Natural way to save hair!


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This method, you don't need any products except a strong will and mind! :D

This won't work if you're completely bald at age 30+. It's just your time but you can try.

Steps to prevent hair from dying!!
-Stop imaging sexual thoughts
-Stop getting a boner (tough but try, as long as you don't get one everyday)
-By all means, don't masturbate.

Products that help with hair loss does the exact same procedure. It reduces DHT and stops you from having sexual pleasure.

Not getting a boner and masturbating is tough. It's like trying to quit smoking and drinking. Think of something else to do. Do anything that will keep your mind off those sexual thoughts. Dance/party/sing/video games, do whatever.

But now you're asking, does this mean I shouldn't have sex ever again?

The answer is no, sex is normal but don't overdo it. It's like this, drinking once in awhile isn't bad for you but excessive drinking can hurt you.

Hope this helps!


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.............can you please cite your sources? or did you just spontaneously come up with this theory?


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It's not a theory, it's common sense. If you can't afford or don't want to waste money on the hair loss products, it doesn't hurt to give this a try. I'm not gaining anything from posting this. When you think about it, there were rumors saying that "Masturbation causes hairloss" is a myth. It's funny how most/all products used to help with hair loss blocks you from sexual activities. Control your body, don't let it control you.


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MAYBE this is not as absurd as it seems. I mean, more sex means more production of testosterone, right? I've had LOTS of sex lately and, coincidence or not, I've been losing more hair than usual.


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It must be true. None of the religious fanatics I know suffers from hair loss.

We're bald because we are sl*ts!


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When I started looking into hairloss, I came across hundreds of websites that kept on saying stress, lifestyle, nutrition, etc all affect hairloss... So, I thought I should try to manage my stress levels, start exercising, and eat healthy...

I am managing my stress better, I run once a week and I walk for about an hour a day but I'm still not doing enough with my lifestyle. Ideally, I would like to sleep 7-8 hours a night, get up at the same time every morning, put aside an hour a day for aerobic exercises or resistance training, and eat healthy. The whole thing requires a settled lifestyle and most of us don't have it.... Having that routine and settled lifestyle is still my aim....

Anyway, I don't think lifestyle on its own is enough to stop male pattern baldness, but I believe it has an effect and someone that lives healthy will have better looking hair for longer (UM, please don't jump in saying that all this talk about healthy living implies that you are scum, I never imply that).

Reducing DHT through less masturbation, exercising, etc are all subjects open to debate. There are lots of studies out there measuring DHT levels. I'm not an expert in the subject to comment which results are statistically significant, but most people say that the DHT change as a result of masturbation is insignificant. I wouldn't refrain from ejaculation for the sake of my hair...

Look at the bright side. If we manage to get that stable lifestyle, with or without hair we will end up feeling much better about ourselves....

I make it sound like I'm a healthy living fanatic, I'm far from it. However, a few subtle lifestyle changes are easy to achieve, and the benefits are felt pretty quickly.


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Ha hahaaaaaaa,

I think my girlfriend would be slightly annoyed if I was like, erm sorry but no sex tonight, it's just... I want to try and grow some hair! Oh and can you start getting ready in the other room incase I get a boner! haha.

good luck with that.


Experienced Member
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I believe there might be some truth in this but to a small degree. Either way however it doesnt matter as i dont think your going to get many volunteers for proving this theory.


Established Member
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I vote that this topic be deleted. If we let the board be diluted with this clutter, then threads with useful information will end up becoming sparse and hard to find.


Established Member
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Lol. This topic is hilarious. Please delete it.

I can tell you two things about this guy: One, he probably doesn't have hair-loss. Two: he's totally ignorant about male pattern baldness.

DHT forms naturally in the male body regardless of whether or not you masturbate or get or boner or think dirty thoughts, or any of that silly imaginings this guy just came up with. Likewise, the myth that working out more with anareobic exercise will increase hair-loss is also total hogwash. It's GENETICS, pure and simple.

This guy's type of superstitous thinking is the same type of thinking that inspired primitive cultures to kill each other to appease the gods so it would rain and their crops would grow. It's bs.


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Well maybe you can not entirely discredit him for posting this and there maybe some truth in what he is saying......but honestly it doesn't really matter....why the f*** would anyone give up having sex for hair???

Tantric Life

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There is something to what he is saying, although avoiding sexual thoughts or a 'boner' is not the answer, it's about preserving your vital fluids, most of your testosterone is stored in your semen, when you frequently ejaculate you lose your testosterone, and your body is forced to leverage the little bit it has left.. creating DHT to do the job of normal Testosterone ..

Snippet from source

"HAIR LOSS, Testosterone, DHT, Tantra & Nettles

Scientifically we have discovered that male pattern baldness is caused by DHT – DHT stands for Di-Hydro-Testosterone –

Most of a Mans Testosterone is stored in his seminal fluid, his vital fluid – when you ejaculate; you’ve just LITERALLY given away almost all of your testosterone.

Now testosterone is used in almost every body function for a man – and when you’re low, your body still needs it! So what does it do? IT SPIKES IT WITH HYDROGEN! Yes that’s why its called “di-hydro-testosterone†because now the Testosterone molecule has 2 hydrogen atoms instead of one.

What this does is it gets a lot of extra mileage out of that tiny bit of testosterone you have left – its like converting coke into crack, you’re going to get a lot more crack after conversion – and a lot more crackheads!

Di-HYDRO-Testosterone is not gentle on the body, it is a lower quality testosterone that ends up taking over receptor sites where ... Rest of Article ("


Senior Member
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Topics like this should just be deleted. It only leads to arguments and just confuses people that are new trying to wade through all this garbage. Its not even about any natural treatment.


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Tantric Life said:
There is something to what he is saying, although avoiding sexual thoughts or a 'boner' is not the answer, it's about preserving your vital fluids, most of your testosterone is stored in your semen, when you frequently ejaculate you lose your testosterone, and your body is forced to leverage the little bit it has left.. creating DHT to do the job of normal Testosterone ..

Snippet from source

"HAIR LOSS, Testosterone, DHT, Tantra & Nettles

Scientifically we have discovered that male pattern baldness is caused by DHT – DHT stands for Di-Hydro-Testosterone –

Most of a Mans Testosterone is stored in his seminal fluid, his vital fluid – when you ejaculate; you’ve just LITERALLY given away almost all of your testosterone.

Now testosterone is used in almost every body function for a man – and when you’re low, your body still needs it! So what does it do? IT SPIKES IT WITH HYDROGEN! Yes that’s why its called “di-hydro-testosterone†because now the Testosterone molecule has 2 hydrogen atoms instead of one.

What this does is it gets a lot of extra mileage out of that tiny bit of testosterone you have left – its like converting coke into crack, you’re going to get a lot more crack after conversion – and a lot more crackheads!

Di-HYDRO-Testosterone is not gentle on the body, it is a lower quality testosterone that ends up taking over receptor sites where ... Rest of Article ("

Umm, no. :shakehead:


Senior Member
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It may partly work but... is it worth it? I thought I was willing to give up anything to keep my hair but... free thought?



Established Member
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Dude there's simply nothing to this.

Someone please delete this thread. It is just clutter and will misinform people who don't know any better and are really looking for viable treatments.


Senior Member
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Gene_Fighter said:
Dude there's simply nothing to this.

Someone please delete this thread. It is just clutter and will misinform people who don't know any better and are really looking for viable treatments.
Its quite funny though! hehe :)


Established Member
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Having sex or getting a boner won't change a thing if you're losing your hair. Are you one of those religious people who don't want people to have sex in hope that you'll end up in heaven? I think that it's crazier than the misterE theory.