No matter how depressed I am...

uncomfortable man

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Yes it is.


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s.a.f said:
Sounds like you need to get laid yourself. :whistle:

haha way to quote posts from nearly 2 years ago, s.a.f.

i've definitely moved past that dark point of my life!

if you want, i can search through your thousands of posts and probably find some pretty funny material!


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emex4 said:
if you want, i can search through your thousands of posts and probably find some pretty funny material!

Yes but they'll all be posts ripping guys like you.


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emex4 said:

ripping on "guys like me" for what?

For not letting your life end because of hairloss perhaps?


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No more like continously proving your theories wrong.


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The theory that a small amount of diffuse thinning is just as bad as being totally bald. :roll:
The theory that its ok for a 25yr old to be worried about about barely visible thinning but a bald 30 yr old should just get over it.


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s.a.f said:
The theory that a small amount of diffuse thinning is just as bad as being totally bald. :roll:

Who said that? A small amount of diffuse thinning is something that no one else notices unless they know to look for it. A clearly visible diffuse thinning is another thing though.

s.a.f said:
The theory that its ok for a 25yr old to be worried about about barely visible thinning but a bald 30 yr old should just get over it.

If it's gone it's gone. For you guys it's not about being worried about it, you're dwelling on it. If you've lost your hair at least you know where you're standing. Diffuse thinners who thin fast like me don't have any f*****g idea how our hair is gonna look come next month or come next 6 months. It might all be gone then and it surely gets a little thinner every week. That's why it's so psychologically consuming compared to being fully there.


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ghg said:
If it's gone it's gone. For you guys it's not about being worried about it, you're dwelling on it. If you've lost your hair at least you know where you're standing. Diffuse thinners who thin fast like me don't have any f****ing idea how our hair is gonna look come next month or come next 6 months. It might all be gone then and it surely gets a little thinner every week. That's why it's so psychologically consuming compared to being fully there.

This is true. But think about it this way. Losing it is what you are afraid of. It's your worse case scenario. Well some are already in the worse case scenario. Think about that and you will understand what SAF is talking about.

Think about it this way even though it's different. You have diffuse thinning that really bothers you. OK, you are stressed out and worried about it. You feel bad about it. You talk about it here. You have a guy with no thinning other than maybe 6 hairs telling you that you are being dumb and to get over it "like he did". How would you feel?


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ghg said:
If it's gone it's gone. For you guys it's not about being worried about it, you're dwelling on it. If you've lost your hair at least you know where you're standing. Diffuse thinners who thin fast like me don't have any f****ing idea how our hair is gonna look come next month or come next 6 months. It might all be gone then and it surely gets a little thinner every week. That's why it's so psychologically consuming compared to being fully there.

I could say that you guys who still have hair (even if you're losing it) should stop worrying and make the most of it.
Yes you have diffuse thinning, but what if it does'nt get much worse, what if 15 yrs from now its still pretty much the same?
And atleast you have more chance of keeping it with treatments. Guys like HP91 and UCman have hit the bottom of the hairloss scale maybe they're trying to accept it but just because they're now bald does'nt mean its easy to not care about it.


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What if what if. The mirror is a handy tool that tells me that it isn't staying the same but going worse all the time. Treatments? What treatments? I'm on the only treatment I can use and it isn't working.


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s.a.f said:
Yes you have diffuse thinning, but what if it does'nt get much worse, what if 15 yrs from now its still pretty much the same?

Thats very ignorant and small minded of you to resort to responses like that.

You know as well as I and the rest of this forum do that if you are struck with aggressive diffuse hair loss at a young age (in my case 20 years old) and its progressed so quickly over 2 years, that its not just going to stop. I dont use propecia because I dont want the side effects and rogaine foam can only do so much when you need to apply it to such a large area that is thinning very rapidly.

Anyway, I dont even know why I'm arguing with you. You and the rest of the "Misery Trio" have resigned yourselves to a lifetime of self pity and dwelling on the past. I just find your negative outlook on this hair loss situation we are all in, to be very disgusting and pathetic, which is why I called you out in the first place.

uncomfortable man

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Man, were just telling you our experiences and how we are affected by them. Guys like HP and SAF and myself are amongst a minority on this site (as we are off this site) but we have a genuine story to tell from this end that has a right to be heard. Before I found this site I was thinking about joining a bald guys support group. Like meeting in a school gymnasium or community center, sitting in chairs arranged in a big circle and b**ch about being bald once a week. LOL


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I think sometimes some of the posts are not really being addressed toward people with diffuse thinning or mild thinning. I read UC or HP posts and I realize these guys really got a bad hand. I am not going to bash them for complaining about it like some of the people on this forum do. I never knew this site was a pissing contest to see who has the most pitiful life due to balding. I think UC and HP just like to vent and get responses from people like me who try to support them without judging them. However, there is always going to be some high and mighty person who is going to tell UC and HP to get over it. Trust me, they can't. As far as SAF, he is very positive and does not deserve some of the bashing he gets. He gives good advice. Its just some people on here are so immature they cannot respect his thoughts or comments because they see things as black and white only. I like to have fun on here and kibitz with alot of people but I try my best to give some of these people support as that is why they come here. I admit some of my comments to some posters were immature but then again its never too late to change and grow up and realize all these guys want is a little compassion. If any of you saw me on the street or if I posted a picture of my hairloss I would be bashed and told I have no business to post here. However, even with small amounts of thinning, I still cannot get over it. So I am not going to expect people like UC and HP to get over it. However, I do not let it affect my career or my financial situation. I just hate seeing my hair slowing disappear little by little when I had more than most on here and yet with proven treatments I cannot even keep what I have. That is what bothers me the most. I lost more on treatments than before using any. That just does not make sense.


