New Topical finasteride Study - Efficacy + Sides


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Thanks for the tip. Wouldn't it be better to apply one in the morning and one in the evening then? To give both of them time to work.
Sure. Personally i just try to spend a little time as possible with my hairloss treatment. Its up to you.
I dont think it matters in this case though


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Thanks for the tip. Wouldn't it be better to apply one in the morning and one in the evening then? To give both of them time to work.

As discussed, zix goes twice a day for good results and topical finasteride can be done once at 0,01% for 1ml/0,005% for 2 ml (following the Mazzarella dosage). Best is to split the finasteride application into two daily doses ofc (for instance, 1mL of 0,005% solution, mornings and evenings).


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I posted this on another thread but may help:

I found out that 30 drops of solution is the ideal volume to apply on scalp, see below:

1 ml - 20 drops
1.5 ml - 30 drops; target

daily dosage of 0.50 mg fina (0.05%)
solution good for 1 month (30 days)
volume = 1.5 ml * 30 = 45ml

composition 40% ethanol, 60% water + finasteride powder (crushed pills)

1.5 ml - 0.50 mg
45 ml - x
x = 45*0.5/1.5 = 15 mg

take 3 5mg pills, crush it and mix into the solution.

if you want a different dosage just follow the same template
avoid making solutions for longer than a month, can lose efficacy


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Since Monday I am using topical finas at 0,5% in my head and transdermal liposomal DHT 2,5% in my skin.

what do you think?


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I'm no Doctor, but 0.5% sounds like a high dose, especially if liposome formula yields a higher absorption.

0.5% means 5mg/ml. If you apply 1.5ml, that's about 7.5 mg a day.
Even though it's topical, sounds like a high dose imo


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I'm no Doctor, but 0.5% sounds like a high dose, especially if liposome formula yields a higher absorption.

0.5% means 5mg/ml. If you apply 1.5ml, that's about 7.5 mg a day.
Even though it's topical, sounds like a high dose imo


You didn’t understand.

- I am using finas topical at 0,5%. Is not liposomal finas, is regular finas

- by other side, I am using DHT gel, 2,5% and liposomal. I apply in my shoulders. I want to prevent side effects from finas

Do you understand now??


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You didn’t understand.

- I am using finas topical at 0,5%. Is not liposomal finas, is regular finas

- by other side, I am using DHT gel, 2,5% and liposomal. I apply in my shoulders. I want to prevent side effects from finas

Do you understand now??
It makes no sense to lower DHT with finasteride just to increase it with a DHT gel in return


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That is what I am asking.

I don’t know if have any sense.

I would like to reduce DHT in the scalp and not in the blood


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That is what I am asking.

I don’t know if have any sense.

I would like to reduce DHT in the scalp and not in the blood

The claim made on hair loss forums is as follows:

DHT is an autocrine hormone and is used mostly within the cells where it is produced. Therefore, only "scalp DHT" (or DHT produced in the dermal papilla) contributes to hair loss.

^If the above was true, then the following must also be true:
1) Serum DHT, or DHT in any other location in the body does not contribute in any way to hair loss
2) Applying DHT topically anywhere, should not cause any kind of systemic effect, certainly not hair loss, and should only affect the cells where it has been applied

However, this study shows that topically applied DHT in sufficient doses can even completely shut down the production of sex hormones:
"The extremely high serum levels of DHT achieved in this study lead to significant gonadotropin suppression, thereby reducing circulating testosterone levels to nearly castrate levels and reducing circulating estradiol levels by 90%."

This means that serum DHT has no problems binding to androgen receptors in the brain and downregulating FSH and LH. If it binds to androgen receptors in the brain then I don't see why it would have any problems binding to androgen receptors in the hair follicle.

The amount of DHT in the hair follicle is, in all likelihood, a sum of locally synthesized DHT and DHT resulting from spillover from systemic circulation.

Depending on what % of DHT comes from the DP itself, even the best topical Finasteride/Dutasteride will probably only have a limited effect.


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The claim made on hair loss fo.....
It makes even less sense considering the idea behind topical finasteride is to minimize lowered serum DHT levels.
If he uses topical finasteride and a DHT gel, he assumes using topical finasteride is non-sense and doesnt work. At that point he could just use oral finasteride + DHT Gel, which would be non-sense too.
I think topical DHT is there to increase overall DHT in your body, not just where it is applied. And if serum DHT levels increase, scalp DHT does too. Otherwise steroids wouldnt cause hairloss.

@Modill Use topical finasteride on its own and see what happens. The whole idea behind it is to have healthy DHT levels in your blood, but lowered DHT in your scalp.
And if what @whatevr says is true, then i would stay away from DHT. You dont want to shut down your entire body and have a bunch of DHT circulating on its own.

TL:DR dont use topical DHT brah


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I would like to find a balance between topic finas and DHT gel to prevent sexual sides.

My DHT gel will arrive to my scalp, of course, but I don’t know what %.

if I apply finas in my scalp and it reduces 70% of DHT, but DHT gel increase DHT in scalp at 30%, I will be eliminating 40% of DHT in scalp.

I don’t know.


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I would like to find a balance between topic finas and DHT gel to prevent sexual sides.

My DHT gel will arrive to my scalp, of course, but I don’t know what %.

if I apply finas in my scalp and it reduces 70% of DHT, but DHT gel increase DHT in scalp at 30%, I will be eliminating 40% of DHT in scalp.

I don’t know.
Wtf... topical finasteride and DHT .... Are you mad?


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You're seriously applying DHT gel? Good luck with your going bald in 2020 goal. I'm pretty sure you'll get there as long as you keep applying that DHT.


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I was on finas 6 years and my DHT level went down as crazy. When I stopped taking finas I never recovered DHT levels during 3 years and my doctor gave me a prescription of DHT. After a week taking DHT I recover super mega hyper erections.

Now that I have strong erection again, I would like to try finasteride again, but topical instead of a pill. AND THAT IS WHAT I AM DOING.


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I was on finas 6 years and my DHT level went down as crazy. When I stopped taking finas I never recovered DHT levels during 3 years and my doctor gave me a prescription of DHT. After a week taking DHT I recover super mega hyper erections.

Now that I have strong erection again, I would like to try finasteride again, but topical instead of a pill. AND THAT IS WHAT I AM DOING.

Cool beans. At least you'll save money on haircuts.


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I was on finas 6 years and my DHT level went down as crazy. When I stopped taking finas I never recovered DHT levels during 3 years and my doctor gave me a prescription of DHT. After a week taking DHT I recover super mega hyper erections.

Now that I have strong erection again, I would like to try finasteride again, but topical instead of a pill. AND THAT IS WHAT I AM DOING.
Go to your Doctor and check your testosterone levels. Theres a chance you are shutting down your entire body by using the Gel.

I said 3 times now the idea behind topical finasteride is to have low DHT in the scalp, and more DHT in your body. But you are using pure DHT. Finasteride lowers DHT by inhibiting the 5-ar enzyme. It doesnt lower DHT directly. I think your DHT gel is still going to wreck havoc on your hair.

To put it simple so you can understand too: DO NOT USE TOPICAL DHT. IT DOESNT WORK. YOU'LL LOSE HAIR. comprehende gringo?


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Comprendo sí. Ok I will stop and you will never know if what I am doing could work.



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Does nobody think that it could work?

I don't think it could work, and juggling hormones and inhibitors like that is just asking to put your endocrine system into serious trouble.

If you really, really have to use topical DHT, then use RU alongside with it, but you're gonna need lots, because I don't see RU competing very effectively even with the amount of DHT that the body produces on its own, much less applying anything additional from the outside.