Norwegian Terrorist, Does He Have a Point to Make


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I think we can all agree how crazy and fucked up Anders Behring Breivik's actions were in Norway. Recently, Breivik was denied a media appearance, which is unusual for the way Norway handles people in custody.

Anyway, what I'm wondering is this: Does Breivik have a valid point to make about the nature of European politics? His heinous acts aside, is the political discourse in Europe about multiculturalism so "politically correct," as he calls it, that it drowns out all difference of opinion? And does Breivik have any legitimate point to make about conservatives being branded as "racists" for sharing a different viewpoint regarding Muslims in government hiring and other government welfare programs?

I wish I had something to contribute, but I'm totally baffled by this.


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Multiculturalism is a failed policy in the UK and the only sort of people that will tell you otherwise are the ones that do not live in these segregated ghettos that it has created.


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If he had a valid point to make, he wouldn't have to murder innocent people.


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Whether or not he has a valid point, murdering innocent people isn't the way to present it to the public. What he has done is to alienate any/most potential followers.

Besides that, I agree with oni. Maybe, at the end of the day, the people talking about assimilation aren't that wrong.


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oni said:
Multiculturalism is a failed policy in the UK and the only sort of people that will tell you otherwise are the ones that do not live in these segregated ghettos that it has created.



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s.a.f said:
oni said:
Multiculturalism is a failed policy in the UK and the only sort of people that will tell you otherwise are the ones that do not live in these segregated ghettos that it has created.


Can you guys elaborate on that a lil more?


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Multiculturalism is seen to have failed in the UK due to the fact that in general different cultures don't really mix well and keep to their own.

The Prime Minister gave a speech where he stated it had failed, and led to the radicalisation of young muslims. The idea of Multiculturalism is that different ethnic groups feel they want to belong. All David Cameron's words, although he used the phrase 'state multiculturlism' - Always doomed to failure in my mind. You can't make people born elsewhere forget their norms and values and just take up another countries.

IMO The Norwegian guy has no valid point to make, he's just a deluded sad case who murdered 73 young people in cold blood.


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Mass immigration has failed to bring any benifits and only served to cause more problems. The only people to benifit are company bosses who have been able to exploit the cheap labour. But this does nothing at all to encourage native Brits to work. Furthermore the pittance that the immigrants pay in taxes goes nowhere to actually pay for the huge cost of keeping them here.
And as has been mentioned above there is a definate failure to integrate since the sheer numbers mean that immigrants are not forced to integrate instead they form ghettos in the cheaper parts of towns and cities.


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Multiculturalism is one of the things that makes America great.


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Nene said:
Multiculturalism is one of the things that makes America great.

Yes but you have a common pride, in all being American!

But still "Birds of a feather flock together".

In the UK the left wing liberal elite have pretty much taken any pride away from being a white English person. It is pretty much like being a borderline racist from birth.................................


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To the Brits: What's the definition of Englishness or Britishness? I thought you were a mixture of Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, etc. Then there is the Protestant and Catholic divide as well.

Did those different cultures always live side by side in peace? Even without the Muslims, you are already a multicultural society.


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They prefer to live in a homogenous society. I'm born and raised in NYC and meeting different people from different countries with different ethnicities, experiencing different cuisines and cultures, is one of the most rewarding parts of living in that area. There is always some lashback when immigrants begin coming to a country.


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Nene said:
They prefer to live in a homogenous society. I'm born and raised in NYC and meeting different people from different countries with different ethnicities, experiencing different cuisines and cultures, is one of the most rewarding parts of living in that area..

Well, thats good of you but not everyone feels that way including people who are immigrants. Some immigrants want natives to bend to their ideals.Thats wrong and is a huge problem in some countries. If I move to Edinburgh I am sure as hell not going to force people to start accepting Dallas laws and lifestyles. You go to another country and you need to behave and respect the culture you moved to. You need to learn the language and respect the way they go about things. Now of course they need to respect you as well but hospitality doesn't stretch as far both ways.

What if I literally walked into your home and started going through all your belongings? Demanded you observe prayer times, certain foods...made your female family members dress a certain way..throw away all your p**rn and music that had bad language etc...


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monty1978 said:
I am falling in love with this guy!


Is there real problem here multiculturalism or religious fundamentalism?


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cassin said:
Nene said:
They prefer to live in a homogenous society. I'm born and raised in NYC and meeting different people from different countries with different ethnicities, experiencing different cuisines and cultures, is one of the most rewarding parts of living in that area..

