Need your support, feeling shitty again...(contains whining)



:cry: :cry:

Damn, I can´t deal with this sh*t anymore. On Saturday I lost 8 hairs when applying gel, yesterday it were 4 and today I didn´t count. I didn´t dare to look into my hands. Same goes for me when I am showering or shampooing, this is simply too much for me to handle. I am having a mental breakdown every time I do so and see more and more hairs lying there. It has been almost 6 months that I am on finasteride and this bullshit is doing nothing apart from killing my libido (It´s not that I would care about that if it would actually save my hair). My hair looks so terrible, I am missing the words to describe it. It looks incredibly thin, particularly the hair line is severely damaged. The distance between the invidual hairs there is between 1 and 2 milimeters. It has become almost impossible to style without looking silly. I am gonna post pictures for my 6 month update soon, but there you won´t see how bad it really looks, the pics don´t show it and are deceiving in my case. My so called "hair" looks as if it is dead. It may still be attached to my head, but it shows no more energy and appears to be completly lifeless. It is also possible to pull them out without any pain. :cry: Though I have somehow managed to stop myself doing this.
Last but not least I have also developed a small bald spot on my crown. Damn, this hurts as well, particularly since it makes you look so much older. I have the hair of a 35 year old by now.


All this sh*t is simply too much. I think hair loss is tough for a mentally healthy person, but for someone who is so weak and sensitive as me it is simply too much. I can´t deal with this sh*t. Maybe I should tell my Therapist about my hair problem (he has only seen me with a hat until now) but the last time I told my other Therapist about it he sent me to the psychiatry.

I am struggling with depressions, social phobia, Body Dismorphobic Disorder and various personality disorders, but nothing is as hard as facing the reality that I am balding. It is just too much...... :(


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Re: Need your support, feeling shitty again...(contains whin

Taugenichts said:
:cry On Saturday I lost 8 hairs when applying gel, yesterday it were 4 and today I didn´t count. :(

And you probably shed about 150+ throughout the day without realising. So what? Today of the 10,000's of hairs on your head 100's will end their growth cycle and 100's will start a new one. Stressing over seeing the odd shed hair is ridiculous.
You're going to have to deal with the fact that you are not Brad Pitt and never will be, but then again neither am I or anyone else on this site.
Go for a walk right now and look at every person you encounter you will find that the majority are less attractive than yourself. Sure there are some beatiful people out there and they are lucky, but we're not here to be models.
Sure everyone wants to be good looking but not everyone places so much value on it as you do.
You have a lot to offer and could lead a fulfilled life if only you would get out and start living it. Get some freinds and spend time socialising with people who take you for what you are, freinds dont care what other freinds look like its not the be all and end all in life is it?


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Yeah speak to someone it always helps.

I didn't really notice a reduction in shedding until about 12 months on Propecia so maybe you'll have to be a bit more patient.

Nevertheless, its better than doing nothing.


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You are always very supportive to those in this forum and much appreciated. So you got our support too..

Understand these bad days and bad times but keep positive mate we all find it difficult, looking for lost hairs is not a good thing to do as you'll always think its too many but its not.

You said to me not to be impatient at less than 2 months but even though you are at 6 months it could can still take up to a year for hairs can take 9 months to come.

So keep thinking positive somehow and ring a few mates later to improve the day.


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Re: Need your support, feeling shitty again...(contains whin

Taugenichts said:
:cry: :cry:

Damn, I can´t deal with this $#iT anymore. On Saturday I lost 8 hairs when applying gel, yesterday it were 4 and today I didn´t count. I didn´t dare to look into my hands. Same goes for me when I am showering or shampooing, this is simply too much for me to handle. I am having a mental breakdown every time I do so and see more and more hairs lying there. It has been almost 6 months that I am on finasteride and this bullshit is doing nothing apart from killing my libido (It´s not that I would care about that if it would actually save my hair). My hair looks so terrible, I am missing the words to describe it. It looks incredibly thin, particularly the hair line is severely damaged. The distance between the invidual hairs there is between 1 and 2 milimeters. It has become almost impossible to style without looking silly. I am gonna post pictures for my 6 month update soon, but there you won´t see how bad it really looks, the pics don´t show it and are deceiving in my case. My so called "hair" looks as if it is dead. It may still be attached to my head, but it shows no more energy and appears to be completly lifeless. It is also possible to pull them out without any pain. :cry: Though I have somehow managed to stop myself doing this.
Last but not least I have also developed a small bald spot on my crown. Damn, this hurts as well, particularly since it makes you look so much older. I have the hair of a 35 year old by now.


All this $#iT is simply too much. I think hair loss is tough for a mentally healthy person, but for someone who is so weak and sensitive as me it is simply too much. I can´t deal with this $#iT. Maybe I should tell my Therapist about my hair problem (he has only seen me with a hat until now) but the last time I told my other Therapist about it he sent me to the psychiatry.

