I don't care about winning people over, everyone can take what they want. Only bothers me that people are fooled that fina is completely safe when it is far from it.
And I'm on zix for 2 months now and as you know that is still too early to draw any real conclusions but so far it seems to slow down hairloss.
"buzzwords" okay you stop using "buzz comments" like fear mongering in a thread about a scientific study. Btw, fina is used as part of transgender regimens, that's a fact.
And lol, I'm the one with the agenda? Stop projecting you fool, it's obvious what's happening here. You try to delude and convince yourself that fina is safe, that's the real agenda that's at play here. Why else would you feel the need to comment in a thread about a scientific study that's negative about fina?
If I had an agenda I would spam every thread talking about AA's, I do not, check my post history.
Lol, the cognitive dissonance of these desperate balding fools who see fina/duta as their ultimate salvation is crazy. But please take your hormone treatment pills to save your hair, like I said you will learn in due time...
Did you have any sort of itch in the areas you are balding? if so has the zix helped with that? I don't want to get in to an argument about finasteride, it has been done to death on here.