidance?


Hi there Worm, question for you....

I'm not sure if it's just me but I am struggling to find the ingredients easily, more specifically the ethyl alcohol and the distilled water. I can find de-ionised water (for car batteries etc) quite easy (no distilled water in boots or wilko), and the ethyl alcohol is not too easy to find either. I am located in London, UK btw. Do you think using methylated spirit and de-ionised water is ok, or would you advise against it? I was even tempted to use the ice that has condensed in my freezer as a substitute for distilled water.

Would appreciate a little feedback.

Many thanks.


p.s. would you advise against putting the mixture into a spray bottle and then spraying it onto your head/hair?

James Passion

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I found that I will lost about 60 hair after washing... I have tried zix for more than a month... Nothing has changed... I feel so hopeless.