New combo prescrip. minoxidil/dutasteride/Flut product arriving soon


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This actually looks pretty good. Good find. Has anyone emailed to get pricing yet?


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The only problem with this product is that you need to have a doctor write a prescription for it. A doctor may not want to write a prescription for a treatment they know nothing about. Your doctor will be held liable for this product if it has some adverse effects. If the company sets it up so that you can get an internet consultation doctor, then you have a better chance of being able to purchase this. Similar to how Dr Lee does it. I am sure this product would cause one heck of a shed. It would be nice to hear Dr Proctor's opinion on this product.


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Lol, I'll bet $10,000 that Peter will not like it for numerous reasons, which he will back up with personal knowledge, observations, in addition to various medical studies, which will segue seamlessly into his TEMPOL patent and how some other big pharma companies are looking into it and how he's been using it for years. That guy's pretty funny, you almost know what he's going to say before he says it.

Regarding pricing of this stuff, I believe it's $140 for 100ml and $280 for 300ml IIRC. They claim 100ml to be a 30 day supply but if you're just using it on your temples that will last you one hell of a lot longer than one month, more like six.


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Matt, do you really think a doctor is going to write a prescription for this without a fight.


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DoctorHouse said:
Matt, do you really think a doctor is going to write a prescription for this without a fight.

Luckily for me I'm very good friends with an Esthetician so I can get a script for whatever I want whenever I want :) I can see where it might not be that easy for everyone else tho.


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what does it mean that "It contains 2.5 mg of Dutasteride" ? in the whole bottle as a total, or as the daily dose equivalent ?


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this is nothing new,you could makr MDF yourself ,all you have to do is buy zandrox 15% minoxidil buy 5 dutas caps and some flutamide,sure use it if all else fails but this is not going to be that sucsessfully in my opinion


Experienced Member
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This stuff sounds amazing. I'm def grabbing some tomm and gonna start using it just at nights.


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antonio666 said:
this is nothing new,you could makr MDF yourself ,all you have to do is buy zandrox 15% minoxidil buy 5 dutas caps and some flutamide,sure use it if all else fails but this is not going to be that sucsessfully in my opinion

That is an extreme over simplification. There is a little more to it than just throwing some dutasteride and flut pills in a Xandrox 15% bottle.

Besides, this looks like it's a lotion with NO absorption enhancers, which is ideal for something with that much Flutamide in it (and dutasteride for those who experience bad side effects with it).


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Flutamide is a very potent anti-androgen like RU. It always had absorption problems in the past, however, it would go right through the skin and into the blood stream very quickly which negated most of it's local effects. This was with most all hyrdo-alcoholic solutions. That is why Sinere includes hydroxypropyl methylcellulose in their Flutagel to help suspend it in the skin. I'm hoping this product uses something similar to achieve a similar effect.

Also, I don't think this product will be available for a few more weeks.


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Matt27 said:
Also, I don't think this product will be available for a few more weeks.

Flutagel or the new combination Min/dutasteride/Flut???


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Flutagel is already marks 6 weeks on it for me, all side-effect free I might add.

MDF will not be available for a few more weeks.


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Matt27 said:
Flutagel is already marks 6 weeks on it for me, all side-effect free I might add.

MDF will not be available for a few more weeks.

Have you noticed any positive effects from the Flutagel yet? I'm really curious about this product and am considering adding it to my regimen. If it is as good as RU, this may be promising.


Experienced Member
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I am really excited about this new product. I'm def getting the 3 month supply. I woul really like to finally stop using propecia. I am just a little concerned with the effectiveness of topical dutasteride

hair today gone tomorrow

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KielMcK said:
I am really excited about this new product. I'm def getting the 3 month supply. I woul really like to finally stop using propecia. I am just a little concerned with the effectiveness of topical dutasteride

if propecia has been working for you, why would you want to stop?


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
KielMcK said:
I am really excited about this new product. I'm def getting the 3 month supply. I woul really like to finally stop using propecia. I am just a little concerned with the effectiveness of topical dutasteride

if propecia has been working for you, why would you want to stop?

Agreed. I wouldn't stop any treatment regimen that's giving you results now. Even if they're not amazing results, I wouldn't get greedy.

As for my results on Flutagel my rate of loss is so slow it's very tough to tell. I took some photo's back in Dec. and will take some more here in a couple of weeks for comparison. I don't know if you'll be able to tell any difference, but I'd be happy with that since that would mean it's stopped which is success in my book.