I use Morr-F.
-- Itching, which is probably because of the glycol or alcohol in it.
-- A little excessive growth of hair. My eyebrows are starting to connect to the hairline. Not much, but slightly noticeable.
-- Erections are slightly weaker, libido slighty lower, semen a little watery.
Shedding has all stopped. I think I might be getting some regrowth in my temples.
I used Morr-F from January-mid to April-mid. Shaved my hair in June end and started using Morr-F again. In May and June, my erections and libido became normal, so I am not worried about the finasteride sides, they are quite subtle.
I have never used oral finasteride. Also never used minoxidil alone. And no blood tests.
Also, the smell is pretty strong and lingers if your head is not shaved.
Have been checking my hair with a microscope as well. Never took microscopic pictures for comparison because couldn't find a similar spot to compare. But, when I shave my head, my mother and I check my scalp with the microscope and there is improvement. Some follicles are starting to sprout 2-3 hairs and small hairs, which weren't there before, can be seen. Over the months, there is increase in such follicles.
I have also started applying Rosemary and Peppermint Oil, every 2 out of 3 days, since a month ago.