Natural Remedy?


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The Natural said:
Silverfox said:
Did u continue with the treatments after the regrowth disappeared? Just wondering if u dropped them or if I kept them in your regime and still saw no difference a few months later?


I did continue for a while. Then I stopped after I felt this approach was not working. Years later, I even re-introduced Applepoly Booster caps, but nothing terribly "special" happened like before, so I stopped.

Again, I am grateful for having stopped my hair loss with a regimen of curcumin (and resveratrol which I later substituted for aged garlic extract). I have maintained quite well since. But, like everyone else, I wouldn't mind some more regrowth.


Name some (that have produced results for you and other posters that I am familiar with), and I may try 'em.

Wait a minute..what happened to the one you WERE using? It was something I had posted awhile back. And what if ppl had that attitude with what you take internally? :whistle: But I would think anything is worth a try, if you really want to see regrowth. Heck..even FNS :shock:

I can't help you with something that other posters have also seen results on- not many use the stuff I use, if any. And of course I use a # of things.

There were some that were seeing results with this product: but it's been awhile since I've seen any updates.

The Natural

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Jacob said:
TN..don't you think you should be using topicals by now if you're looking for regrowth?

As to your first question. I've answered this...

Now with respect to the second, I was I forget the was by greens-something or another...shows you where I prioritize it now. It had capsaicin and some other things like saw palmetto, etc. I thought that my hair looked somewhat better (thicker?) with it. But it didn't "WOW" me. After replacing resveratrol with aged garlic extract, I dropped this topical.

I just remembered the name: ThermaScalp. I guess if I was suffering from an itchy scalp, then it may have meant more to me.

The Natural

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Jacob said:
And what if ppl had that attitude with what you take internally? :whistle: But I would think anything is worth a try, if you really want to see regrowth. Heck..even FNS :shock:

What attitude? I think the majority of people come here to read about the experience that others have had with said herb, vitamins, and minerals.

Posting about new products is fine :whistle: , but the bottom line is that people want reviews and testimonies, whenever possible. For example, my story may be different from your experience, but I think that we should both post ours, and let people decide for themselves what they want to do.

I am just here to share my experience. If someone has tried things in my regimen, and have had a different experience (e.g. all their hair fell out of their heads :woot: ), then they should by all means post about it.


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I'm referring to your..requirement I guess- "that have produced results for you and other posters that I am familiar with". No one would try what you're using either if that were the case :)

But only makes sense imo to use a topical(more than one even) if looking for regrowth. What works for one may not work for another..there are other factors involved...might as well just try some for a good length of time.

The Natural

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It was not a "requirement."

Look, we have been at this hair loss thing for how many years now (?), so I thought/think there should be some sort of consensus out here as to what does/does not help. Surely, in all this time, you've come across other posters who have used the same products as you, and can comment on their effectiveness.

As for internals, there are people (e.g. Scotty, bucket, etc.) at other forums (IH's, Hairsite) that have gotten results with curcumin and resveratrol.


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Actually no, I cannot..since many either do not use what I use, or the combo I use...or if they do they don't stick with anything long enough. I will bet 90% or more that use the Andalou topical(using that as an example since it's a more recent one) will not stick with it for 6+ months.

Maybe something will come to mind...will post it if I do.

I'm pretty sure those you mentioned also use other things....

The Natural

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Jacob said:
Actually no, I cannot..since many either do not use what I use, or the combo I use...or if they do they don't stick with anything long enough. I will bet 90% or more that use the Andalou topical(using that as an example since it's a more recent one) will not stick with it for 6+ months.

Maybe something will come to mind...will post it if I do.

I'm pretty sure those you mentioned also use other things....

But again, this goes back to the purpose of a forum, which I think is to share our experiences with said product. I mean, how long is "long." Maybe you think using a topical for three months is not long, but another poster thinks that it is. The only thing to do in such cases is for users to post about their experience using said topical for x number of months, give results, and let each reader decide for himself how relevant the variables are.

You are correct. The ones that I mentioned are taking other things. Their regimens are different from mine, but the common denominator in all our regimens was the combination of curcumin and resveratrol (I have since switched to aged garlic extract). In addition, they, themselves, stated that this combination stopped their hair loss.


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The Natural said:
Jacob said:
Actually no, I cannot..since many either do not use months.

Maybe something will come you mentioned also use other things....

But again, this goes back to the purpose of a forum, which I think is to share our experiences with said product. I mean, how long is "long." Maybe you think using a topical for three months is not long, but another poster thinks that it is. The only thing to do in such cases is for users to post about their experience using said topical for x number of months, give results, and let each reader decide for himself how relevant the variables are.

You are correct. The ones that I mentioned are taking other things. Their regimens are different from mine, but the common denominator in all our regimens was the combination of curcumin and resveratrol (I have since switched to aged garlic extract). In addition, they, themselves, stated that this combination stopped their hair loss.

How are u taking the curcumin and resveratrol? Oral? Topical?


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The Natural said:
Jacob said:
Actually no, I cannot..since many either do not use what I use, or the combo I use...or if they do they don't stick with anything long enough. I will bet 90% or more that use the Andalou topical(using that as an example since it's a more recent one) will not stick with it for 6+ months.

Maybe something will come to mind...will post it if I do.

I'm pretty sure those you mentioned also use other things....

But again, this goes back to the purpose of a forum, which I think is to share our experiences with said product. I mean, how long is "long." Maybe you think using a topical for three months is not long, but another poster thinks that it is. The only thing to do in such cases is for users to post about their experience using said topical for x number of months, give results, and let each reader decide for himself how relevant the variables are.

You are correct. The ones that I mentioned are taking other things. Their regimens are different from mine, but the common denominator in all our regimens was the combination of curcumin and resveratrol (I have since switched to aged garlic extract). In addition, they, themselves, stated that this combination stopped their hair loss.

