What was that conversation like? You told your dermatologist you're jerking off furiously multiple times a day?
You didnt ask the derm if you could jerk him/her off did you? I dont think thats a good idea.
What was that conversation like? You told your dermatologist you're jerking off furiously multiple times a day?
Masturbation starts after puberty.
Hair loss starts after puberty.
Larry David, bald creator of Seinfeld,
was in a "contest" to see who could go longer without masturbating between him and his neighbor "Kramer". Larry wasn't bald at the time. The contest went on for months before Kramer caved and Larry won.
They may hope to god it might prevent them from going bald but with all certainty it isn't going to work. It's been tried, and measured.
p**rn is the problem.
Masturbation in-itself without p**rn is fine.
Masturbation starts after puberty.
Hair loss starts after puberty.
I'm not religious at all, but I know it helps. If I'm having a lot of sex and masturbating all the time, my hair falls out in clumps, no matter what treatments I'm using. If I'm not, then my hair loss stops even without treatment.
It's not a factor for everyone who is balding, but for me it was a huge factor. I wasn't fapping once a day though like most guys. When my hairloss started I literally did nothing but work, gym, sex, masturbate. It's all I did. It's the excess that is a problem and completely exhausts your adrenals.
When was it measured, and how? Don't just make things up, link to a study.
Didn't Larry cheat in the contest? And that doesn't really matter. There are many factors involved in balding. It may have not been a factor in his case, or it may be that he became sexual hyperactive later.
If you really want to test it I suggest edging for about a week all day, every day. I bet you that your hair shedding doubles.
Shedding is not indicative of hairloss. I'm bald and never once had "shedding". My hair just got thinner and weaker and stopped growing.
Too much masturbation = zinc deficiency
Ejaculatuin has nothing to do with hair loss. In fact you Will have wet dreams whether you know it or not if you don't.When you guys say you won't fap, are you going to abstain from sex as well, cuz you know the physiology is more or less the same... I think the issue comes from chronic masturbation, both psychologically and physiologically. If you ejaculate say once a week, or even every 3 days, I don't think it will really make a difference in the long run. The reality is, even if ejaculation contributed to increased hairloss, those who are predisposed to hairloss earlier in life, and a higher Norwood, you are just delaying or reducing hairloss that probably isn't all that noticeable.. at least at this stage in your hairloss.