I am struggling with depressions, social phobia, Body Dismorphobic Disorder and various personality disorders, but nothing is as hard as facing the reality that I am balding. It is just too much...... :(

You've got some serious OCD too. Well, at least you're tall, and you live in Europe. I know you won't but at least you've got the prostituion legal option thing going on. If you were in the US, and if women didn't give you the time of day, then that's it.

Can't give you much words of advice, other than I've felt the same way you do, and unfortunately nothing a shrink can do can really help you much. Just time passing made things better. I don't think about my hair nearly as much, though it does impact my life a lot. I'll probably never live with anyone because of my hair.


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Re: Need your support, feeling shitty again...(contains whin

recboi said:
I'll probably never live with anyone because of my hair.
you'll probably never live with anyone because of your psychological problems


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Hi Taugenichts. Could you please show me some pics of your hair? Before and now.
The most recent one has to be under good uniform light. Try out in the balcony during day time. No gel, no foam nothing please. Just dry freshly shampooed hair normally combed.
I have been losing lots of hair everyday all of my life and while it's not thick or dense i've always had a very decent coverage all of this time.
I started taking finasteride due to the fact i was losing lots of hair (still my sleep) but i never felt it really helped me. I kept shedding equally for the next years while the total amount of it remained identical. It's only lately that my crown started to show (it could very well be aging). Losing hair doesn't necessarilly mean you'll get bald.
I really want to help you but first i need to know how much of your fear is photos please.


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Re: Need your support, feeling shitty again...(contains whin

Taugenichts said:
:cry: :cry:

Damn, I can´t deal with this $#iT anymore. On Saturday I lost 8 hairs when applying gel, yesterday it were 4 and today I didn´t count. I didn´t dare to look into my hands. Same goes for me when I am showering or shampooing, this is simply too much for me to handle. I am having a mental breakdown every time I do so and see more and more hairs lying there. It has been almost 6 months that I am on finasteride and this bullshit is doing nothing apart from killing my libido (It´s not that I would care about that if it would actually save my hair). My hair looks so terrible, I am missing the words to describe it. It looks incredibly thin, particularly the hair line is severely damaged. The distance between the invidual hairs there is between 1 and 2 milimeters. It has become almost impossible to style without looking silly. I am gonna post pictures for my 6 month update soon, but there you won´t see how bad it really looks, the pics don´t show it and are deceiving in my case. My so called "hair" looks as if it is dead. It may still be attached to my head, but it shows no more energy and appears to be completly lifeless. It is also possible to pull them out without any pain. :cry: Though I have somehow managed to stop myself doing this.
Last but not least I have also developed a small bald spot on my crown. Damn, this hurts as well, particularly since it makes you look so much older. I have the hair of a 35 year old by now.


All this $#iT is simply too much. I think hair loss is tough for a mentally healthy person, but for someone who is so weak and sensitive as me it is simply too much. I can´t deal with this $#iT. Maybe I should tell my Therapist about my hair problem (he has only seen me with a hat until now) but the last time I told my other Therapist about it he sent me to the psychiatry.

I am struggling with depressions, social phobia, Body Dismorphobic Disorder and various personality disorders, but nothing is as hard as facing the reality that I am balding. It is just too much...... :(

Hey, yes you should tell your therapist about it. If you dont tell your therapist these things you are wasting your time and money and they aint cheap! Dont hide anything from him/her and maybe they can help you.
All this stress is not good, you will have to do something about your confidence/self esteem or it will take its toll.


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Hi Taugenichts

Imho u shud seriously consider getting a buzz cut or shave ur head eventhough it might not really suit u....the reason i say this is that it has really worked for me ( more regarding the mental aspect than the physical aspect) and i think it cud really help ease alot of stress for u bcos u no longer see the hair that u might b shedding as they r too small to notice and might help in reducing ur constant worries abt hairloss for a while and ur time spent in front of the mirror....think about this....

good luck


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Well to me it took over 2year for proscar to work. I am the type of guy that simply count hair in the shower. (My wife making fun of me while doing this, she said i put too much importance on my hair) Anyway, was loosing like 20-30 hairs on average per shower. (Dont forget to put a towel on the drain hole) When combing over the sink, i used to loose 5-10 hairs.

Now since5-6month i never loose more than 5-8hairs when i shower and shampoo, and when i comb and dry my hair, i never loose more than 5 hair over the sink.

To me this is a definite improovement. My hair look thicker also on top. My hairline might have receed a little (since using rogaine foam) but i am confident that the foam will make them grow again.

The foam is a definite impovement specially on the hairline where i use to have lots of white flake from the liquid minoxidil.

