New literature on PGD2 by Garza & Co.


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or vipostrol, popular in 2011:


Viprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E analogue would seem to be to be an effective vasodilater and antihypertensive drug (unpublished data).* Its mode of action as an antihypertensive appears to be the reduction of peripheral resistance through its relaxing actions on smooth muscle. Early studies suggested that direct application of viprostol to the bald scalp promotes hair growth and the transformation of vellus to terminal hair by increasing nutritive blood flow to the scalp.

Equivocal evidence of mild liver dysfunction was noted in a preliminary study in healthy subjects after they received repeated doses of 120 pg of viprostol to the bald scalp. A rechallenge study, however, showed no effect on serum transaminase levels, indicating no clinically significant trend or safety concerns with regard to liver dysfunction.* No other side effects were reported.

A l-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of viprostol in patients with male-pattern baldness. The study was conducted at 10 centers including Northwestern University Medical School. Each center enrolled 20 patients. Seventeen of our patients completed 6 months and 13 completed the l-year treatment period. At the end of the l-year study, ten patients had increased hair growth from baseline and five of these patients doubled their terminal hair count; three patients had no noticeable hair growth (Table 17-1). All of our viprostol-treated patients had increased hair growth at 24 weeks, and six of the 10 doubled their hair count by 50 weeks. Three of the seven placebo-treated patients had increased hair growth. Curiously, when data were collected from all of the centers, hair-growing activity could not be substantiated and the studies were discontinued."

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Only rubbing your head against a wall will not lead to male pattern baldness.

but it will effect your hair growth :p


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I know. But if we want a "one-shot cure", i.e. something that shuts down the hairloss process for good without us having to use some drugs regularly, we need to get at the upstream effects.

I don't see how this can be avoided (bar genetic modification). No matter what stage of the chain intervention is taken (provided no step can be bypassed) --- we are still always battling gene expression/protein production of varying rates. I.e. it will not be a one-shot cure.

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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Yah, Hellhouser I understand, but noone born with a Norwood 7, I add Cure is imposible but prevention or stop the process is possible, then the problem is know the timing, from 1 Norwood to 7 Norwood, earlier better.....


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I don't see how this can be avoided (bar genetic modification). No matter what stage of the chain intervention is taken (provided no step can be bypassed) --- we are still always battling gene expression/protein production of varying rates. I.e. it will not be a one-shot cure.
The statement was a little bit too bold, yes.

My reasoning, which may very well indeed be flawed here, is that hair loss is effectively an avalanche process. For a follicle to "die off" (in the Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness sense), its neighbors need to die off first. It is probably the DHT and/or PGD2 in the surroudings of one follicle that "infect" the next one to develop the same properties. Just like normal hair cycling which is also a "transmission from neighbor to neighbor".
If we stop the avalanche as it is underway completely, and if nothing triggers it anew, it would equal a cure.

The question is if that can be achieved w/o genetic modification or not. Maybe the avalanche can be stopped: If we "just" cancel the miniaturization condition once, it cannot spread anymore.


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Is it too much to ask for something based on this to get into trials? I mean compared to what we have now if it just stopped male pattern baldness that would be a huge win yet alone it turns out to be even bigger. Its pretty clear everyone is theorycrafting, but in reality no one knows how important this could be. One thing we do know is if trials started tomorrow we are in for a very long wait, and nothing existing really targets this the way it needs to for maximum results
Lots of times someone finds something possibly really important like this, and nothing ever gets done with it. So we sit here with rogain and propecia still however more years with still no good way to even stop male pattern baldness yet. Its not like preventing male pattern baldness is some solved problem and we are focusing on regrowth we cant do either one. The front and temples are not saved by propecia a lot of times we need more