Northman: 2 months in (38 years old)


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Re: Northman starts tracking (38 years old)

just a shed and i assure you you will have a great result.


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Just another quick comparison picture as I cut my hair back to the 1/4 inch just yesterday. At the left you see day 1 and at the right you see 9 weeks later. I did my best to make sure these were taken under the same lighting conditions and size. I believe I am starting to see a visible increase in density along the back half of my head. The horseshoe is much less apparent to me than it was at the beginning.

Additionally I have increasing numbers of sparse hairs popping up around my upper temple area. This continues to make me optimistic for good results. I have tried to show these here of my right temple in the second picture. I think you can see some of the hairs that are growing.


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Jumping the gun on my update a little bit but I wanted to show this most recent comparison picture. The picture on the left is at about 11.5 weeks a few days after an 1/8th inch cut, shorter than my usual 1/4 inch cut, but it has a few days growth from there. I'm really pleased with what I am seeing at just under 3 months of treatment. I think it is clear my hair is thickening up overall, even in the front area. It looks much less like an island now and more like a solid strip.

The angle is slightly different in the photos with the original picture showing my head tipped back slightly more revelaing more of my forehead.



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I can definately see improvement toward the front. I am nearing my three month mark of treatment and am not too sure of my progress because I've let my hair grow since starting. I'm tempted to buzz it short like it was before when I first started. Anyway, please keep us posted on your progress! Looking good.


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i bet that island of hair in the front will reconnect with the rest of the hair once it starts really kicking in


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Thanks for the encouragement! I feel good about where I am at this stage and that at only 3 months I should still see quite a bit more improvement. I'm already fighting the urge to grow it out some.


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Well, I'm just over 4 months into this process and I am continuing to see improvement in my hair. I still have not cut the top of my hair since the beginning of month three and am struggling with whether or not I will.

For about 2 years straight now I have been giving myself 1/8 to 1/4 inch haircuts every 2 weeks because that was about as long as I could tolerate it before the thin appearance drove me nuts. I'm now a month in without cutting the top.

My wife and I are both in agreement that my hair has already returned to approximately 2009 levels. I'm on vacation right now but will try to get some photos up in the next week. The crown thinning has been dramatically reduced and I continue to see reasonable improvement in the front as well. The only side effect that I can reasonably report at this stage is a decrease in the frequency of morning erections. I still get them, but not as often as before. My ability to maintain an erection, performance, and libido appear otherwise unaffected.

Plain and simple; my hair is growing back!


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That's awesome! I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. I myself am approaching my four month mark in another two weeks. Photos, please!


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Ok, this picture is a fresh 1/4 inch cut this morning taken in full sun.


- - - Updated - - -

Here is a comparison of the progress from day 1 to week 17. Same haircut and best attempt at same scale, lighting, and angle. Backwards as usual, I've put the most recent picture on the left.


...and the full series to date. Looking back, I'd say in the 8th week I was experiencing a shed as another posted suggested.



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Ok, I'm 22 weeks into this thing, just a touch over 5 months. Here is where I am at:

Week 22


Wk 1 to wk 22

Wk 1 to Wk 22 Series


I had started growing it again this month, but wasn't pleased yet with the density. I was a little disappointed until going back through and comparing to my earlier pictures. There is clear and evident improvement in my hair to the point I would almost start to call it a success story. I don't have the density I would love to have to grow my hair out more, but there is no denying my hair has improved.


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Looking good your week 22 pic is what my hair is like...well its similar but its looking good dude.


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This war you are fighting is long term. You are already doing great, keep it up and you should have better results as time goes by.


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I do keep in mind that I am no spring chicken! :). In all truth, much of the temple hair was the first to go over 15 years ago; so I'm really used to having the receding hairline look. However, poor density is poor density and thinner hair usually looks better shorter. I'm hoping I'll still get some thickening to make longer growth worthwhile.

I'm not really interested in topicals that give the appearance of more hair but would consider a FUE if I deemed I could afford it. I guess it depends on how far I'll let vanity take me! I posted a thread a while back that showed a transplant leaving some natural looking temple recession.

I'm not sure what range of grafts I'd likely need and I have real concern about not having a natural appearance.


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^That's what I plan on doing if and when I ever get a hair transplant. I'm currently an NW2 and I'd keep it that way (or NW2.5 if my hairline's recessed even more at that point), it's more natural looking and I can pack in more donor hair on the rest of my head. I could care less about having an an nw0/1 hairline. I'm astonished to see guys with full heads of hair who are NW1.5/2 who get hair transplants to make their hairline lower, such a waste of money.


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Ok, I haven't been checking in here much, but I did want to pop in to show my 6 month comparison. I've been expirementing with growing my hair out a little bit and this the result.


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wow that's a great result! Good on you..!


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Ok, I am now up to 7 months. I have made rather good progress with my hair.

- - - Updated - - -

Full top series to date:


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