i completely agree in the sense that if you are in your 20's balding is HELL on earth. But at a certain age it is so accepted due to its common occurence after the age of 30... dude, im 23 and what gives me relief is knowing that after 25 people start seeing it alot more as a common thing which kind of neutralizes the playing field for majority of men. But definately, balding before 30 is rough but its not a death sentence, its more like you wont really have an active sex life until 28-30 lol. My own gf wants me to resolve my sexual sides (getting harder to maintain my full erection during sex on usually 1 out of 3 occassions) and get back on it lol so i know younger girls do want their men with hair, thats why i agree a woman in her prime wouldnt be too interested in seeking out bald men.