Well, thats good of you but not everyone feels that way including people who are immigrants. Some immigrants want natives to bend to their ideals.Thats wrong and is a huge problem in some countries. If I move to Edinburgh I am sure as hell not going to force people to start accepting Dallas laws and lifestyles. You go to another country and you need to behave and respect the culture you moved to. You need to learn the language and respect the way they go about things. Now of course they need to respect you as well but hospitality doesn't stretch as far both ways.

What if I literally walked into your home and started going through all your belongings? Demanded you observe prayer times, certain foods...made your female family members dress a certain way..throw away all your p**rn and music that had bad language etc...

I'm not advocating that immigrants be allowed to move to a new country and impose their own laws and traditions on their new country. An immigrant should know that she is in a new country and will have to respect it's laws and customs, she should make a good faith effort to learn the language and culture of her new home. However, is that even happening? I'm not sure about England, but I know that in the US, immigrants cannot simply come here and impose their own rules.

I suspect part of what is happening here is xenophobia; I think the English are not as used to multiculturalsim as we are here in the US. Even when the Italians and Irish first came here, there was a lot of resentment. It takes time for a new group to be accepted and there hasn't been much time for England to adjust.

I also think what we have here is religious conflict, not so much ethnic or cultural conflict. For example, Indians have been in England for a while, but, and correct if I'm wrong, Pakistanis immigrants seem to be causing more problems and resentment. These are essentially the same people ethnically; they are both from the sub continent. However, Paki's are muslim. Obviously there are a lot of nutty muslims, as there are christians, so I think religion is really underlying a lot of this.

My last point, I think in America, we don't have half as much of a right to complain about immigrants as the English do. If you're in America, unless you are a Native American, you or your not too distant ancestors are immigrants. Therefore, what right do you have to be resentful toward people who are trying to do the same thing you or you're ancestors did? In contrast, in England, the Anglo Saxons are the Natives and have been for 100s if not 1000s of years.

somone uk

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virtuality said:
To the Brits: What's the definition of Englishness or Britishness? I thought you were a mixture of Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, etc. Then there is the Protestant and Catholic divide as well.

Did those different cultures always live side by side in peace? Even without the Muslims, you are already a multicultural society.
apart from i would say the Scottish have their own culture but England has been invaded so much then set up a vast empire of importing good ideas and evaluating them objectively that really doesn't give England a chance to develop it's own culture, it's not at all a bad thing i can imagine the English today are more concerned about keeping their traditions then they were 500 years ago

the only problem we have is religious fundamentalism but from i have seen even though islam is a strict faith i find many people, especially the young adults becoming resistant and even defiant of their childhood indoctrination

maybe if we threw faith schools out of the window we might have better racial integration

Lloyd Braun

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I will assume this topic is okay to respond to since it has been around for a while.

Multiculturalism has certainly not succeeded in most areas of Europe. A sizable number of Arab immigrants in Europe live segregated from mainstream society. This is a recipe for radicalization. Even those that are well educated and native to a European country can become radicalized (Anjem Choudary from the UK is one example--he is paid about $50,000 a year by the UK government because he doesn't work. He spends his days burning American and British flags and denouncing western values with his cadre of thugs).

We have millions of Arabs here in America but we don't have a an issue because different cultures and religions integrate very well in America. Most Arabs in America are actually, in my opinion, good Americans. There are a few bad apples here (as in any group) but, for the most part they are upstanding members of American society. I have an uncle who immigrated from Egypt, for example, and he is a doctor--a damn good doctor. This country is better with him than without him.

Europe has many good Arab citizens too but the dynamic of the social situation is entirely different. European countries only recently adopted this multiculturalism attitude whereas the U.S. has never really had an ethnic identity associated with it.


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No one's mentioned the role this guys increasing Norwood score had on his actions. He was angry about something.

Now seriously, most nations go through some difficulties with new immigrants. Each new group is considered oil to the host country's water. In time, things level out. No need to go killing people.


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I suspect part of what is happening here is xenophobia; I think the English are not as used to multiculturalsim as we are here in the US. Even when the Italians and Irish first came here, there was a lot of resentment. It takes time for a new group to be accepted and there hasn't been much time for England to adjust.


When was the last time you was in the UK?

Please come to London.............................. :whistle:

The problem is really caused by left wing middle class white guilt!

Lots of these people hold very cushy jobs in local authority and have great fun holding meetings and stuffing their faces on expensive lunches, whilst discussing how best to, for want of a better word, wank tax payers money up the wall.

These unelected officials are the main foot soldiers of the loony left wing think tanks.

God forbid the proles wake up and see what a mess they have made............... keep the proles on the back foot with mass immigration, celebrity tripe, lack of housing............................and so on!