No one is helping me.


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Some people with aggressive balding start propecia at 18 and keep their hair until 30 or beyond. Others still lose their hair. For a few people it works great, but gives intolerable side effects. It can work wonders, but there's no guarantee.

It would be ludicrous for you to start on treatments now, because you have no hair loss. You might experience hair loss, based on your genetics, but if you were to take medication you may think it's working, when in fact it's completely unnecessary. You could lock yourself into a decade of antiandrogens which you don't even need.

Just leave it, chill out, check back on it in 6 months or a year and see if you have any loss then. Plenty of people have crown whorls like yours from age 12 to age 60, without any hair loss.


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ok, the people who post on this forum are probably world experts at spotting baldness. if these guys don't think you are balding you probably are not.

i agree i do see a "spot" on the top of your head. but do you have any pics this close from years ago? some people just have a large spot there - totally natural and not male pattern baldness.

even if you ARE losing hair it's WAY too early to start medications. since we all know finasteride doesn't last forever i think you should wait and start it later once the hair loss becomes obvious to more people than just yourself.

somone uk

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treeshrew said:
even if you ARE losing hair it's WAY too early to start medications. since we all know finasteride doesn't last forever i think you should wait and start it later once the hair loss becomes obvious to more people than just yourself.
no early intervention is key
finesteride cannot beat the male pattern baldness process but might save hair and stop it from losing more hair
the regrowth happens for the hairs that were recently lost but finasteride can only restore a finite amount of hair, once it has restored all the hair it can then just stops loss of hairs after

the data is a little misleading but the earlier you take it the better, if you delay treatment you regrow some (and only some) of the hair you most probably lost from delaying it


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Ok... I have been taking everyones comments on board, but you cannot tell me that I am NOT balding from these pics. My crown clearly shows that hair is thinning around that area.

I am only 17, so I just want advice on what I can do maintain... :(

I have been having a really itchy scalp recently (still using Nizoral)





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Natwraggie, I might be the most severe poster on this forum when it comes to detecting hair-loss, and I think your crown is fine. But you are the one that has to be the judge. You have had your hair for 18 years, so you should know how it feels and how dense it is when you touch it. For me, I know my crown is thinner than it was as a teenager, but it looks completely fine. From that angle, yours looks unaffected by male pattern baldness. Do you feel a change in density?

Your hairline looks good, but I am a little nervous about the sides and the corner. The general rounded shape of the corner of the hairline might mean male pattern baldness, but it's too early for anyone to really tell. I have seen it in people without hair-loss. You don't seem to have any miniaturization, but keep a close eye on it. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to start Propecia. Especially because male pattern baldness is all over your family tree.


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cuebald said:
You're not balding. Posts like yours are frankly insulting to all of us NW2+'s. You need to see a shrink.

Do you really think people should wait until they are an NW2+ before they do something about male pattern baldness? I think it is foolish to discourage posters from trying to catching their hair-loss earlier than you did.


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Going to have to say there may be some slight evidence of hair loss. There is no noticeable hair loss. Also, I have discovered most doctors don't know much about hair loss, even so called experts, especially when it comes to people in their late teens and early twenties. However, being a young hair loss victim myself (NW2 at 17, now Norwood 6 at 25)I recognize some of the signs of early hair loss. YOU MAY have some of these signs, then again you may not, hard to tell from pics alone.

At this point it is too early to tell, but, I will give you advice. Take pictures every month, or every 2 weeks if you want and keep a diary. When I say diary I mean a well organized photo diary with notes. After about 6 months throughly review your pictures and your progress. If nothing, continue photo diary. Revaluate every 3-6 months. If at some point there is definite photographic evidence of male pattern baldness, then go back to your Dermatologist and show him/her your evidence. Say you want to be on propecia to stop further loss, as the sooner you get on med's the better future prognosis is. Although, propecia did nothing for me.... not to be a bummer or anything.

Also, do not quit nizoral or minoxidil. I would also get on some internal stuff. In all retrospect I recommend follicare system at I used their system for 3 years during my early years (19-22) and had some success(improved hair quality and perhaps some thickening). It was only after 6 months of quitting it did I start seeing serious shedding. I may actually return to using it however at this point Im kinda fucked as a 25 Norwood 6(solid NW4 diffuse NW6). Anyway, in the set you get minoxidil, a topical spray which probably does nothing(except for maybe the caffeine in it), a really good shampoo that smells great, and a really good internal supplement that has saw pal, nettle root, pumpkin seed etc. Its is the best pre fab system on the market today that for the price of about 300 a year. I know it sounds like I'm trying to sell it to you, but if you think about its cost for a years supply, thats about the same as a good herbal supplement and minoxidil per month in addition to the topical spray and the better than salon quality shampoo.

Wow, it does really sound like Im trying to sell it to you. I don't have much credit on here, but you can check as I have posted there for 3 years now. Feel free to check out my posts too.

Either-way, no follicare or follicare, I still recommend the photo diary and the nizoral +minoxidil. Until you see some real documented evidence I would try to enjoy life and get some pussy while you still have a full head of hair. You need to try hard to get some *** now, when you lose more hair it becomes much harder (not impossible) to get quality ***. Add a bad hair transplant in to the picture and you'll be fucked like me!!! YEAHHH!!! NEVER EVER GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT, please promise me this. Us young hair loss suffers are plump and ripe for the raping of a scumbag who shows you a Medical degree.

Good luck. I hoped I helped some.


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@timbo Thanks for the advice, :)
And yes my hair actually feels a lot thinner around the crown area and at the age of just 15 I had comments telling me ‘you are going bald’ I have deleted some pictures from back when I was 16 but when I was younger and washed my hair it used to frizz so much and look extremely thick (even when using conditioner) I shed so much, my hair gets very greasy so quick.
I THINK the sides of my hair have always looked like that, although I am not sure.
I have also found out I have a SCAR at the back of my head, will that be on my medical records? Because I did go hospital to have it glued up.

@Innermind, thank you for that long piece of advice
Your spot on about keeping a diary, with me worrying so much about my hair I have never even thought of keeping a diary, so thanks for suggesting that :)
And I’m really sorry to hear you are a Norwood 6, but I hope you have found your way of coping with it. If I end up getting to that stage I would be devastated so I can kinda understand how hard it must feel for you. I am currently on nettle extract and saw palmetto, but it doesn’t feel like they’re doing a thing to help lol.
But thanks for the advice :)