No One Believes I'm Balding


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Anyone else have this? Everyone I've talked to, including a doctor, doesn't believe I'm balding but rather I've gotten my maturity hairline. However, the doctor I got my prescription for Propecia from, never said, yes you're balding, he merely said, "Yea if you go on this and want to keep your hair, you'll be on it for life".

It's a mind f*** when no one believes you but you can see it.


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I know how you feel. I've asked family and friends and they all call me crazy and paranoid.

But I can feel and see the difference from before and now.


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Maturity hairline? I haven't seen a Doctor but I have no other indication of male pattern baldness except my hairline at the edges is receding.

So maybe thats my case as well.

Since i've started noticing a problem i've paid much closer attention to other mens' hairlines. What you notice is that it seems almost everyone over 25 or so has a higher hairline and somewhat receding temples. So I guess we just have to accept the fact that we can't keep the same hairline that we've had in the past.


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Yea it's a hard game to play because how do you tell where it's going to stop. It may stop receding and you have high temples for life or keep going. I like the peace of mind that Propecia has. I feel that at the least, I'll be able to hang on to the majority of it.

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Well look at it from the bright side. It's much better than having no problem convincing people that you're balding. But I do understand your problem, I had the same thing happen to me when people told me not to worry. So I started doubting my judgement and I hesitated to do something about it. I Hesitated too long. I don't need to convince people that I'm losing my hair anymore these days cause it's obvious.

If you think you have hairloss, don't doubt your judgement. There will always be those with imaginary hairloss. But I think that's a minority. Chances are that you will be the first to notice your hairloss, because you live with your hair every day so you're in the best position to notice any changes even when they are not noticable to others yet.


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Hey JayB, shed is still going on. This morning it was raining hairs in the bathroom. However, its comforting because despite the immense amount of hairs jumping ship in the shed, I have really thick hair so it doesn't look like I've taken a huge hit.


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you should keep it buzzed i thought you did., if you kept it buzzed you would more than likely not notice?


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i had the same 'problem' convincing people that i was losing my hair, they even ended up convincing me it was stress and just worrying... 4 months later (i.e. weeks of shedding for moi) they've got nothing to say


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Yea I originally buzzed it and liked the look but I've grown it out a little and still style it with a messy spiky up thing and it looks decent. I had crazy thick hair to start with so now it looks like normal hair. I know the difference but I'm not sure anyone else does.


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You do have some thinning in the front but at that point people would not think you were balding because your not past the Norwood 2 point yet. I'm in the same boat as you but my hairloss is on the sides of the temples. But your doing something about it, so you should be ok.

too bald too furious

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Checked out your photos. Are you sure you have male pattern baldness or you just going through a normal shed. You seem to be in your 30s. If thats the case your chances of reaching the glorious milestone of NW7 are very slim.


Everyone I've talked to, including a doctor, doesn't believe I'm balding

...and me! your hair looks fine, I would say on looking at those photos you do not have male pattern baldness.

Let's see what the Baldulatorâ„¢ has to say...




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Darkly, you have slight temple recession but only us male pattern baldness sufferers can tell. You are very blessed to have thick hair.


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You know how many people wish they could post topics complaining about the absolutely and terrifyingly distressful scenario of people not noticing their hairloss? I think the problem is that you've noticed a difference, so go to a doctor or a dermatologist and figure it out there. We can't help you convince your friends you're balding, and even if we could, they can't help you get it back.


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Deaner said:
You know how many people wish they could post topics complaining about the absolutely and terrifyingly distressful scenario of people not noticing their hairloss? I think the problem is that you've noticed a difference, so go to a doctor or a dermatologist and figure it out there. We can't help you convince your friends you're balding, and even if we could, they can't help you get it back.

I know it sounds petty and lame. The problem is the cognitive dissonance it creates. You feel like maybe you are crazy and making it up, then have a monumental low in esteem when you look at it the next day and think its awful. It's a strange situation. Sorry if it seems I'm complaining. I guess I was seeing if other people had this experience and how it made them feel.


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I have come to the conclusion that no camera can do thinning hair justice unless it is very significant thinning.

It just doesn't show up too well on film, even if it is somewhat noticable in person.

It's funny because if I showed pictures of my hair when it is dry, you guys would laugh at me and Tynan would be whipping out his Baldulator again. And yet, I regularly read and post at a hairloss forum.

This is because I'm not so much upset about how my hair is right now, but about how I know it is going to be in a few years. It's definitely quite a bit thinner than it used to be, and I'm only 18, after all.