I do share my experiences. I am just not going to go running around claiming this has done this or that when I use multiple things(internals as well I should add.....such as a coq10/pqq combo) or say others are seeing results with this or that if I don't know of anyone who is using something long enough! If some poster thinks 3 months is long enough and so moves on to something else..that's someone I wouldn't pay too much attention to.

After I posted yesterday I was thinking about Dermatopoietin as an example. Either those who are using it just aren't posting their experience with it anymore or never continued with it..most likely the latter.

The Natural

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Jacob said:
I do share my experiences. I am just not going to go running around claiming this has done this or that when I use multiple things(internals as well I should add.....such as a coq10/pqq combo) or say others are seeing results with this or that if I don't know of anyone who is using something long enough! If some poster thinks 3 months is long enough and so moves on to something else..that's someone I wouldn't pay too much attention to.

After I posted yesterday I was thinking about Dermatopoietin as an example. Either those who are using it just aren't posting their experience with it anymore or never continued with it..most likely the latter.

Don't you want to know what's working for you? Why would you continue to add to a regimen without knowing what is or is not working for you. That doesn't make sense.

I actually believe that you have an idea as to what has helped, has not done much, or hurt. But to continue to add things and rotate things without any idea of its effect on your scalp/hair seems a lot stranger to me than "running around claiming this has done this or that."

For example, I remember you asking, "How do you know that it was curcumin and resveratrol supplements that stopped your hair loss. It could have been the tocotrienols." Here is how I "know:" My hair loss and dandruff did not stop until I took curcumin and resveratrol. And, even after I stopped taking tocotrienols my dandruff did not return, and I was able to maintain my existing hair.

No, it may not be exact science, but we can state with a fair amount of certainty that said product is helping, not doing much of anything, or hurting.


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44 I said earlier in this thread: "That's been my strategy for many years...rotation."

Nothing works wonders for anybody. I don't want my hair burning out on particular thing..or getting too used to it..etc. Even if those things wouldn't really happen if I continued with them, it's my strategy, and has worked quite well for me. It also helps that I like trying new things anyway :) I do stick with things for a good 6+ months(there have been a few exceptions)..sometimes even a year or more. I'm more likely to apply something less and less the longer I've been using it though..again, my rotation thingy.

I do say if something seems to be helping. I'm just not going to say "for sure"..or tell others they should get on it as well. Again..I use a variety of topicals as well as supplements.

The Natural

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Jacob said:
...or tell others they should get on it as well.

If someone asked for your opinion about ?, surely you recommend him to try such and such product.

I mean, that is all any of us can do here in these forums: recommend, suggest, and advise (based on what we've experienced and/or read). Then, I'd like to think that it's up to the reader. I'd like to think we are not demanding that others follow our regimens (implicitly or explicitly), as that would be...what's the word I'm looking for...that would be...rather North Koreanish :( .


The Natural said:
Ben said:
Why the hell should I have known?

Did you have access to a computer and Google? C'mon dude, please.
I didn't know that finasteride existed until last October, it's possible. And I only knew of minoxidil because I remembered an old episode of The Simpsons that parodied it.


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Natural by itself has done NOTHING here me NOTH-ING for my hair loss.

There are yet a few items that has HELPED SLOW it down SOME but even with them I'm still losing ground.

They are
  • Saw Palmetto

But BOTH hear me BOTH were added WITH my oral anti androgen medication. Alone they did NOTHING.

I take low dose spironolactone.
I added Saw Palmetto capsule (contains other anti androgens like beta sis, pyguem, etc) reduced shedding by 50%
Added MSM further reduced shedding by 50%

Again ALONE EITHER DID NOTHING. I'm only using them to reduce the AMOUNT of spironolactone that I take. But when I take a higher dose of spironolactone, I need nothing, it does everything. But it's also unhealthy.

The Natural

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rwhairlosstalk said: oral anti androgen medication... But when I take a higher dose of spironolactone, I need nothing, it does everything. But it's also unhealthy.

It is a dilemma for many :( .

And it is unfortunate that there are not natural products available that can produce the kind of results regrowth-wise that pharmaceuticals can. I thought that Applepoly was damn close though. But their dramatic results turned out to be as fleeting as the rest.


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The Natural said:
rwhairlosstalk said: oral anti androgen medication... But when I take a higher dose of spironolactone, I need nothing, it does everything. But it's also unhealthy.

It is a dilemma for many :( .

And it is unfortunate that there are not natural products available that can produce the kind of results regrowth-wise that pharmaceuticals can. I thought that Applepoly was damn close though. But their dramatic results turned out to be as fleeting as the rest.

Yeah. And trust me I tried. I even tried following some of your posts to see what has helped you. I tried Curcumin and Resv, but they didn't help me. I guess what may help some, may not help others.


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True its possible some combo of natural supplements could help some people. What combination, how much of each one, how long to take them, and numerous other questions remain much like they do with any treatment we have.
I remember reading curcumin can have bad effects long term like possibly increasing risk of cancer, but I guess just like anything who really knows 20 years from now what it does to you. Natural though does not mean safe lets remember that especially at high doses.

The Natural

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As a spokesperson from Coca Cola recently stated, "Too much water can be dangerous." I agree that moderation is important. Natural supplements tend to be much less effective, but much safer than pharmaceuticals.

From my experience and readings, turmeric('s curcumin) is one of the best herbs that one can take for his general health (including hair), though I too would welcome a study to properly assess the effects of its long term use.

A well respected supplement company, Jarrow, has over the years reduced its recommended daily dosage of curcumin from 1-4 capsules->1-2 capsules->to now 1 (500 mg.) capsule per day. Perhaps they learned that curcumin can be just as effective in lower dosages.