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These idiots have been telling many guys to get the f*** off this board just because their hairloss isn't as bad as theirs. Now I think that's stupid if anything. It hasn't been a one-off either, they've said the same things to many posters and especially Uman has done it in insultive style. Just because you're bald doesn't mean you have to be stupid too. And when talking about having dealt a bad hand I think I'd win... hairloss isn't nowhere near the biggest genetic problem I got.


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GHG, I agree you were dealt a bad hand too( no pun intended). However, you are lucky in the sense you are a decent looking guy with or without hair. You are in good shape as well. So you may have some defects but nobody is perfect. You have other decent features that make up for your flaws. Image a person who does not have even that. I think alot of the bitterness you hear from UC and HP are really just due to fact that they feel hair loss is a big curse on their lives. If that is what they believe, then that is what they will always see. Just like yourself, if you see yourself as a genetic freak, you will always see yourself as one. If you start to believe you are a decent looking guy, you will start to see yourself as a guy who is blessed. Its what you want to see or believe about yourself that will always be the most important thing in your life. If you attract negative people, you will see yourself having more negative thoughts but if you surround yourself with positive people who admire you regardless of your flaws, you will have positive thoughts. Its the laws of attraction and I believe they definitely hold true. I try to surround myself with positive people as much as I can. This forum is definitely not the best place for positive people but if there are some, then they are worth your time. I have been a victim of abuse for no reason in various points in my life and I now realize that those people who are so called bullies will eventually attract negative people in their life that will eventually tear their life down as well. I think maybe when UC starts to think negative thoughts about himself, he starts to hear them as well from the negative people he tends to attract with those thoughts. So when he tells us those stories about how people have treated him negatively, I believe him. That is why he always tends to get grouped together with HP and they have a sort of connection. Their negative issues have brought them together. Yet if you hear UC talk about his daughter who is a very positive child( since she has not been too corrupted by our society yet), he starts to feel good about himself as a good father and he seems to feel more happier about himself. His daughter bring out the positiveness in him. Don't let these people on here bring out your negativity. I have seen it happen many times. Its time to realize your are a great person, GHG . Now you need to just believe it yourself and life will be somewhat better for you.


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DoctorHouse said:
I think UC and HP just like to vent and get responses from people like me who try to support them without judging them.

Oh, dear Lord...the "venting" theory again....
You must separate venting from not being adult.
If you were to see your Dad getting drunk every night, would you say that he is venting or is just immature? ( did I wrote this sentence correctly?)

DoctorHouse said:
However, there is always going to be some high and mighty person who is going to tell UC and HP to get over it.

I guess that you are talking about ppl like me :whistle:

DoctorHouse said:
Trust me, they can't.

Now look at what you just wrote. Think about it....isn't that the most stupidest thing you ever said?
Is that how you define "support"?

DoctorHouse said:
As far as SAF, he is very positive and does not deserve some of the bashing he gets.

Yeah....SAF is cool.

DoctorHouse said:
He gives good advice.

Good advice...this is very relative. Good advice, for me, is always the constructive one. One that moves you you the hope. You know...doesn't support you to the commit the suicide.

DoctorHouse said:
Its just some people on here are so immature they cannot respect his thoughts or comments because they see things as black and white only.

lol...I would say that he is the one that sees things as black and white only. That's exactly the reason of his despair.

DoctorHouse said:
I like to have fun on here and kibitz with alot of people but I try my best to give some of these people support as that is why they come here.

So, how do you support ppl like UM, HP, IBM, SAF....?
I hate separating the these guys in "special group", since we are all the same->the people with problems.

DoctorHouse said:
If any of you saw me on the street or if I posted a picture of my hairloss I would be bashed and told I have no business to post here. However, even with small amounts of thinning, I still cannot get over it.

That tells a lot. How old are you?

DoctorHouse said:
However, I do not let it affect my career or my financial situation. I just hate seeing my hair slowing disappear little by little when I had more than most on here and yet with proven treatments I cannot even keep what I have. That is what bothers me the most. I lost more on treatments than before using any. That just does not make sense.

There is no way to control your life...and still people are dying to do just that. Here the problem expands beyond the individual's a huge subject.


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Ok I've had enough of this now.

Lets just agree that no matter what stage your hairloss is its all relevant to the individual.After all wether you're diffuse thinning, have a recceding hairline or are totally slick bald the only person who cares about your hair is YOU.
And of course you have the right to feel any way you want about it.

A few things to clear up though, firstly if Dario or Emex think that I'm a suicidal manic depressive they clearly dont know my story like some of the more longterm posters do.
Secondly I've never told anyone that they should'nt be on here just because their hairloss is not advanced, I've said that if it was myself I would'nt be on here with a small degree of hairloss, but I've never set a limit as too what constitutes a acceptable/unacceptable level.

Yes guys like GHG do have hairloss and have every right to be upset about it, but by his own admission he has yet to experience anyone making negative comments about it.

And also this section is called the impact of hairloss hairloss being a negative thing what do you expect people to do?
Read the description it says this is the place to vent your feelings on the subject (amongst other people who are also suffering.)
Lastly Myself, Hatprisoner, dudemon and Ucman are a minority on here we have reached the highest degrees of hairloss. We have been through the whole spectrum from the early stages where only we noticed it through to the noticible hairloss and onto the totally bald. We alone have experienced it all so we know what we're talking about this is why it gets frustrating when people who have'nt been in our shoes tell us how we should feel.

Anyway I've had enough of arguing the same points over and over.

Lets all just be sympathetic to each others situation no matter how much have we do or dont have. As I said before everyone has the right to be bothered about hairloss whatever their age or situation.


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