Nano Shampoo


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So, we go through this with Proctor's products about every six months, but I never get a straight answer from anyone who is using them. Are they worth using or not?


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RalphyWiggum said:
So, we go through this with Proctor's products about every six months, but I never get a straight answer from anyone who is using them. Are they worth using or not?

Ok as I bump another old NANO post I have read this comment and have come to the same conclusion.

I have probably gone through about 30 posts in the past week.

I am giving this product a shot when I run out of Nizoral 1% and T/SAL.

I rarely do the much overhyped "SHED" so maybe this will be a good gauge for some folks. I will start it soon and will give everyone an update.

I love my Nizoral and T/SAL combo but I think we old timers need to shake things up, carefully, as we go. Minor changes , I expect little from any medicated shampoo.


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This thread was pretty funny to read, especially the insults against Dr Proctor and his wife!

I agree with keeping things mixed up and am interested to see what the shampoo is like, guess this time we will get informed opinon. Thinking of maybe starting proxiphen, say in the morning then applying my normal minoxidil application at night...also buying one of those liquid apliators for topicals that are suppose to increase absorption. mmm, might wait another year or so before using proxiphen though as minoxidil still seems to be working well.

In a bit.