No one is helping me.


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I'm so pissed off with the doctors. I have seen 10 different doctors about me loosing my hair, and asking them what I should do about it. They keep saying all nice and calm "you are NOT going bald". Why the hell are they lying?

My hair is thinning it is obvious, especially around the crown. I want to get on the meds, but now. Not one of them gives me advice, next time I go I feel like blackmailing them. "I'll kill myself, if you don't be honest and give me some medication". I'm 17, and trust me and this age it is terrible. To make things worse, my dad, uncle, grandad both mothers and fathers side went bald around 18. So it is a race against time.

What can I do, because I am constantly feeling sucidal. I have posted pics in the "Tell Your Story" section, although some may have been deleted. Someone PLEASE help.


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Seen your pics (wet with flash) and it looks ok to me. The Docs are right there is nothing to suggest that you are actually balding


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I'll have to take more somtime. But when I look through the mirror and then use another mirror to examine the crown area you can clearly see that the crown is bigger than an average sized crown. It has also started thinning all over now.

I also shed loads, I mean loads when it becomes greasy.


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I'm definitely not wrong, my hairdresser mentioned it to me once, but I could tell he tried avoided talking about it as he knew I was getting worried. He simply said "Your crowns thinning quite bit" and then I started getting worried. He wouldn't just say that.


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My camera is broke, sorry. I will have to use my phone which isn't as good (no flash).

I'll post pics tomorrow when I next have a shower.


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You're not balding. Posts like yours are frankly insulting to all of us NW2+'s. You need to see a shrink.


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I just had a look at your thread. I can't really see any evidence of balding. Your crown looks no thinner than a lot of people's, and your hairline isn't much different to a regular 17-year-old.

It sounds harsh, but I can see where your doctors are coming from. You're below the recommended age to start finasteride, and you have no definite evidence of hairloss. It thus presents a very risky strategy to give you the medication.

By all means keep an eye on the situation, and check up with the Doctor again if in 6 months things have changed. For now, though, I don't think you can blame them for their attitude.


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Natwraggie said:
I'm definitely not wrong, my hairdresser mentioned it to me once, but I could tell he tried avoided talking about it as he knew I was getting worried. He simply said "Your crowns thinning quite bit" and then I started getting worried. He wouldn't just say that.

Did your hairdresser try to sell or even just recommend any "thinning hair"/"hair loss" products?

somone uk

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i looked at your thread and it looked like you had mild telogen effluvium that can happen if you were sick or stressed at all, it's a completely temporary hairloss and the hair will grow back, most people get it, even thick NW1's with the most perfect hair genes can get a little Telogen Effluvium round the crown at times
i think though you might have a bit of body dysmorphia


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These pics obvious show my hair is thinning, especially around the crown.



It looks so much worse when I look at the crown area with a mirror....


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Are you for real or what?


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You don't show your hairline, but your crown is fine. Honestly, dude, there's nothing wrong with this. I'm one of the harshest guys on this site and I wouldn't hesitate to be brutal and say that you showed signs of crown thinning. But you don't.


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His hairline is on his 'story' thread its absolutley fine.


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s.a.f said:
His hairline is on his 'story' thread its absolutley fine.

Indeed, I saw that a while ago very briefly. He said things have got worse since then, but judging by these crown shots I'm very sceptical of that.

Nawt, I really, really think you don't need to be on saw palmetto - let alone propecia - right now. I know you think your hair is receding or has thinned, but there is a reason why all of us and your doctors disagree with that analysis, and it's not because we're all cold hearted arseholes.


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I do understand that many of you may feel offended with me complaining about thinning hair, and I know that many of you have it much worse.

I'm just constantly paranoid about this, I pull my hair (very lightly) and hair comes out. I don't why it comes out, probably due to anxiety and stess. It just worries me so much as all my male relatives have lost 25%-50% their hair in their early 20's.

I just have a question i would like somone to answer.

If you start loosing your hair at an early age does this indicate how agressive male pattern baldness is? And when I do notice more signs or hair loss, and jump on the medication will I be more likely to maintain and maybe regrow my hair? (keep on mind of my family hair loss history)


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Yes usually the younger you start loosing hair the higher the degree of hairloss you're headed for.
But there is nothing to suggest that you actually are, the 'swirl' of the crown varies highly amongst people. True your family genetics dont look good, but its nearly always at the front where you spot the first signs of hairloss the crown usually only comes into it afterwards.

How you react to treatments is anybodies guess, some people see good results but they are the lucky ones for most just halting it is all you can hope for. Some dont even get that much.


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So could someone with really agressive male pattern baldness respond really well to the treatments?