Newcomer - need help for husband!!


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THe norwood scale is not the ONLY way male pattern baldness presents itself. Could be the start of diffuse thinning, or something totally unrelated to male pattern baldness. Yes go to a Dermatologist. Preferably one that specializes in male pattern baldness. BTW stay away from any and all products that say they work like Propecia but they're "natural"and have no side effects. Anything claiming this is a scam. There are a lot of scam products out there. Procerin, avacor and xxxx are a few well known scams going.



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First of all you can't gauge Revivogen's effectiveness based on what people on these forums say. The majority of Revivogen users that say it does not work did not give it enough time. I have personally run into many posts of people bashing Revivogen (and proven Propecia). However, when you look into it a little deeper you find that they only used it for 3 months and gave up on it. Then they say Revivogen is garbarge and does not work! I ran into three posts like that the other day on different forums. If you look at a couple of the studies that Revivogen and completed you find that in both, 72% of the users benefited from using the product. That is pretty good odds and better odds than some of the other products available, other than the big two.

If your husband is suffering "patchy" loss take him to a derm right away!!


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Revivogen topical is applied once per day generally at night (it leaves the hair quite greasy). The shampoo and conditioner are great and I highly recommend them, but they are not necessary. I personally think the Revivogen Bio-nutrient shampoo is one of the best shampoos I have ever used. The treatment alone will run you about $30 per month (that is for a 1 ml application).


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Thanks all!

I am definitely calling a dermatologist first thing in the morning. It's really only one tiny patch (about half the size of a dime - I think I overexaggerated before) that seems to have lost hair on the back of his head but I would still like to have that checked out.

Do you guys know if there are any known side effects to Revivogen? I think I would like to go with that. I read up on Rogaine and there seem to be side effects so I would rather not have him use that.

You guys are great!


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concernedwife said:
Thanks all!

I am definitely calling a dermatologist first thing in the morning. It's really only one tiny patch (about half the size of a dime - I think I overexaggerated before) that seems to have lost hair on the back of his head but I would still like to have that checked out.

Do you guys know if there are any known side effects to Revivogen? I think I would like to go with that. I read up on Rogaine and there seem to be side effects so I would rather not have him use that.

You guys are great!

Think the only side effect with revivogen is 2% chance of itching scalp. I'm given it a try, but knowing it's not proven like propecia and rogaine. I know I may just be buying glorified water. But, some people, like Viperfish, seem to swear by it, so I'm thinking it has a chance of doin the trick for me.


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Revivogen is completely natural no worries for sides. You never hear of side-effects associated with minoxidil. It is very very very rare!


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viperfish said:
Revivogen is completely natural no worries for sides.

I'm sure this is not what you meant VF but just incase it gets interperted wrong.

Just because something is completely natural doesn't mean it's without side effects.

Actually don't start any regimen until you hear from your Derm. A dime sized patch of hair loss is probably not male pattern baldness.

viperfish said:
I have personally run into many posts of people bashing Revivogen (and proven Propecia). However, when you look into it a little deeper you find that they only used it for 3 months and gave up on it. Then they say Revivogen is garbarge and does not work!

Ahhh very similar to what you did with spironolactone from what I remember. FIrst you said it was growing hair like crazy then did a 180 and bashed it in every thread you could get in....sorry couldn't help myself :lol:


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Ha ha ha.........I knew you were gonna nail me on that BHD. However, uh well I'm not gonna get in on the whole spironolactone debate. Just because it is natural does not mean it is safe. However, Revivogen topically is not gonna cause any problems maybe a slight itchy scalp.


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I am sure your head is spinning with all of this info. These threads often go into much more detail than the origanl poster intended and tend to stray off topic. This just happens.

Your best bet is to...

1. Have him go to a doctor as you are doing

2. Look into Propecia and Rogaine if it is indeed Male Pattern Baldness. The overall thinning on topp sounds like he is what is called a "diffuse thinner". This is common. The dime size loss is odd and does require a doctor.

3. Support him. Every male on here can vouch that a supportive Wife/Girlfried is a Godsend with hairloss. I do not know what I would do without my girlfriend. She is my cheering section and puts up with all of my shampoos and mirror starring. :)


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Cassin - thanks for your message! And thanks to everyone who responded!

Well I called a dermatologist but the first available appt is Sep 29!! Is that normal? So in the meantime I made an appt for him for tomorrow with our regular doctor.

Where can we buy Revivogen? Would that be in a regular drug store? I looked last night but couldn't find it.

As for support, I love him equally with or without his hair! He is not even upset over this which I am glad about. I just want to make sure he is healthy!