^38 European doctors point out the religious and cultural bias of American medical groups recommending circumcision.
^ adverse effects of circumcision
Basically it comes down to: the benefits are flimsy and weak and any benefits can be treated in ways that do not cause harm. Circumcision is harm. The only thing places like the Mayo Clinic say is that "it's a cultural thing and your child's penis will still technically work!" The citation you gave me from the Mayo Clinic was an opinion piece that started with ramblings about culture and tradition. Sorry, but child abuse is not excused by culture and tradition. You seem to think so, and yet me and the majority of the modern world seems to disagree.
And the benefits are flimsy and do not justify tissue removal and trauma. They are all "benefits" that can be cured with things like showering and going to the doctor for check ups. The rest of the modern world gets along fine without these "benefits". Are you understanding this correctly now? The benefits aren't real dude, they're made up to justify the religious and cultural practices. I even saw the American Pediatrics website that said they do not recommend routine circumcisions because they are not necessary, but they believed parents had the "right" to mutilate their babies because "muh religion". So the benefits, again, are incredibly flimsy. My friend has his foreskin and has tons of unprotected sex and has no STDs, no penis cancer, no smegma issues. Guess he's just lucky! As are the vast majority of men in Europe who never got snipped. How do they survive without these "benefits", hm? How is it that the societies with the highest standards of living don't see circumcision as normal or necessary? Can you figure out an answer to this?
Funny, exactly how I feel about you. You're indoctrinated and arguing from a place of authority. "My dad did it, so I will do it to my son durrrrr" that's your reasoning. As I said, your kind is thankfully dying off.
There are no benefits. If you think there are, you would surely support slicing the entire penis off as I said, since the risks for STDs and penile cancer would plummet. But you don't, because arbitrary customs that removing a part of the penis with tons of nerve endings is OK.
As I said, thankfully your kind will be dead in a century or so, so this whole argument is essentially pointless. You're too dimwitted to think for yourself or use basic logic, so it's hopeless.