One my crown i use rogaine foam in the morning and rogain liquid at night (5%)


Thanks for your support guys. I really had to get this sh*t off my chest. I am not doing good these days. In a few days I will take pics and you will see a 6 month update with new pics and such. It doesn´t look good for me at the moment :( Though I am gonna force myself not to look at my hands after styling my hair. I have done it, today. I put lots of gel into it and simply washed my hands. I don´t know how many I lost, I simply go on with my life even though it is hard when you go from "the tall guy" to "the bald guy". :( :( It is so hard for me to describe what I am feeling like. I feel like someone is tearing me apart........Thx for reading!


grabber said:
Well to me it took over 2year for proscar to work. I am the type of guy that simply count hair in the shower. (My wife making fun of me while doing this, she said i put too much importance on my hair) Anyway, was loosing like 20-30 hairs on average per shower. (Dont forget to put a towel on the drain hole) When combing over the sink, i used to loose 5-10 hairs.

Now since5-6month i never loose more than 5-8hairs when i shower and shampoo, and when i comb and dry my hair, i never loose more than 5 hair over the sink.

To me this is a definite improovement. My hair look thicker also on top. My hairline might have receed a little (since using rogaine foam) but i am confident that the foam will make them grow again.

The foam is a definite impovement specially on the hairline where i use to have lots of white flake from the liquid minoxidil.

One my crown i use rogaine foam in the morning and rogain liquid at night (5%)

Nice to hear about your success, grabber! It seems that minoxidil is my only hope for living a normal life. I wanted to wait until the one year mark, to see whether finasteride alone might do the trick, but I think I will have to add it to my regimen earlier in order to save as much of my hair as possible.


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Bro, forget about your hair. YOU NEED THERAPY. The sooner you admit you need it (if you havent already), the better. I think hairloss is the least of your problems judging by your attittude.


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Err, FYI he's already having therapy.


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I am in the same boat. I started finasteride a little more than 5 months and no end in site for falling hair. I am loosing between 200 and 400 a day. I would kill for 10. But we still have 6 more months to see some progress. Im keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck


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There is MUCH more to life than hair...


I used to, and still do sometimes, feel the same way that you are feeling now. I started finasteride in july of 06 and lost a lot of hair from it. I could only imagine myself going completely bald and how my life was ruined. I stopped hanging out with my friends as much and was on the road to becoming a recluse. Before this, I was always very social and never spent a weekend in.

But looking back through pictures, I could see that my hair had receded already quite a bit, so the additional shed hairs weren't as drastic as I thought. I stepped back and thought, "I have not been happy for the past 6 months and why? Because my hair had thinned some? Why was I so happy before when nothing really changed?" And this is the truth.

If you go out, there are many guys in their 20's who are balding, so we are NOT alone. Some guys started balding much earlier, but did they give up on life? I thought I understood it before, but now I really do when my doctor told me people in their 20's place so much emphasis on looks. I mean, if you were born with an ugly nose, or face, should you just give up on life? No, you continue on because there is SO much more to life. And yeah, maybe having a full head of hair is better than being bald, but so is looking like a model. Just because you aren't Tom Cruise, does that mean you should give up your life? Should all the fat people give up? Should all the "inferior" people just give up? No!

I never really thought about hair loss before taking finasteride and shedding a lot, but I have thought about it a lot recently. My friends are a mix bag with quite a few balding guys (I am 25). The ones who are very self conscience about it generally aren't as liked in the group. The ones who could care less are much more sociable and likeable and can get a whole lot more action (and I think are a lot more likely to succeed.)

And yeah, it sucks hearing someone say "he's the bald guy", but how is that any different than "he's the tall guy?". Not everyone likes tall guys, just like not everyone likes bald guys (ok maybe more people don't like bald guys, but you get the idea.) People (including myself), like to identify someone with a trait. I don't think in any way that being "the bald guy" is anywhere close to "the bad breath guy" =p.

All in all, I'd have to say, yeah, it is a flaw to be balding, but we are all FAR from perfect and it's just something else we need to be ok with and continue with our lives. We can of course try the current medications too if it will delay the balding as much as possible, but if it doesn't work? Who cares really. It's only in humans that they would someone give up living because of one little physical attribute. Personality far outweighs looks, and hopefully as you and I get older, we will see that.


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very well said umdace....very inspiring.. :thumbs_up:


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I concur, well said.

If you let these feelings perpetuate long enough, not only do they become you, they also consume you.

I've been down this road before and I will not deny it, but there are times that I unfortunately find myself back there, in that self destructive state of mind - everyone does this.

However the difference now is not only do I recognize the patterns that precede the event but I also have the ability to correct, within a thought, this negative process and turn it into a process that is empowering.

I've previously stated that your use of language (verbally or by way of thought alone) is crucially important to the success or lack there of that you will have in your fight against hair loss.

People tend to sensationalize their lives on the basis that they are losing hair.

This is a severe problem that has dyer consequences by which you create (by the power of thought) a reality that whilst it has not occurred in full yet, ingrains itself into your belief system, allowing you to achieve nothing else but what you dwell upon daily.