
new be alopecia universalis


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hi all,

I a newbe here. I am 36 year old male. I started out with alopecia aretha in september of 2011, by december it was universlis. About a year ago, I started expeiencing regrowth. It started out as very fine hairs, all white. Patchy at best. within the last few months, I have started to get some black hairs back. sparse ones on my legs, some pubic hair, a few chest hairs, and now some on my scalp, although they are very fine. no eyebrows or eyelashes yet. I have been shaving it all since any regrowth, as I dont like the patchy look. I recently let the top of my head grow out, and though you can sill see my calp through th hair I am kind of excited about the amount of hair there. I guess my question is has anyone experienced any of these same things, and does it matter ( will it help ) if i keep shaving it, or let it grow.

Thanks all


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Hi, I lost my hair when I just had turn 4 years old on ONE DAY, at that age I wasn't sure of what was going on but it was really bad for my parents no knowing what was going on with me. they expend every penny they had on treatments from natural stuff to the best doctors and nothing... like everyone says it grows while you are doing the treatment but not much and then goes away and you have to deal with the consequences of the treatment like at some point I was on steroids and I got really obese which was going on the direction of more illnesses. so at my age of 14 years old I decide to stop any kind of treatment on my own and told my parents that I was going to be ok the way I was, because this is only affecting my cosmetics and I could fixed it with a wig and I should complain when there is people out there fighting worst things like cancer and others some no knowing if they are going to even wake up the next morning so base on those thing I AM TOTALLY FINE so far I'm 26 years old had boyfriends that knew my situation and they didn't see any problem now I'm married and my husband loves me just the way I am... about 6 years ago I was going to school for dental assistant one of the classes was with 3 other careers on the health field as well and adults were making rumors about the fact that I had a wig that got me so mad and I stand up in front of 50 people and for the first time I talked openly to others about my situation with ALOPECIA AREATA UNIVERSALIS that gave me so much strong to go and talk about it freely when some one asks and made a huge change on my personal life and I think it helps the way others think as well to not talk with out knowing what others are going thru...
One of the doctors I saw said that when you have AAU you shouldn't have anything grow on its own and if this ever happen means your chances of your hair coming back will be really high but this happens on its own with out any notice he told me it also can happen after 35 years old when your body has actually finish any kind of developing of any manner.
I don't tell this story to any one to feel bad I talk about so others feel better, feel that they are not alone and that there is people on really bad situations out there and that beauty is not how you look... one of my friends is experiencing Alopecia now and is on a really hurtful situation and I shared my story with her from beginning to now and she said it did made her change her way too see things your hair is just vanity.!!! all we can do is love are self's the way we are and if our hair grows back great if not at least we know that we can have a great live with out as well. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THERE IS PEOPLE OUT THERE ON A WORST SITUATION FIGHTING FOR THERE LIVES "WE ARE FINE AND HEALTHY" with love someone that is being living with AAU for 22 years of her 26 years of life!


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I have alopecia totalis around 6 years now, and I have treatment that can help me to keep my hair . I knew how it feel when we have this disease. Anyway I'm free if you want to ask how to treat.