I have talked about this in this thread and mentioned studies showing that simply brushing vigorously with a rotating bristle brush for 10 seconds was equivalent to 10mn of iontophoresis. You probably started reading this thread after I threw my rage-quit tantrum
Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems: Skin Perturbation Devices
It's sad people don't take this kind of stuff seriously though, even though it's backed by carefully, very well design research. I mean it only takes like 10 seconds to go crazy mad brushing your scalp and apply your topical to increase absorption possibly 100 times more. People like the exotic, rare stuff, made from a dark corner of the world in an obscure lab, stuff like cb, oc, ru, scalp med or whatever the hell these things are called, stuff that the shady dark lab selling these products probably have zillions of shills polluting the forums disguised as so called knowledgeable people with 1 trillion post count and what not, when something as simple as vigorously brushing can make your existing cheap topical act like they are on steroids. But it is too easy I guess, we want the complicated stuff. </Rant off>... hi :wave::wave:
"I am not bald okay? I shaved my head. Do you unressstannnn?"